WIZ: Origin 2? State versus State, Mate belting Mate

By Gary Freeman / Expert

State of Origin was a very emotional night for the Wizard. And not necessarily for the reasons one might expect. Needless to say, I enjoyed the spectacle and the whole experience of being at the ground immensely.

And what a game it was.

I think it’s the toughest Origin match I’ve seen: players were dropping like flies, Ricky Stuart rode every play through the expressions on his face, and a massive crowd willed the Blues to hang in there and repel those mighty Maroons.

And they did. I loved it.

From the opening whistle, when the youngster Grant, on debut, ran straight at his former teammate – and idol – Petro, and sat the big fella on his backside, the scene was set for how the game was going to be played out.

Everyone gave 100%.

Queensland kept fighting all the way through, and the emotion from the fans and the players – not to mention coach Stuart – was palpable.

It was just a very special night all round.

Thankfully, there were no major refereeing blunders to steal the headlines this time, which meant that the players and the game got the post-match pats on the backs they deserved.

And there were some magical plays to look back on, too.

Darius Boyd did something special when he knocked the ball back for Inglis – you don’t see that every week – Robbie Farrah tackled like a man possessed, and Greg Bird was magnificent, again.

And how about the spectacle of seeing Ricky Stuart camped on the sideline for the entire match. I thought that was amazing. What’s more, he was standing up the whole time.

I was exhausted watching the game and I was sitting down. It made for good TV, that’s for sure.

Obviously the Cronk binning was the turning point. But Origin is all about those key moments. And somehow the players kept the intensity up for the full 80 minutes.

Gary ‘Wiz’ Freeman is one of the great halfbacks in New Zealand rugby league history. Now an outspoken and popular media personality, he joins The Roar as an expert rugby league columnist.

Bring on Game 3! It’s sure to be one for the ages.

The Crowd Says:


Meesta Cool


I had a thought that the Q/land supporters should all wear maroon undies... I deleted the rest of the idea coz I don't think Tristan would have liked it.. lol


Worlds biggest


How so Kim ?


steve b

Roar Guru

oikee Well game three should be interesting ,,maybe we need bodyguards ,,ooo scary !!


Kim Hart


Oh my goodness you Blues fans are seriously a pack of sooks. You need the wahmubulance - www.thewambulance.com


Kim Hart


Can't spell - can't insult.




I will tell you what it would look like, a whole can of maroon whoopass, thats what. :) No more of this fairy wands and magic sticks, lets open the can of whoopass. I like the sound of this better than , we are humble, we are not smug, snigger,snigger. Lets just do it Nikey, just tell them the way it is, we dont like you, we want to rub your snotty noses in it, let's just tell ya like it is, we are going to rain some pain down on ya mugs. Blue wall my asssss, here have some maroon pain and suffering. I think we need to get the America speakers to motivate our boys, this cuddling and mollycoddling is for sissies and bluebags.


Worlds biggest


Last time choppy was on the sideline was at Suncorp in 05 after the Bowen intercept sealed the win. Choppy was most gracious in victory showing the bird to Gus and co !




No major refereeing blunders What game were you watching


steve b

Roar Guru

So what would 52 thousand QLDers wearing maroon wigs look like,,,a humongus bunch of girls !!!


Hearty Qld'er


absolutely 100% agree oikee. Let's cut lose, have and have a crack. Blue wigs are for girls.




P.S, Hey Gary, i dont know if you talk to Mal or see anyone who might have a word to him, maybe Mark Coyne, i am serious about him coming onto the sideline. I have seen Daley, Stuart and of couse Gus himself, i think it would be great to see big Mal finally on the sidelines. With maybe a few other guys like Mark Coyne and maybe Choppy and co. On top of all that, this not being smug caper, trying to be humble. You know what, Bullocks to all that, lets be smug, lets rip into NSW (i dont know who you go for) but who cares, i think Queensland should turn up with 52 thousand Maroon crusaders wigs, lets smash that lousy 12 thousand odd blue record they set last night, and also have those little pull out blues try banners they hold up, but the Queensland ones should read, "The Magnificent Seven". I think it is time we started to be smug, being Mr Nice Guy does not pay off in this world. Look at the beating we copped. I also think Ricky got one over Mal by having the refs meeting. I am sure that Ricky asked the video ref not to replay any injuries at the play the ball area , and also to not show to many replays from dodgy ref calls. Is why they never dwelled on the Jennings punched out ball from Tate. Anyhow, it is time Queenslanders got smug, lets stop being humble. The weak will inherit the earth, well untill we do, in the meantime, let's cut loose a whole can of whoopass. :) Cheers. You going to that Tigers reunion with Ellery, what a great man he is, seen him last night on the footy show. Real role model.




Yes it was very exhausting Gary. I was buggered, no really. Origin is so intense. Surely Ricky wont be on the sideline for game 3. ? Maybe big Mal should turn the tables, would that not make great theatre, or better still, how about both of them like 2 caged animals on the sidelines, walking up and down like a pair of panthers stalking. Mate i am waering myself out just thinking about things. Great game.




Having a whinge Dingo"








I just wish the Queenslanders would stop all the constant whingeing because they lost the game. Next thing you know Mal Meninga will be engaging an independent auditor to highlight all of the refereeing mistakes in the game so it can be highlighted in the newspapers.

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