Inglis tipped to hit new NRL peaks in 2013

By Joe Barton / Roar Guru

His move to fullback sent shockwaves through the NRL last season, but South Sydney coach Michael Maguire predicts Greg Inglis will lift to a whole new level in 2013.

Maguire’s decision to switch Inglis to fullback in round three against Penrith proved the catalyst for the Rabbitohs’ impressive finals run which ended just 80 minutes short of a dream grand final appearance.

Inglis arrived at Wednesday’s Charity Shield launch, promoting their annual pre-season match against St George Illawarra, looking in peak physical condition.

It’s just one part of Inglis’ off-season designed to continue his development as one of the game’s premier No.1s – a warning that should concern his rivals.

In the modern game, the fullback role has become truly specialised, with the finest exponents expected to be playmakers, tryscorers, defensive geniuses and one-man bomb-defusal units – among other roles.

But Maguire has been blown away by the 26-year-old’s application to training this off-season, saying it highlighted his new-found leadership role at the club.

“He’s really focused about what he wants to achieve in the game,” Maguire told AAP.

“He took really big strides forward last season and I think he just wants to continue that on.

“It’s a credit to himself how he looks after himself and the way he’s training (and) the way he’s maturing now and becoming more of a leader amongst the group.

“It’s great to see his development.”

And Maguire warned that more should be expected of the 105kg powerhouse after a season developing in the custodial role – his first since 2006.

“I think if you talk to Greggy, he’d probably say there’s a lot more he can give as a fullback,” Maguire added.

“I think throughout the season, he was probably thrown in there and he hadn’t played fullback for quite some time.

“The roles (of a fullback) have changed and the expectations of fullbacks and how hard they actually work has lifted.

“Greg probably found that throughout the season but this pre-season he’s given himself some time to go away and work on certain areas of his game.

“We’re obviously looking forward to seeing how they’re brought in through the season.

“… The workrate of a fullback has lifted through the roof, I think, as the game’s progressed.

“He understands that now and that’s the reason he’s looking the way he is. He understands what’s expected of that position.”

Inglis said he was putting in work to improve himself positionally on the field.

“That’s one aspect I’ve been working on and that’s definitely one of the things that I’ve been working with the coaches on,” Inglis said.

“… Physically I feel fine, the pre-season’s and all the other clubs are probably going through the same thing.

“It’s just one of those generations now where you’ve just got to keep pushing through and make sure your in tip-top physical shape for the start of the season.”

The Crowd Says:


Pot Stirrer


Born and Raised in Kempsy. There's nothing you QLDs can say to make that right.




This guy is a freak. It's scary how good he could get. He could take souths to the grand final on his back alone I he gets any better. I agree, imagine if he hadnt have betrayed NSW, imagine the legacy and respect he would have had. Instead it is a farce and a mockery to the NRL (supposedly a professional sport) that he could possibly be playing for Qld.


The Greatest Game Of All


Just stirring, 7 in a row, Premierships, Clive Churchill Medal, Golden Boot, champion regardless of what NSWelshmen think.




With Crowe telling him what angles to run, just like he did with Mad Dog, GI should be okay.


The Barry

Roar Guru

Amazing that Inglis is only 26 - his best still may be in front of him. Scary thought. I can't wait to watch him this year - he'll be a destroyer.




The Bunnies are no where near being promoted to there best. Rusty Crowe was hopeless really. Look, this is what i want to happen, bring out the "book of fueds" have a guy stand on a wooden box, like those preacher dudes do on street corners to spread the word, bring out the box and read to the crowd, not your crowd, the oppostion crowds. :) And then go over and praise the lord in frotn of your crowd, kiss the book of feuds and go back down the tunnel. ? We have so many great ideas and emotional crowd motovaters to use, we just need someone to market these ideas. I see the Broncos are finally going to have the XXXX cheer squad and end of stadium membership cheer squad. This i like, and it should be looked at right across the game. If you want to get down and dirty and a little bit loud, we need a area for this, not everyone is a family or want to stay silient. We all like to get roudy when we young. If we have a area for testosterone fueled headbangers, well and good. Keep them away from the families.


Terry Kidd


Yeah, if he is fit and stays fit he should have a good year .... I wouldn't like to have to tackle him head on.




:) Gee whiz, abit below the belt. Big Mal and Norm Provan next immortals, make it happen league Gods, make it happen.


The Greatest Game Of All


Imagine if he was a lifelong drug addict, hed be the next immortal for sure.


Ronald M


I think that both Inglis and the bunnies will do well this year. I wasn't a fan of Inglis when he left the storm, he was fat, lazy and seemed to have developed a chip on his shoulder however under Mcguire he seems to have found his zest for rugby league again. Its going to be a good year for the bunnies.


Pot Stirrer


Imagine how revered this bloke would have been if he didnt betray his roots and play for QLD.




Hopefully Inglis can oust slater in the Qld #1 so NSW can win this year!!!

Read more at The Roar