Too late to sack coach Deans: Mortlock

By Melissa Woods / Wire

Former Wallabies skipper Stirling Mortlock says it’s too late to sack embattled Test rugby coach Robbie Deans with the British and Irish Lions tour looming next year.

The Wallabies were thrashed by France 33-6 in their opening match of a four-Test European tour which Mortlock described as “tough” viewing.

They next face England at their Twickenham fortress in what could be another bloodbath.

The retired Mortlock, who was in Geelong to announce the Melbourne Rebels’ Super Rugby pre-season match there in February against the Hurricanes, said if the Australian Rugby Union (ARU) wanted to replace Deans, they should have already done it.

Deans overtook Bob Dwyer as the most-capped Wallabies coach with the French game (68 Tests) and signed a two-year extension before the 2011 World Cup.

But his win-loss record can’t be ignored – he’s only managed to steer the side to 39 wins.

“I think it’s extremely difficult when you take into consideration the Lions – which is the biggest thing for Australian rugby outside of the World Cup – is happening three-quarters of the way through the Super Rugby season next year,” Mortlock said of the three-Test series in June-July.

“The reality of initiating something like that (sacking him), it would be pretty detrimental to the team and to anything we’re trying to build toward the Lions.

“I really don’t see it happening because it would be really difficult to start from scratch when the next Test match they play after this tour will be against the Lions.”

Mortlock sympathised with the injury crisis this year that hit the Australian side and said their effort couldn’t be questioned.

“When you have that many injuries and you’re constantly having to rotate and turn over your playing group, first and foremost, it’s going to be very difficult to have consistency in your performances.”

However, he believed there was more to the losses and lack of tries.

With the Wallabies’ failure to score a try in Paris, they become the first Australian side in the professional era to go consecutive games without crossing, and the first of all Aussie sides since 1979.

“We’re trying to gain momentum by winning the game-line battle but, at times, we don’t even get that right so then we don’t get the opportunity to play a bit more expansive rugby.

“And sometimes when you do do that without getting that game-line, then it’s very easy to defend so the balance is out of whack from what I’m seeing.”

He said the Australians needed to first win the set-piece and the game-line contests.

“If we can do that, I’ve got no doubt the Australian attacking flair can come back straight away.”

The Crowd Says:


Worlds Biggest


Disagree with Stirlo, a new coach would be on the same plane as Gatland, as in limited prep time for the Lions Series.




Totally agree, any one can be replaced at any time if the will is there. I am sure Jake white or Mckenzie are ready to take over at any time. They are pros when compared to this mess.


Matt Simpson

Roar Guru

I lost my respect for Deans when he continually used Quade Cooper. I think by the end of some games he was the only one person in the country who stillw anted him on the park. The Wallabies now play like they are trying not to lose, not to win. Sterling was right, do the hard yards and it will open up. You don't need brilliance in attack, just intelligence. Actually, bring Sterling back to play. He could coach as well! And maybe become Prime Minister if he wants to.




The Lions tour Australia every 12 years. What has Robbie "Supercoach" Deans done to deserve to be a part of what is a truly a special sporting event. Sack him now, today and give someone more deserving the chance! -- Comment left via The Roar's iPhone app. Download it now [].


ohtani's jacket


Forget about the Lions, Deans should be turfed on principle.


Armchair Sportsfan


I know that traditionally a lions tour is about a team of home nation ' stars' attempting to come together as a team while overcoming the challenges of a new coach and new team environment, all while touring away from home against an established side. But given the lack of any evidence of 'established patterns' within the wallabies (other than the established pattern of being rubbish). I dont see the harm in having both teams trying to adapt to a new coach....would create an intruiging side battle...two new coaches with new squads of players....why someone posted above, better to go down swinging than the drivel we're currently serving up...




Not just for Australia's sake, but for rugby's sake, too, that, ARU and RD should politely say goodbye to each other.Australia must put itself with a chance for the Lions tour. It cannot prep a team ready to accept defeat at the hands of the Lions. With QC and WG back for the Lions, there is a good chance anyway for a Wallaby win. Notwithstanding this fact, it will augur a lot better for the Wallabies that select based on form, from a decent pool which S15 is going to provide. More importantly, rugby needs a strong Wallaby team, one that can beat the Allblacks. It is not good for Test rugby where there is no team with a decent chance to beat the Allblacks. RD staying on will actually dim the attractiveness of Test rugby.


kiwi bob


they should sack deans after the Lions series. That should give just over 2 years before the 2015 WC to make the Wallabies a good side again.




I don't think its too late to sack Deans. The Wallabies' loss on the weekend was a massive embarrassment. They played appallingly. This year has gone from bad to worse.




It's never to late to sack an incompetent fool. As far as a replacement - in the short term just go out on the street, pick 5 random people, put their names in a hat and draw one out they can be the caretaker coach while a suitable replacement is found. I guarantee they would do a better job than Deans, the leadership group within the playing ranks can handle the rest of this tour. -- Comment left via The Roar's iPhone app. Download it now [].



Roar Pro

I read Mortlock's comments as: "Less focus on razzle-dazzle, more focus on the hard yards". Wallaby team seems really keen on pulling a rabbit out of a hat without first wearing down their opposition and sucking up defences with the direct play before using the wide/quadruple-switch-with-a-five-man-cut-out play. Consider the difference in Beale's play and Dan Carter's play. Beale tries to force a magic play every time he touches the ball. Carter will patiently shovel the ball on to 12 or play a short pass to a forward 80-90% of the game. Once the opposition take their eyes off him for a second, he pulls out the magic play. Not every touch is trying crack the defence wide open. Patience in grinding down a defence and recognition of when it is finally on are what the Wallaby attack lacks.




Yeah, isn't it great how we can be bold behind print without actually being out front and doing the dirty work




This is what the ARU should do. Sack Deans right after the last game of the EOYT tour. Tell the rugby public they are taking applications internationally and locally with interviews to concluded by Jan 15. That gives time for the ARU to look at many candidates as possible. Follow the same process for the assistants or give the applicants the chance of bringing in their own men, who also get interviewed. New coach starts Feb 15, plenty of time to select a team for the 2013 internationals.




deans and co are terrible selectors.. get higginbotham on the plane to come into the starting team in 2 weeks. get rid of dennis. Mccabe has failed and while he is soldi performer..he is a bench player or move him to full back he is not a 12.. how ling is this going to go on??


Red Block


The link below is to an article from the Sydney Morning Herald. Just what I've been trying to say but I couldn't say it this well.


Mad Max


Agree Red Kev, When Deans has his bags packed we need to be sure that Nucifora is carrying them. What will we have learnt if we wait until after the Lions tour absolutely nothing that we dont know already. Another ex-player will then come up and say we need to keep him until after the next WC so as to not upset the schedule. What about the fans!! Surely the sponsors must be getting very edgy as the Wallabies brand is being tarnished more and more the longer he stays. What about the players that dont get a look in because of Deans dognatic attidute. Taupa and othersshould have been in the side 12 months ago but Deas has stuck with players that have constantly failed and the game structure on game day is appaling. Have his ticket to NZ ready at the transit lounge as soon as he sets foot in OZ.


Red Kev


How can it get worse - simple - fire Deans, install Nucifora as coach - you'll see worse.



Roar Guru

agree. how can it be too late? the wallabies have been spiralling down for a few years now. Either RD is the man of the situation, or he is not. If the ARU after 5 unconvincing years think he is not, they should ask him to leave asap. If they think he is doing fine and is the right man then keep him. but they will struggle convincing people he is the right man these days. The worse that could happen would be to loose the Lions series and sack him after 6 years. we would all think, all that for that! there is more risk in keeping him than he replacing him before the series imo (should this november tour be unsuccessful, i.e 1-3 or worse)




At the moment you'd have to assume we would lose to the Lions with Deans as coach. At least with another coach we might lose playing enterprising rugby.



Roar Guru

The Lions tour will be a poison pill for whoever takes over, but worse? How can it possibly get any worse? Walk him and Nucifora now and have a couple of Nobodies take over as caretakers. Well, seeing that there is only the one of him, then Nobody, Campo and Mortlock.

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