Australian sport is for all fans, regardless of who you are

By The Crowd / Roar Guru

“You’re into AFL? You?” This is the typical surprised reaction I get when I tell people how excited I am about the new season starting this year.

New players, new coaches. I have carefully organised babysitting for months in advance and am literally counting down to that first game tomorrow night.

Yet somehow this seems strange for someone like me to follow sport – that is, female and non-white.

I have played, watched and loved sport for as long as I can remember. I have flown interstate to watch the Blues, stayed up all night to watch Sampras and left a girlfriend’s engagement to watch a World Cup game.

This doesn’t mean that I can’t also be addicted to Sex and the City, drool over Tiffany blue boxes and hasten to see Kate’s baby bump grow.

These two worlds are not mutually exclusive.

Gender equality can be extended beyond the sporting arena not just in equal pay, equal air time and equal sponsorship but also towards the spectators and their equal interest and commitment to the game.

One friend suggested that I was a lesbian because I followed the Southern Stars, while another assumed my interest was in males running around in tight clothing.

Is it really that hard for people to see women passionate and educated about sport? The idea that a game with its multitude of rules and positions is too complex for women, not only belittles the fans but the game as well.

So, if it’s not about being female, that leaves the issue of race.

Given my heritage it was inevitable I would like sport – raised in Australia with British and Indian roots. Resistance was futile.

I grew up with ABC Grandstand on the radio and bookshelves filled with sporting biographies. We even have family photos at the Bradman Oval.

Sport may be a firmly rooted Australian tradition but unfortunately it also mirrors our social issues of race.

For a multicultural country with close to a quarter of us born overseas, this diversity is poorly reflected in both the players and fans, across all fields.

The latest AFL ad campaign might like us to think otherwise, but I know which communities are missing in those stands each week.

I remember growing up in an era of Darrell Hair penalising Muralitharan for his bowling action, and the ensuing racial drama of our cricket team and their sledging.

Fast-forward a decade and I am greeted at the last Boxing Day Test match with the brag ‘Sorry we are winning’, referring to the fact that Australia was doing well.

An assumption that my dark skin automatically means I’m not barracking for Australia.

There are a growing number of females with disposable incomes in those stands around the country, and both society and sporting boards would do well to realise their importance in the future of this country’s sport participation and appreciation.

Sport was once a field reflecting that colonial antagonism of years past but in today’s world it can stand for so much more, and has the capacity to actually bring us all together.

So despite being female and with brown skin, I shall be in those stands cheering on the AFL this year. After all, it is our nation’s game.

The Crowd Says:




it's well understood that Preliminary Final weekend is actually a better day at the footy for the real fans. The major problem for the AFL GF though is still the priority arrangement for the cricket club - the MCC members reserve retains the best seats in the house (especially for a day game - the sun behind them) and excludes many thousands of tickets from members of the participating clubs. That is a long standing effectively State Govt sponsored rort at the expense of footy fans and the AFL.




I think what we're really getting at here is stereotypes. I am a dentist and have all of my teeth in my head except two lower wisdom teeth, the two uppers are yet to push through, yet people seem shocked when I tell them I barrack for Collingwood. After all, Collingwood supporters don't have teeth, right? I'm of Indian background, but my family is from Goa and my father was quite pro-Portugal, feeling resentful towards India for (to cut it short) "wrecking the place" when they forcibly wrested Goa from the Portuguese in 1961. Cricket only became a popular sport in Goa after the Indian takeover and my father has always viewed the sport with resentment as a symbol of that takeover (after which the Goans were denied a self-determination ballot as required by the UN). As such I have never really cared for cricket myself. Yet people simply assume that I do, even though I'd much rather spend a summer on the terraces of an A-League match, especially when my Victory boys come to Brisbane - yep, just because I'm from Victoria doesn't mean ARF is my be-all and end-all. Times are changing and women will embrace sport more and more. Just as I hope there will be no stigma attached to males who wish to enjoy the netball competition.




Garcia is RIGHT. Also, it's always held in Australia, so overseas fans have to pay more to travel to watch it. Total Fascism.




"1970s -' 80s"?----that's yesterday!!! Real footy was going to WANFL (not 'WAFL") games with my dad in the late 1950s,early '60s,when pies were really hardcore--scalding hot, & filled with tomato sauce. Back then,we got crowds of 50000 at Subi Oval for the Grand Final,& for Interstate games against the hated Vics! The blokes in the teams would work a full week at a real job,& for a pittance on Saturday,pull on their hobnailed boots & go out there & give their all for their team. Blood rule--Hah!! Google for the iconic picture of Hadyn Bunton Jr,after Swan Districts won the WANFL premierships back in nineteen sixty something,with blood al over his forehead & down by one eye. By God! if "Jnr" was that tough,I'd hate run into "Snr"!!! Going to the footy back then entailed public transport----either "dogbox" Steam trains,or buses. Often it was both,with the old rattletraps which made up the Government bus fleet bursting at the seams with footy fans.,shuttling from the train station to the ground.




Nostradamus might claim everyone is welcome, but it doesnt really represent all of Australia. a few indigenous players and AFL is 'all welcoming'. 10 people chucked out for abusive behaviour at an AFL game and its a quiet night.




agree with u there , Jason !




^Plus I would recommend you don't take your wife of kids to an AFL match in Melbourne Nostradamus just in-case


Floyd Calhoun


Reckon she might be a bit old for you Brewski. Still, great footage. I notice pedestrians gave the poor old tram drivers palpitations back then as well.




Hi Redb, nice to see you on the AFL tab for a change!




Thanks Floyd, that bird that smiles at the camera at around 9:47 looks like the sort of girl you would have a great fun time with, and i actually mean that in the nicest possible way.


Floyd Calhoun


Those Collingwood harridans have just finished telling the ump he's a #*%#€¥% white maggot! Not much has changed. Well, maybe the fashion Those young boys now sport rat tails of course.




I'd also be careful who you get in the lift with at the AFL if you re worried about being king hit.




Really Nostradamus? I wonder why Kamila would make up such a scurrilous lie? She must be an FFA plant.


Fourth Umpire


nice one Kamila, Have you heard this great piece about AFL's recent history? well worth a listen :)







Slight correction needed, Cricket is our nation's game Kamila, not AFL




Titus, All races and supporters welcome at the AFL - added bonus of less chance of being king hit as well - Incoming....




Garcia - you cant be serious - because its popular and would sell out 2 or 3 times over its disciminatory - is the Opera discriminatory - is a heavyweight title fight - are tickets for "insert latest rockstar" - why pick on the AFL if it permeates world wide...



Roar Guru

Titus trolling again, again unchecked. Soccer posters can do what they like at the Roar it seems.




@ Titus, When you walked away, did you take your keyboard as well. ?.

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