Super Bowl a rematch of one of the great deciders

By crip / Roar Pro

If you like rugby league or union and don’t like or don’t know about American football, then you are denying yourself one of life’s great pleasures.

The best thing about being an NFL fan in the southern hemisphere is footy is on Mondays.

It turns the crappiest day of the week into one of the best. You can listen live on a smartphone, which is awesome since Cricket is down the gurgler for me. I mean, Twenty20 – If I don’t like seven-minute ads, I’m not going to fall for six-minute abs.

Superbowl 42, back in 2008, was one of my favourite sporting moments. Normally I take the day off for the Superbowl, but for some reason I had to work that day. I work in construction, and it just so happened that the rain set in, and I was sent home. Yeah, baby!

My old man and I watched the New England Patriots play the New York Giants in their regular season game just before Christmas that year, and it was a rip-snorter. Played in something like minus 20 degrees, The Patriots won and finished the season unbeaten after 16 games. They were heavily favoured to win the title game.

Fast forward to the Super Bowl, and the Patriots were up 14 to 10, with 1:15 left until full time. The Giants had the ball on third down and five on their own 44-yard line. The New York quarterback Eli Manning had one last throw of the dice to keep possession and stay in the game.

Here is what happened.

The next couple of plays are awesome too.

An interesting fact about Eli Manning Manning is that his brother Peyton Manning was the Superbowl-winning quarter back with the Indianapolis Colts the year before. Their old man Archie Manning was an NFL quarterback for the Saints.

ESPN’s Tony Kornheiser said about Eli Manning “He’s only the third best quarterback in his family.”

Check out some more information about Eli Manning and his miracle play in the Superbowl. And check out the rematch, as the same two teams face off this year.

The Crowd Says:




Roar Pro

Awesome tip simonjzw. I do the same thing. Love technology.




Roar Pro

I whole heartedly agree about T20. Here is a brilliant idea - 10 over cricket! I've never watched a game. Digging up retired players, wacking them in pastel coloured uniforms and giving them stupid team names isn't going to convince me to watch. Get it together cricket because I'm slowly being seduced by baseball. But thats all for another article.




Roar Pro

I was going to ask the same thing.




"ESPN’s Tony Kornheiser said about Eli Manning “He’s only the third best quarterback in his family.”" I think we can now safely say that he's number 2. Some have suggested that he could go to number 1, however I don't agree. His brother was too good, too dominant, for far too long, to be overtaken by Eli.




Really though, the Pats are lucky to be in it. It took a solid 5 minutes of open mouthed disbelief before I could even accept Cundiff had missed.


Reece Jordan

Roar Pro

The Superbowl makes the first Monday back at school even that more crushing, because I won't be able to watch it. But at least I can record it and come 5:30 when I get home, I'm flicking it on straight away. Go Giants!




God the NFL season is gone within a blink of the eye.


The Special One


4 years ago I watched the Superbowl thinking my goodness this sport is boring. Fast forward 4 years and Im now a really big fan of the sport and the Giants. The ability to watch games on One has opened up a whole new dimension to the game that I never appreciated watching one-off superbowls.



Roar Pro

A great Superbowl moment. . . In fact a great sporting moment full stop. Its been another fantastic NFL season and how happy am I with the amount of coverage in Australia this year?! The NFL is my perfect summer footy fix. This Superbowl has a lot of Deja Vu around it - not just with 2008 because the Giants remind me a lot of last year's Packers' Superbowl run. I've done all my usual analysis and I can't split them in probability. Should be a great game, can't wait! Tip for those of you annoyed with the adds (if you have access to a hard drive recording system like foxtel IQ or a digital set top box) start watching the game 20 minutes late and fast forward the adds - catches you up in about a half of football. Get the beers and the pies ready now!




Oh jesus, I sincerely hope you are trolling. Here's a start - if you don't think NFL players don't have to run through a brick wall of defenders, I suggest you look up what a running back does... As for the Superbowl, I'm hoping for an offensive shootout, as these are both very, very accomplished offences, with both having quite average pass defences. However, I have a sneaking suspicion it could turn into a torrid affair reminiscent of the last Superbowl between these two sides - not going off anything, just a gut feeling. As for the result, I am hoping for the G Men to defeat the evil empire that is the Patriots.


Yahweh Yahya


Tim, I'm glad that you thought to comment. I respect you. I really do. No, I really do. Seriously.


B.A Sports

Where is your pub?




Lets go giants!! Eli manning is so much fun to watch, he has so much brilliance in him. the 2008 superbowl was one of the most spectaclar finals i have ever seen in any sport. I love the idea of football on mondays. i wish AFL would take that up and have mid week games, gives me something to do! on a side note, i like the little jab about cricket (T20) i used to be the biggest cricket fan when ODIs were prominent. now i cant stand watching cricket. T20 has killed it for a purist like me...




That's a "great play"? He basically shrugged a couple of shirt pulls and threw the ball forward in hope, big deal. I'll stick with league and union thanks where you actually have to run through a brick wall of defenders to effectively advance the ball rather than cowardly throwing it over the top in the hope that one of your team mates will take an afl style mark. The tank battalion amount of armour coupled with the lycra tights doesn't particularly convey toughness either.


Phil Coorey

Roar Pro

"and then there’s new england who knocked us off in our only superbowl appearance." 1980 says hi




I love the nfl and the super bowl is going to be a great rematch to what was a great story 4 years ago and could even be a bigger story this year. will brady and bill belichick get redemption and become even greater or will eli become more than just peytons younger brother. But as a philadelphia eagles fan im gutted that the freaking giants stumbled their way into the playoffs only to become hot at the right time to make the superbowl, and then there's new england who knocked us off in our only superbowl appearance. As an nfl fan im excited but i really dont give two hoots who wins


Chris Chard


Ha ha the Bubblegum helmet clip, always a fav! It's hard to beat a Monday spent watching the Super Bowl inbetween feeding your face with Buffalo wings and 64 types of American cheese before washing it down with a couple of cold Dr Peppers. Game will be a tight torrid affair no doubt and I'll be jumping on the Pats bandwagon all because of Rob Gronkowski, he's a gun. And either a little slow...or very very funny Let's play some football!


Phil Coorey

Roar Pro

We have a HUGE Superbowl party at my pub, this year will be no different. Buffalo Wings, Dr Pepper Ribs, Duff Beer and Pancakes on arrival are just the beginning. I'm still getting over Monday's game and will probably look closer at the game later this week. "If you like rugby league or union and don’t like or don’t know about American football, then you are denying yourself one of life’s great pleasures." So freaking true!!!


B.A Sports

C'mon Pats. Superbowl Monday is always a day off for me. I block it in my calendar nice and early so that no one can book me in for meetings at work! I'm a big Boston sports fan, so will have all my supporter gear on and be hoping the boys can do it for the Kraft family. I'm also ging to put a sneaky few bucks on Ocho for first TD scorer. Superbowls have a history of out of the ordinary plays. he only scored one TD all year, it will be his first game since his father past away.... no one will be expecting it, in the dome in Indiana, Brady will air it out nice and deep, nice and early and booya touch down! I'm just sayng people, watch out for it... ;)


Big Steve


That was an amazing play. I still think Manning staying on his feet and keeping the play alive was more impressive than the helment catch. he was getting monstered in there. As a patriots fan (second after the vikings) it's more than dissapointing but as a sports fan you have to respect and applaud the magic moments that turn a game and people rember for years later. Giants look ominous this year but hopefully the Patriots can get even this year.

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