Osieck hits back at critics after Guam win

By Angela Habashy / Roar Guru

Socceroos coach Holger Osieck has hit back at criticism over his decision not to give some of the squad’s rookies game time against North Korea on Wednesday.

Osieck handed four of the eight debutants in the 20-man squad their maiden caps in Australia’s opening clash against Hong Kong at the East Asian Cup qualifiers on Monday.

Brisbane Roar duo Matthew Smith and Ivan Franjic started while Adam Taggart and Terry Antonis came on as second-half substitutes.

Central Coast’s teen playmaker Tomas Rogic received 10 minutes against the hosts and only 25 minutes against the Koreans on Wednesday while the likes of Eli Babalj, Dino Djulbic and Aaron Mooy warmed the bench.

The three, along with Michael Marrone, were all in action in Australia’s 9-0 rout of minnows Guam as Osieck stuck to his plan of playing the less experienced players in the final two matches.

Osieck has always said his priority for this tournament was to help develop Socceroos tyros, giving them exposure at international level with the aging Australian squad going through a transitional phase.

But he was adamant he selected the right players in both games.

“What people suggest, I don’t actually care,” he said.

“I’m not listening to any of the critics because I work very closely with the team and I know what all the players can do.

“It’s my assessment and I know who is ready and who still needs to put in a lot more effort.

“I’m dealing with the facts and the situation that I’m put into and I know how to build a team and how to enlarge a group to get more competition within our squad, to get the right players for the upcoming qualifiers and to get the right players to build for the future.”

The German coach also vehemently denied any suggestions he was ever given directives from Football Federation Australia as to who to select.

“It is my sole decision what goes on here,” Osieck

“There’s nobody in the FFA who can tell me what to do because I’m the expert and nobody else.”

Osieck also made a point to highlight that it wasn’t all about the squad’s young guns getting a chance, with the likes of 30-year-old Smith, Franjic and Marrone – both 25 – also given a shot as he attempts to uncover the best the A-League has to offer.

“There were eight players who were uncapped… it’s a tribute to the A-League,” he said.

“I always said that I’m promoting the A-League and looking at the best players and if you look at players like Matt Smith, Franjic or Marrone they have never played for Australia and they did extremely well.

“So it’s not just the young players that I’m looking at.”

The Crowd Says:


Qantas supports Australian Football


Your mate Eric Worthington sacked Rasic because he thought Rasic was too defensive of a coach. Read some of the interview from the 442 mag... Rasic says: "We were meeting in a seedy haven for prostitutes - a fitting setting for the occasion," says Rasic. "My interview lasted three minutes after an official asked me not to play defensive football and then they would consider reappointing me. " Taken from an interview of Rale Rasic. Rasic's formation in Germany was played with a sweeper as I stated 5-3-1-1 (defensive formation).... The 4-3-3 is considered to be an attacking line up even today. Stick your CV back in your closet where it belongs; totally useless.




Hi JB. Don't forget the socceroos also played a game against a Queensland side at Lions Stadium that attracted around 4,500 people on a Wednesday night, if my memory serves me correct. Unfortunately, my memory is no as good as yours, so I'd have to research our archives to get more details. I do recall though that Rale Rasic was unimpressed with the parochial attitude of the Qeensland supporters. I also remember that it was a great night of football, but I am very biased about this one. You will know why.


The Bear


let it go...


The Bear


Commendable. I meant no disrespect being an informal match up.




Johnno - These days I live a fair way north of Brisbane and most of my travel is done visiting overseas so in answer to your question I would have to say as I have never see a state league team playing and so could never be presumptious enough to pass comment on whether they could beat Guam. However this is where you have to back your own feelings and try to assess how players are playing both individually and as a team force,and then,after doing that, make up you own mind as to how both teams would go in a contest. Yours jb




I love you jbinnie, your insight into football is of the highest standards with in OZ, and on the roar. The roar is privileged to have you comment on the roar, keep up the good work jbinnie i read most of your posts this is really blue chip information about the NSL and the history of football in OZ and in general , keep up the good work jbinnie much appreciated form johno.




If I bothered I could get on the phone and could probably contact 5 or 6 of the players who played in the game and the secretary of the present Brisbane Strikers was the person who did all the arrangements for the Soceroos to travel north play the game and go back south on the same day.So it doesn't really matter what your infantile mind projects, I can prove what I say. ok ?. P.S What have you done to progress the game here in Queensland???? Or is that a secret too. jb.




Mate I don't know what experience you have in football but some of your comments are so far off beam it is almost laughable. Why don't' you do yourself a favour and go and get some education before you continually make an ass of yourself in print. You ramble on about numerical configurations and Rale introducing it into Australia. It is widely recognised that the term 4-3-3 was introduced into the game by the Brazilian team in the 1958 World Cup and like most tactical formations was developed around the talents of available players.Up till then the Brazilians had played a fluid 4-2-4 but,having a "left winger" of outstanding talent and fitness ,Zagallo ,it was decided that when Brazil lost possession in their 4-2-4-formation he immediately fell back into midfield to offer a 4-3-3 formation to their opposition on the day. By 1958 they had developed this system to such a level that they were deemed by the pundits to play 4-3-3.So I'm afraid your reference to no one calling their styles by number is as usual far ,far, from the truth. You also don't read too well for if you had read my analysis of the Socceroo team of 1974 you would have noticed I mentioned the seven teams that played in the seven official international games the team played in that year.You would also know??? that Ray Baartz was injured in the second of those games (v Uruguay ) and never played international football again thus causing Rale the problem with his front right hand flank position.George Harris and Jim Fraser were not in any of those games so did not warrant comment. "Parking the bus" is a term used recently,in the last 2 or 3 years to describe a tactic that has been called many a thing during it's time," verrou' by it's originator, a Swiss coach called Rappan,before the second world war (1938 to be accurate).By 1945 it had moved to Russia where ,under a coach called Abramov, became known as the "Volga Clip", but it was not until the Italians got a hold of it in the early 50's under the likes of Viani & Rocco and brought to it's peak by Herrerra it gained the dreaded name "catennacio." practised widely in that country until 1967. So there it is, some more FACTS for you to Google on and maybe,just maybe you will gain the knowledge that will make you as "arrogant", or should that be "knowledgeable", as I profess to be due to having 45 years experience in the game, not just as an administrator but as a player,coach,team manager, football director,amateur journalist,TV commentator,State administrator and I suppose "innovator" should be added to that for those games I was telling "dasilva " about were actually predecessors to the starting of the NSL some 3 years later, so we,my mates and I,actually proved the concept 3 years before the NSL started.End of history lesson, no more free info. Now could you give us your CV in the game?,I am genuinely interested. Also, I now declare peace in our correspondence for I don't want to be having a heart attack or can I take it you have some medical training as well?????. Cheerio jb


Qantas supports Australian Football


So you really do believe Rasic played a 4-3-3 against Franz Beckenbauer's West Germany? :D Gawd almighty...


Qantas supports Australian Football


I think it was only a wet dream of his...




dasilva and bear- Back in Rale's days there was not the money around for the national side that there is today and he went into print in Sydney complaining about the lack of match practice his team was getting for "summer soccer" was not in vogue so to take a team to the northern hemisphere could be deemed dangerous for our time clock was out of kilter with the rest of the football world. Back to the story. A couple of mates and myself were at that time inviting teams north to play pre-season friendlies,we had had Hakoah and St George up and when I read Rale's story I rang him and asked if he was interested in playing a club side all expenses paid.He agreed and so he brought his team to Perry Park where they played the club I was with at that time a first division side called Bardon Latrobe,a team of young impressionable Aussies who looked upon the game as something from heaven.The local federation tried to put the hard word on us to make it a Queensland team but it was our money so we refused,making a few enemies at the same time. Rale knew the set-up and knew his players were in no danger of over-zealous tackling etc and they got the practice they wanted.something like the other night for they won 7-0. You may not know this but the great Hungarian team of the early fifties played factory teams in order to get game time. The three games you mention DASILVA are included in the reply I gave above to our mutual friend the master tactician,They actually played Urugay twice,Indonesia,Israel and the 3 games in Germany,a total of 7 internationals played in 1974. So Bear I think you could correctly deem it a "mates-game" but it was simply an attempt to grant a hard working coach what he desired.From memory we got around 1700 people who paid to watch the friendly. jb


Qantas supports Australian Football


JB—your arrogance has no bounds. No one in those days were calling their styles in numbers (4-3-3) certainly not Rasic (that's what you said 4-3-3). He was a Yugoslavian who introduced the sweeper system to the National team... Sorry this reads better...


Qantas supports Australian Football


JB---your arrogance has no bounds. No one in those days were calling their styles in numbers (4-3-3) certainly not Rasic. (This is what you said) he was a Yugoslavian who introduced the sweeper system to the national team and called it as such---the formation has no resemblance to a 4-3-3, as I described what Rasic introduced. (a sweeper behind a back four), halves, target men and so forth---so did you ever kick a ball in those days or are you just one of those football administrators who is a historian.? You started talking about the team that went to Germany to compete in the WC playing a 4-3-3, nothing of the sort, it was more conservative then that more like parking the bus. Are you now changing the argument to the whole squad that competed over the entire campaign OK then, you mention Baartz who never played in Germany so you're confusing me with your discussion on him (presumably you are now going off track as you once accuse me of doing in another one of your bizarre attacks on me), never mind, back to what your are now attempting to tell me about the entire squad, you left out Jim Frazer who was first choice goal keeper, but had to pull out of the team that went over to Germany because of business reasons, I think you know that Baartz went to Germany, (more of a team mascot) but never kicked a ball in Germany, he played his last game in Sydney at the SCG against Uruguay (not sure what you were suggesting there with Baartz). Also the St George FC full back who broke his leg building up to the final squad and George Harris, Doug Utjesenovic's brother in-law who also played for the national team in those days. I'm starting to think you just google your info, Peter Wilson, was always the sweeper in the team behind Schaff and Richards, who were the halve backs in Germany, the rest of your nominees I won't challenge as they are correct. I'll certainly will do you a favour by not commenting further on your halve informed google researched info---if you do like wise on my offerings (as you so quaintly describe them). Your sooooo arrogant. Be Careful you will have a heart attack one day...




Still doesn't account for or explain the HK game of 7 defenders...or the inactivity in the NK game. Beating Guam 9-0 is not an answer to critics for this and previous games which have shown serious issues.


The Bear


Perhaps an informal "mates" game?



Roar Guru

Holger started well with the Asian cup and a good friendly victories and it's been a downward descent ever since When the first group stage of the WCQ, we only did well against Saudi Arabia and had unconvincing performance against every other nations and in the 2nd group stage, the only match where we did well was against Japan.



Roar Guru

I'm pretty curious about what side you field against the socceroos in brisbane because it seems like the ozfootball archives are incomplete http://www.ozfootball.net/ark/Socceroo/Socceroo.shtml for the warm up to the world cup 74 What is listed is they played warm up matches against club sides Ferencvaros, Auckland XI, St Gallen, Young Boys, Xamax and international sides Uruguay, Indonesia and Israel and none of them are in Brisbane So I'm pretty curious about what match you are talking about?




jbinnie do you think a state league side could beat Guam. Im talking like a Sydney United or a STH Melbourne.




Those results you mention and their strong performances were almost two years ago. His record in late 2011 and all of 2012 bar the Japan match in Brisbane could generally be described as poor to average. It is the scarcity of decent performances. I don't like to criticize for the sake of it but the recent form is worthy of it.


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

Phil By all means, all AUS football fans on this forum have every right to discuss/argue with each other about this - or any other - issue. We are all equally aware & equally ignorant of what's actually happening in Hong Kong at the moment. However, unless Aurelio Vidmar or one of the players is posting on this forum, let's realise we do NOT have all the facts. Are any players suffering from illness? Do any players have niggling injuries? Etc. As far as I'm concerned, when making any decision - from what to wear when I leave the house, to whether I should buy or sell an asset - if I don't have all the facts, then there is no way I can suggest my decision is better than the person, who has all the facts. Here's a hypothetical for you (and all the other posters) offering Holger advice ... ... I don't know what your expertise is in your working life, Phil, but ... .... suppose one day, Holger Osieck comes to your workplace and offers you advice on decisions you make at work - without being qualified in your job and knowing the facts that lead to your decisions. Would you embrace Holger's advice and say "thanks for that"; or, would you dismiss Holger's advice as ill-informed and unqualifed?

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