Australian boxing should thank Anthony Mundine

By SachaM / Roar Rookie

For the past 13 years these three words have epitomised Australian boxing: ‘the Mundine fight’.

I’d get calls on a Tuesday night the week before the Mundine fight by so called friends asking if the fight was on the next day.

The phrase is etched in Australian boxing history. Full stop.

Every bartender in every hotel across the country has been asked at least once – Are you guys showing the Mundine fight tonight?

Anthony Mundine was beaten by a very focused young man who is bound for huge things. Daniel Geale has had over 140 amateur fights.

He has a record of 30 pro fights, with 29 wins, 15 by the way of knockout and one loss (to Mundine).

Geale deserves every reward the future will hand him. He’s done it the hard way and won’t change his demeanour out of the ring to sell tickets, which is not often seen in boxing. That tells you more about the man than the fighter.

Speaking of ‘The Man’, I’ll say straight up Anthony Mundine has had an impact on society. Not just as a boxer but as a person. Forget the fact Mundine lost last night.

Choc might be a loudmouth. He might say stupid things. But we all do.

But without these sorts of people, how boring would life be? Sports journalists would have nothing to do but delve deeper into their insecurities, and the watercooler wouldn’t exist.

A moist mouth is a healthy one.

However, the way Mundine carried on after the fight and claimed he was robbed, that isn’t the way a true man should conduct himself.

He did also use some questionable tactics in the fight – leading with the head, a couple of stray elbows – not the usual Mundine.

He never, ever resorted to such tactics before.

By the end of round five while sitting in his corner, the microphone picked up the words “what round is it?” His mouth was moving at the same time but hey, it could’ve been one of the promo girls.

In closing, the way Australia embraces Mundine after this fight will symbolise how we’ve grown as a nation.

The Australian Government participates in the war in Afghanistan to implement a democratic system which promotes freedom of speech.


So people can air their views without having their genitals connected to a cattle prod.

The taxpayer is funding the war in Afghanistan, and yet the average taxpayer in Australia can’t stand Anthony Mundine?

If we treat Mundine with contempt from now on who knows, in 50 years Afghanistan might have to invade us.

The Crowd Says:




some of us have the ability to get to the top,then there are those of us that just are'nt quite good enuogh to get there & choc is sadly for him one of those both sports he just has'nt had the ability to get there & insted of head down arse up or just taking it like a man sadly he opens his mouth & it's everybody elses folt, if he's not robbed its a race issue witch is a prime example of a poor sportsman.


steve b

Roar Guru

Well said Steve , i normally try to sit on the fence and look at both sides and try really hard to see both sides equally before opening my mouth , something i would suggest choc needs to learn , as i have said in another comment he is being divisive to his own people and their is no need . Something i got taught when i was younger was to engage the brain before opening the mouth , Choc unfortunatlly has forgotten how to do this ,Ali to a great extent did this to create more interest in fights , and in his words , the whiteys would pay just to see him get knocked out to shut his mouth . But Anthony has pushed it past just getting bums on seats , some of his comments of late have been nothing short of mindless , i think its time he took a very long holiday and stay away from the media , because i now feel he doing himself and his people a huge injustice , Choc has achieved much in the sporting world and its a shame to see him destroy it by running of at the mouth , and bagging former greats , he is loosing any cred he had a great rate of knots ...




Freedom of speech and freedom from consequences aren't the same thing though. Calling someone out for saying di**headish things is not impeding on his right to free speech. In Mr. Mundine's case, he has the right to squeal that he 'was robbed', and everyone else has the right to point out that a) he wasn't, and b) saying he was makes him look like an idiot. That's not *quite* the same thing as Afghans being denied science, education, law and basic human rights on pain of death.

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