A Wallaby grand slam? Don't make me laugh

By The Crowd / Roar Guru

A little while back, the idea the Wallabies could pull off a grand slam on their coming spring tour would have met with gusts of merriment.

But after they held the All Blacks tryless in Brisbane, the laughter was a little more restrained. Maybe, many people felt, 80 minutes of iron defence, coupled with guts and determination, could also work against France, England, Italy and Wales.

(Incidentally, few think the All Blacks will be beaten on their tour, although certain Roarers may feel England has a shot at Twickenham. Similarly, the Springboks should be able to register a mini-slam, although the same Roarers will no doubt believe England will triumph against the Saffers.)

Back to the Wallabies and their first game. France in Paris.

My French pals, tragics all who are never without a copy of L’Equipe in their back pockets, tell me French coach Philippe Saint-Andre is delighted at the prospect of playing the Wallabies. Why? Because this time la chaussure will be on the other pied. This time, France is the team that has what the Wallabies had two years ago when Les Bleus haemorrhaged 59 points – dynamic backs.

Conversely, the Wallabies now have a solid scrum, but there are only two guys on the team with serious pace, Beale and Ioane. The midfield – McCabe/Ashley-Cooper or Tapuai – lacks penetration. And two of the back three, if it’s to be Harris and Cummins, don’t make Saint-Andre’s worry list. His team, on the other hand, has talent and speed to burn.

Starting with the 9 and 10 combo, half of France thinks it should be Racing’s Maxime Machenaud – good service, a threat to run and be man of the match on several occasions – and Freddie Michalak (yes, he’s back from the Sharks and playing very well for Toulon). Meanwhile, the other half favours the old firm of Morgan Parra and Francois Trinh-Duc.

The midfield could be electric if Saint-Andre mixes and matches Memoz, Fritz, Fofana (four tries in his first four Tests), and Gael Fickou, not yet 19, who has the best grubber-and-go since Jonathan Davies.

Out wide, Saint-Andre can choose between Clerc, Huget and big flyer Benjamin Fall. At 15 there’s the young Toulon player Vincent Martin and Castre’s Brice Dulin, both of whom have all the right moves.

As for the forwards, things also look good if you’re a French fan. Props like Nicholas Mas, David Attoub and Belgian-born Vincent Debaty who’s six foot three, 122 kgs. Dimitri Szarzewski, 53 caps, will start at hooker. But we won’t be seeing another teenager, Christopher Tolofua, who’s out for dangerous play.

Nor, alas, will we see Thierry Dusautoir who has a banged-up knee. But there are excellent flankers to fill in for him, like Pierrick Gunther, Fulgence Ouedraogo – the only man from Burkina Faso to play rep rugby, and still one of the fastest breakaways in the world – and Biarritz’s Wenceslas Lauret.

In the second row, Pascal Pape, who’ll captain the side, could partner with Toulouse star Yoan Maestri, standing six foot seven and 120 kgs. Pape isn’t tall as locks go but in open play he’s a Godzilla. At 8 is Louis Picamoles, the only man on the planet who comes close to Kieran Read. Harinordoquy is hurting and won’t be fit in time.

As of writing I don’t have the injury report from the weekend’s games, but it certainly looks like the French 22, come November 10, will have 15 first class starters and a second-half bench full of young tearaways.

So will the Wallabies, after flying all the way to Europe, take the field full of fire and brimstone and win at least the first leg of the grand slam? Or will 22 revenge-minded Frenchmen, plus 81,000 screaming compatriots, prove insurmountable?

What do Roarers think?

The Crowd Says:




A Grandslam is beating Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England. Are Australia playing all four those nations?




I agree with Justin's point about it being a rare performance, but I don't agree that its value is somehow decreased by the fact that the Australians fought back from a losing first half. That just shows that the French were no easy beats.




It was a rotton performance, deans should be sacked for it


Rugby Fan

Roar Guru

One odd thing about the Wallabies record is that they can seemingly beat the Six Nations champions, Wales, at will, but have lost to the other three home union sides in their most recent meetings. In the very unlikely event Australia have a disastrous tour, and go down in every match, they will have a losing record against all the Six Nations sides (only in the most recent matches), while having two wins and a draw against Rugby Championship sides. That would be weird.




Sorry Johnno, I saw you predict we would lose every game this year after we lost to the boks in Preotoia and so far we have not lost one. I am not having a go at you personally but I find the constant negativity about the wallabies from roarers frustrating. The Wallabies have done well this year, a win is a win and the wallabies have won a lot of games this year to consolidate their 2nd spot in the world rankings (some by close margins, i think that is good, close games are hard to win). Honestly the line "So a lot of the wins the wallabies got this year were really against the odds" somes up many roarers attitudes. Every win the wallabies get, and to be fair the wallabies do get a lot of wins, is against the odds, roarers odds. Why dont we support our team? The wallabies beat wales in every test, but still the wallabies where slated on the roar, why? Wales are the six nations champs. They had a good build up to the tests, but the wallabies beat them? Why slate them the way that was done on the roar? They won by a kick at full time, I heard it called an almost loss on the roar. It was a tight win and it showed character. Sorry if this sounds like a rant but its really frustrating for passionate wallabies supporters




bob yes I did predict the wallabies would lose most of there test matches this year, and many i got right in the losses, and so did a lot of other roarers. SOme picks i got right some i got wrong but let's look at it honestly bob: 3 tests vs AB'S this year i predicted we'd lose all 3 , we lost 2 and rew 1 and almost lost the last 1. So the fact is i got ti right we didn;t beat the AB'S once all year. -VS Boks in Pert, some silly ill discipline beast sin bin hurt them but the wallabies won fair and square Boks can;t use ill disipine as an excuse. The argues almost beat us on the gold coast and blew a big lead. -VS Boks in Preotoira we lost fair and squad we were behind the boks before all the injuries in the match anyway. And I think 80% of people backed Argnetina to beat us at home in Rosario. Wiith all the injuries and travel that is one of the best wallaby wins i have ever seen. So a lot of the wins the wallabies got this year were really against the odds,. And i backed the wallabies to do well vs wales and they did but i also backed wales too a lot. In the 2nd test in Melbourne remember it was a kick at full time that got the wallabies home. And i have faith in my home team when we start winning convincingly ,. The win vs Argentina was inspiriting but still wasn't convincing it was an error filled match. Reality is in world rugby right now, other than the AB'S all the other teams are still a bit of a mess and need to get there house in order, and I don't have much confidence right now in any of the temas in world rugby, but the end of season efforts of the wallabies have given me some hope for what will be a really tough Europe tour. 4 back to back tests in some hostile locations.




Hey Johnno, I am wondering why you never think the wallabies can win? You have predicted the wallabies will lose all year. You predicted we would win bugger all in the rugby championship and we came second, we also won our tests with wales 3 zip (six nations champs). I seems like you predictions are with anybody playing the wallabies. How many wins would it take for you to state we have had a reasonably successful year? how many wins till you could state you have some faith in your team the wallabies?




we were behind at half time as well so it wasnt even an 80 minute performance




I think our odds against France are pretty good. Its all a matter of whether we can display the same attitude as in the last Bledisloe. The skills are there, provided we are there at the breakdown.




Yes Wales this year. Also 2010-2011 - we beat Italy by 18 points then smashed France by 43 points, then beat the Springboks by 19 points in the first game of the 2011 3N.


The Battered Slav


I reckon the French are looking good. Although this was always going to be the case once they got rid of Lievremont, the talent has always been there, it's just been mismanaged until now. I'm tempted to say that I can't see us beating the French, but it's difficult to know what kind of French team will be turning out, so I can see us beating the French, but only if they have one of their infamous 'off-days'. Should they all turn up ready to play serious rugby, we'll need to put in a monster performance to beat them. England game is a big if as well, I'm looking forward to those two most I reckon. Although the angry Welsh will be interesting, and seeing how we stack up in the piggies against Italy will also be good. Bring on the Spring Tour!!!


The Battered Slav


...and perhaps you should not WRITE when you can't get the spelling of your baseless attack RIGHT. Also, I think the author has been pulled up on the use of grand slam numerous times, so again, perhaps you shouldn't slag him off until you've read through the discussion that's already taken place. Numpty.




Yes, its interesting isn't it. If you remove NZ from the rugby world, the Aussies have done pretty well for themselves. I recall being in the UK back in 2000 and while the Aussie press were slagging of our side, the Welsh were lavish in their praise of how good they thought the Wallabies were.. France will be playing their first game since the 6 nations, so expect a lot of dropped ball etc (always happens on the first outing of a new season).. Wallabies scrum might go better than people realize, Harris to knock over any and all 3 pointers.. Taps to make a few breaks... The Wales and England games will be tough, especially the later, but thats test rugby isnt it. cheers ;-)




Dude, Ive always belived that Graham Henry's masterstroke was moving Nonu to 12 from 13.. our struggles with the AB's (McCaw, Carter nothwithstanding) in recent years is a direct result of this. Hate to admit it but they really are wonderful to watch this Nonu and Smith..




We havent lost to England since 2003. Sure they are a shot at home but I would be very surprised if the AB's lost anything on tour.


The Big Kangaroo


To be a grand slam you have to beat all four of the home nations in one tour where only verseing England an Wales. So don't right an article about something you have no clue about




We will lose in the Northern Hemisphere, just like we where suppose to win one game in the rugby championship. Just like we where suppose to lose to the Argies in Argentina. Just like we where suppose to get pasted by the All Blacks in Brisbane. How about a bit of support?



Roar Rookie

Bit of a step up from testicles & eyeballs. Love that "Plaquage Cathedrale" phase, they will be using that in the Wrestling calls soon.




As far as I can tell they are not playing SA and NZ but ARG and Samoa so Aus are their only shot at pipping England for the top four and top seed in their RWC pool.



Roar Guru

Agree with you Uncle. Picamoles isnt quite up there yet and i find him a bit heavy and not as dynamic as say Read or Lobbe. I would even put Elvis Vermeulen ahead of him in france tbh (lighter and quicker). But Picamoles is a bit younger i guess. Picamoles reminds me of guys like Palu: good big bursts but doesnt have the pace of a modern n8 imo. happy to be proved wrong though (he will improve thats for sure)

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