Manly more than up for the Leeds Challenge

By Ghost Crayfish / Roar Pro

Earlier this week, my heart skipped a beat as I read on The Roar that Channel Nine, through their digital channel Gem, have made the late decision to televise this weekend’s World Club Challenge match live.

First of all, I was thrilled that such an exciting game was so close at hand. Secondly, I was thrilled Channel Nine were showing the contest the respect it deserved.

However, once my heart recommenced beating as normal, it occurred to me that the World Club Challenge has always been shown live on Channel Nine.

Looked at in this light, the apparently “late” decision to show the match on Gem was not a positive step for the network, but a negative one. In essence, the match has actually been demoted in the pecking order.

However, it’s only those without digital televisions, or those in non-digital regions, who suffer from this.

I don’t fall in either camp, so why fret? On to the game!

I love the World Club Challenge.

I love watching rugby league from England in general, whether it’s the annual WCC clash, international rugby league or, when the whims of Channel Nine allow, Super League.

I love the cute naivety of the commentators, who start demanding that the English “scrum half” take the “one pointer” from about the fifteenth minute of the game, then clearly start panicking as soon as the English team falls behind.

I love how utterly forlorn they grow as the game winds down and defeat becomes inevitable. Furthermore, I love the English crowds – the singing and dancing and jumping up and down.

I’ve seen Super League live (at Wigan’s fantastic stadium) and the atmosphere is something else. Happily, unlike when, say, South Sydney play Canterbury at ANZ Stadium, this atmosphere is captured by the television coverage as a means to truly spark the soul.

I find a certain romance in watching rugby league from England, the romance that comes from sweet nostalgia.

As a child, waking up in the middle of the night to watch the ’94 Kangaroo Tour and the ’95 World Cup with my father was an absolute joy. International competition, at whatever level, captures the imagination in a way domestic competition never really can.

Another reason for my love of the WCC is the opportunity it provides to run the eye over the best of English talent. Outside the harsh spotlight of the Test arena, where they almost always choke, these contests showcase the wonderful talent England can produce.

This current Leeds line-up is a case in point: their revered big guns, Danny McGuire, Rob Burrow and Kevin Sinfield, have all had international careers ranging somewhere between poor and mediocre.

For this there are many reasons which I won’t go into now, but I’d wager the reason lowest down on the relevancy scale is actual ability. These guys can all play the game.

Similarly, these matches showcase some of the most exciting young English talent before they are crushed by Test failure.

Last year it was thrilling to watch Sam Tomkins trouble St George-Illawarra with every touch of the ball, while this year the contest between gifted youngster Kallum Watkins and Manly brute Steve Matai should be stunning.

If Watkins can hold his own here – as I expect he will – England can add another potential superstar to their growing backline collection.

For all my raving about the quality in the Leeds line-up though it should be clear that Manly go into this contest as deserved favourites. The notable things about the Manly players, aside from how detestable they are, is their toughness, commitment, professionalism and talent.

Brett Stewart is as classy a fullback as you’ll see, Matai as brutal a centre as there is, Watmough as hard a Neanderthal to tackle as I’ve ever seen, Foran the most gifted young five-eighth the game has and Williams as scary a freak as any non mad-scientist is ever likely to come across.

They’ll have to seriously hate the cold for Leeds to beat them. Their forward pack seems too big, particularly for the lightweight Leeds outfit (Jamie Peacock and to a far lesser extent, Ryan Bailey aside, who from Leeds can stand up to them?).

Also their outside backs are too experienced for the raw Leeds lot (as gifted as Hardaker, Watkins, Hall and Jones-Bishop are).

It pains me terribly to say it, but I think Manly will soon be officially crowned the best rugby league club side in the world. As much as I’m looking forward to the game, I am not looking forward to that!

Come on Leeds! Take the one pointer! Try the little chip! It’s T-R-Y time!

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

Sorry heres what I meant to write.. Disagree GC, the WCC should be played 2 weeks after the GF. Then 2 weeks after that the 4 nations should begin. Whatever country the 4 Nations is held in, that is where the WCC should be played. You would have known that the 2011NRL GF was played on the 2nd of October, while the 4 Nations began on the 28th of October. That is 4 weeks after the GF!!!! No way will it interfere with Test footy!! As for the WCC, the 4 games should be played on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 2nd place played on Friday, 3rd and 4th place on Saturday (double header) and 1st place on Sunday. No interfering with anything, just more international club footy, 2 weeks before the Tests begin. It would also mean teams would not have to fly halfway around the world in the wrong season to play in a match with no match fitness or developed new combinations with the new players in the team, the same GF teams would actually play as players would not have moved on to other clubs or retired as yet, so its actually a real test between the best teams in the world and also the premiers will have a longer pre-season without all the travel. 2 weeks is enough for the Test teams to develop combinations, set plays, etc. Look at Origin, they only get 1.5 weeks to develop theirs. Too many benefits imo not to expand the WCC and move it to 2 weeks after the NRL GF.



Roar Rookie

Disagree GC, the WCC should be played 2 weeks after the GF. Then 2 weeks after that the 4 nations should begin. Whatever country the 4 Nations is held in, that is where the WCC should be played. You would have known that the 2011NRL GF was played on the 2nd of October, while the 4 Nations began on the 28th of October. That is 4 weeks after the GF!!!! No way will it interfere with Test footy!! As for the WCC the 4 games should be played on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 2nd place played on Friday, 3rd and 4th place on Saturday (double header) and 1st place on Sunday. No interfering with anything, just more international club footy, 2 weeks before the Tests begin.



Ghost Crayfish

Roar Pro

I think the only way an expanded WCC would be allowed to take place is if it happened at the expense of Test football. I see the merits in an expanded WCC, but think Test football should take precedence. It's also not a bad thing to have it as a one-off involving the two premiers. For the concept to keep growing I think the game has to be taken to Australia. As it currently stands, when English teams win it is too often blamed on the weather, the fact their season has already started etc. An English team coming here and winning would kill off a lot of that talk and certainly help the credibility of the concept. I know the English teams are keen (Warrington spent a portion of their pre-season here anyway, playing and beating South Sydney before they went home) to come down, the NRL just has to be more accomodating.




Great venue, great atmosphere, huge effort by Leeds.



Roar Rookie

So an extra 3 games is too many? The more RL games the better. A one off game every year does not generate enough interest, esp as it is played in England. If it was to remain just a one off game in England that is played before our season, I would rather have it scrapped. God's country... mate you obviously have never been there!!!!!



Roar Pro

Was that a great atmosphere or What? Leeds stadium was pumping.




You have 4 nations and a world cup every year, so having a one off game to provide the best team is all you need. I love the idea. I love the game, it seems high quality to me and every team wants to win. I thought Leeds had to rise above it, and they did to win. Plus going to the north of England is also reward, god's country. Daley Evans, George Rose, Tony Williams would have loved it, Yorkshire is stunning.



Ghost Crayfish

Roar Pro

The great thing about this result is unlike previous seasons (when the Super League champions only ever really had one or two rivals in their comp), Leeds are not necessarily the lone standout Super League club. A great club and great winning culture is obviously there, but fair arguments could be made that the likes of Wigan, St Helens, Warrington and Les Catalans are all their match. The likes of Huddersfield and Hull FC are also close behind. Their comp is clearly improving and the young stars are clearly coming through. Great times for the game, particularly given the growing potential of a genuinely strong England side for the 2013 World Cup.




Just watched the Rugby League promotion ad on Fox sports, noiw that is what i am talking about, brings a tear to your eyes. Now we are talking, a new era. Pump your chest.



Roar Rookie

If you loved it so much, then imagine that game x 4! If you leave it where it is nothing will happen with the concept, it has been played every season since 2000, it should have gained 'traction' by now. Time for a revamp fella.



Roar Guru

Enjoyed the good standard game,the crowds,the atmosphere.Most importantly Manly on the receiving end of a beating. One thing about the pommy crowds they are into it from kick off.The teams love to throw the ball around . Yeah I LOL when Ablett scored a try,from a kick nonethless.Well scripted. Love the Leeds ,Wigan,and Hull grounds,the crowds are warm and friendly IME. The pies are also OK.Artie used to like them ,so that is a recommendation.




Yewonk, i have a soft spot for Leeds. And Cooky was from just down the road. :)




I honestly dont think it needs to be expanded, i like it the way it is, i like the fact we see this game, one off, the fact it is a world championship bout, the best against the best, keep it, dont mess with it, slowly it will gain traction. Itnis gaining traction now, i loved every minute of this game, it was brutal, poetic, fast, hard, it was everything you could wish for, why try to change that.




I was cheering for Leeds, and i have to say the better team won. Quality game, backs against the wall, what more can you ask for, was how Origin was born. I really enjoyed it, watching the replay shortly.




Yes, and their are guys in rugby league who are taking the game to, what might i say, the highest level. 2 guys who are the best i have seen are Josh Dugan and Sam Tomkins, brilliant both of them. Mind you their are others who are taking the game to a new level, but as for naturally gifted, these 2 are freaks. This game is so hard, so tough, you only have to look at Peacock, a six and half foot monster, and his side kick, Burrow, a 2 foot leprhecorn. Fantastic.




It had no ads Dan, it was beautiful. Just like Fox pay tv, a ad free world, i quietly enjoyed it. Mind you that ad free world on pay/tv is getting very thin edged. I sat through about 50 ads the other night watching a program and said to the MRS, is it just me or is this pay tv worse than free to air. ???????




go the rhinos, awesome crowd atmosphere, manly are thugs and no one likes them.



Roar Rookie

If the WCC is expanded, which hopefully it does, to the four best teams from each competition every year, I believe that the English clubs will be more than capable of matching it with our Aussie teams. The positive thing that should come out of this is that the English national team will benefit immensely, as the myth that Aussie and Kiwi players are far superior will finally be busted. The International game can only get stronger from an expanded WCC as all the top quality English players are in top sides - Leeds, St Helens, Warrington, and Wigan. When these teams prove to themselves that they can compete and win against our best teams, the confidence this will install in their top players will be huge! Hopefully they bring it to the English side and the results of International footy will no longer be a given!


Tom Callaghan


Defeat becomes inevitable? It does seem to be inevitable when Australian competitors come up against Britons, doesn't it. Meares and McCollough lose to Pendleton and Varnish at the World cycling cup;Australia's women's pursuit team have their world record smashed by the GB team and Hoy, Kenney, and Edgar oust Australia's sprint cycling team. AND THE NOT-SO-MANLY-sea eagles lose to Leeds in Rugby League. Doesn't it seem like Ashes 2010/2011 all over again?



Ghost Crayfish

Roar Pro

That guy was Gary, though I'm reluctant to admit I know anything about Aussie Rules...Well played Leeds, so happy to have been wrong! About the result anyway, not about Kallum Watkins. That guy is all class, as is Ryan Hall. Put those two with Tomkins, Widdop and Reed and the Poms are building a backline to get a bit giddy about!

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