Heat on FIFA over 2022 World Cup plans

By simon mansell / Roar Rookie

Football officials around the world are currently discussing the pros and cons of holding the 2022 FIFA World Cup during a Qatar summer, with the traditional months of June and July being a sticking point due to the summer heat.

With temperatures reaching up to 50 degrees and despite Qatar’s ‘promise’ to have air conditioned stadia, there are genuine concerns around the health of players and fans during a demanding tournament.

However one question sticks in the throat and that is why award a country the rights to host such a prestigious event without these questions being fully answered in the first place.

Putting aside the hue and cry of a fixed FIFA ballot, the rules for holding the World Cup were plain and simple:

“One host country to undertake the competition during June and July 2018 and 2022.”

Now the goalposts (pardon the pun) are being moved, which will have a huge impact on the rest of the footballing world.

The solution is clear and simple, both from a health and infrastructure perspective, which is to award another country the rights to hold the 2022 tournament.

Its easy for FIFA to hide behind the spin and say they are looking to “expand the brand”.

But with Qatar having only one million people and with talk of FIFA wanting some surrounding countries to assist with the burden, it is hard to football fans to swallow.

‘It’s the turn of the middle east to hold the World Cup.’

Ok, then when is the Antarctic going to hold the competition (well you get my drift).

This is about one thing and one thing only – money.

FIFA (with UEFA now towing the line) are performing a huge backflip in changing their own rules to accommodate the world’s number one sporting competition in what is nothing more than a ‘desert’, from both a population and expansion view point.

Football for the people?

The Crowd Says:



Roar Pro

The lads on the Sound of Football podcast had a bit to say on the topic of how things could be re-arranged to accommodate Qatar. http://www.sofpodcast.com/2013/03/sound-of-football-podcast-143-qatar-2022.html >>when we bid for the 2038 you mean I have something to live for?


Harry Sevas


Give it to the Americans. They have the stadiums ready , they will blow all records out of the water. If not I would love to have it in our back yard . China has the stadiums and something like 2 million people attended football at the Olympics. Also it would mean the Chinese are out of the way when we bid for the 2038 tournament :).


Matthew Skellett


The whole thing was the outcome of an political arrangement made by Sep Blatter and the then Head of the AFC Bin Himamm months before the actual vote -Mr Blatter then double-crossed Bin Himamm when the publicity heat came in his direction -I'm just shocked that Frank Lowy was blind-sided by the whole shebang surely someone with his wealth/connections/power would have known this




lol...attract new fans in new countries....they are perfect then...plenty of new fans to attract as they will be a World Cup for the mideast. Unless the only new fans u are referring to are eggballers here! Seriously they would just go back to their regular diet anyways...




Hey they have learned well from the western world then, havent they ;) As long as they dont go as far as redrawing other peoples borders, propping up despots and setting up military bases around the world...fine with me...




Its the same impact it has on leagues that run to calendar year for usual world cups. It will be a nice reminder to europe that the football world no longer revolves around them. Some comments from europe so far are supportive...chair of the epl has backed it... Question of why didnt they initially propose it? I guess its simpler to sell one half the proposal...going to mideast...first. Then the timing change later.




This is quite a serious matter. I do agree with the authors premise that awarding the FIFA World Cup to Qatar was wrong in the first place without having all these concerns covered of in the first place. I am very much against the relocation to a different month. It is not a simple technicality. The domestic leagues across Europe are quite large with a substancial financial outlay when you combine them all. There is also the impact to clubs that pay the superstars that we watch week in and week out, who are the same superstars representing their countries in the world cup. Not only is FIFA going to impact the clubs, the local economy by cancelling the domestic season or bunching it tighter, there is also the very real risk of player burnout and lack of top class performances which would make watching the world cup a moot point regardless of the location. The only viable solution is to move it to another climate friendly country to allow the fans to watch the players perform at that level we all desire and what truly shows their abilities.




Just saying, but I will actually go as far as boycotting this world cup if it does go ahead in Qatar. Not saying it will make any difference to anyone, but that's just the position I'm taking. The World Cup is the best advertisement our game has got to attract new fans in new countries, and to waste it on a tiny country like that, which only got it because they allegedly paid bribes to the FIFA comittee, it's too much to take. If it goes ahead, I'm out.


Gary Keo


Money talks, get with the program. Corruption is a norm in most part of asia


Matt F

Roar Guru

Given the impact it will have on quite a few domestic leagues around the world I'd say it's a bit more then "just a technicality" I agree that they should have bid for a January World Cup when the process began but that leads to the question of "why didn't they?"


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

If FIFA are willing to provide 50% funding for all the stadium upgrades & new football-only stadiums in AUS - I'll be happy for AUS to take over WC2022. Otherwise, give it to USA.


Matt Man

Roar Rookie

As Les Murray mentioned, 'Qatari Cash' is at play.




Who cares if they move it....if people want to pony up some actual substantiated proof they were awarded the Cup finals by ill gotten means, then thats a different issue...otherwise get over the butthurt... Its actually quite a positive if we see it moved as it will remove the assumption the tournament always has to be held according to the European calendar. This is good for East Asia also and the AFC in general as it shows a shift in thinking in world football. The game is moving closer to us. Changing the date after the bidding is really just a technicality...it doesnt weaken their case to host it only strengthens it as Qatar is much more pleasant that time of year. They should have been encouraged to bid for a January tournament to begin with....thats my only problem with it.


Football United


It is just too painful to get worked up about this again. Yes its a farce, yes it's one of the biggest corruption scandals in sports history, yes Qatar are cheating bastards, but i just can't deal with getting angry over this again




"However one question sticks in the throat and that is why award a country the rights to host such a prestigious event without these questions being fully answered in the first place. Putting aside the hue and cry of a fixed FIFA ballot, the rules for holding the World Cup were plain and simple:“One host country to undertake the competition during June and July 2018 and 2022.”" This.

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