Thaiday leniency the result of Queensland politics?

By Chris Chard / Expert

In a sad day for rugby league another blockbuster NRL match is set to be over shadowed this weekend by poor player behaviour and dodgy backroom deals as yet again a high profile star waltzes away with a slap on the wrist from the NRL judiciary.

Upon seeing Sam Thaiday’s attack on NRL referee Adam Devcich last Friday night most of us average footy fans immediately came to the logical conclusion: six weeks, with a broadcast public apology and an intensive fortnight stay in rehab centre Pullers Anonymous to boot.

Imagine our shock then when Thaiday sauntered out from the ‘J’ with a smirk on his dial and no punishment, other than a week to nurse niggling injuries and the best seat in the house at Skilled Park.

I’ll repeat that, one week.

Has the judiciary lost all touch with what fans demand from the game?!? All of a sudden a blatant and flagrant grade three pull has been lumped in with lesser offences like accidental forearms to the face and flying knockout shoulder charges.

The powers that be need to know that when Samuel went the pull on Devcich it was not just a brightly coloured piece of sports apparel that came undone, but part of the very fabric of our game.

To date young Adam has put on a brave face in wake of the unpleasant incident, however he has the right to be apprehensive about his future …how many other pullers are there out there in rugby league?

And what about the young kids, too scared to go to school lest a larger child pulls their shirt and films the entire degrading experience only for it to go viral on Youspace and Facetube?

It’s disgraceful, and I’ve come to the completely irrational conclusion that something more…unseemly is afoot.

Next week is one of the biggest NRL clashes of the season when Brisbane host North Queensland.

It is a game that an entire state stops to watch, and one that includes an entire week of promotion.

Hence, smooth talking Sam making Johnathan Thurston laugh at press conferences is pivotal to the code’s coffers, and through a series of complex political power plays a nominal-week suspension was given to appease the masses but still assure Thaiday plays next week.

So who in actual fact is behind this devious skulduggery?

Is it the Scientologists? The Illuminati? The Stonecutters?

Even worse…it’s the Queenslanders!

Yes, in addition to pulling our shirts they’ve pulled the wool over our eyes, again, by clouding the Thaiday case with grainy and circumstantial footage of the gentlemanly Luke Bailey and Daniel Buderus caught at unflattering footy angles.

John Grant in head office. Seven Origin series in a row. XXXX Gold on tap. Ben Ikin…just everywhere.

The only pulling that should be occurring in rugby league is us fans pulling our head out of the sand and having a good look at what’s really going on, lest we continue to get played like chumps from those crafty buggers up North.

That is, of course, they’re all just pulling our leg…

(NB: Chris Chard occasionally moonlights in heavy disguise as a match reporter for the Queensland Rugby League).

Follow Chris on Twitter @Vic_Arious

The Crowd Says:



Roar Guru

Sees Gidley, i think it was gave the ref tap on the hip when St.George were given a penalty early in their game on Sunday. Will be interestin to see how this one plays out.



Roar Guru

Was there for this game Michael O'conner .. What a player i remember my grandfather saying "take him off" everytime manly got decent lead and "put him in cotton wool". One truely great buy.



Chris Chard


Hi CF Just having a laugh mate, although I have since been informed there is actually a real life 'Pullers Anonymous' for those suffering from Trichotillomania. CC




You have to be joking. 1 week is the penalty. He was showing the ref how he had been held back after the scrum. 1 week is more than enough this time. It's a lot because Broncos need all men on deck for the local battle with Titans tonight at Skilled Stadium. hope it is tongue in cheek




I was going to say, "Billy Harridan" wouldn't have taken that!



Chris Chard


To be fair High Shot Buderus is a top bloke and it's not his go. Well, that's what Joey says...



Chris Chard


Hi Bearfax Your well thought out arguments and common sense have no place in this thread. Good day. . . . . Just kidding mate, think you touched on some good points there. Personally I think the ref handled it perfectly on field, but I guess when a big bloke like Thaiday grabs a ref it has the ability to intimidate them, even though that this wasn't his intention. I thought a fine and an apology would have sufficed and in fact it was carry over points which caused Thaiday the week's suspension, rather than the incident on it's own, so the NRL has probably played a pretty straight bat in this instance. Needless to say though the next bloke who touches a ref is going to get absolutely caned Cheers CC




The only "pulling" going on with this article has nothing to do with Queenslanders!



Chris Chard


Johnno mate I think you've made a slight error in your post... It was actually Eddie Ward who Blocker assaulted! Cheers guys CC




Johnno, what sort of industry are you a salesman for?




Johnno, you missed the fact that Chris's tounge was firmly planted in his cheek!


Dane Eldridge


This gross manipulation of the rules to benefit those who bend the bananas up north is a fair dinkum farce! I reckon we Southern Welshmen can get our own back around Origin time when Paul Gallen is given a week for stealing a referee's boot mid-game.


The High Shot

Roar Pro

A few bites here Chris :) Maybe Sammy should have shoulder charged the ref and broken his face, that way the MRC would have ignored it just like Buderus.




Are you rewriting the rugby league history books Johnno? No doubt Bullfrog Moore was a saint in your eyes?? He "cared about rugby league first" hahahaha hilarious mate! Go Manly tonight!


Church Bells


Thailday gave the refs shirt a tug to give his groin a rest!




I'm not sure that Thaiday deserved any more that a warning and a reminder not to touch referees. His actions didnt seem to me disrespectful, but rather an honest attempt to show the ref where he thought they had overlooked an error in interpretation, given the 'interference' rules refs seem to be utilising to the 'nth' degree of late. Where was intent? Where was abuse? Where ws disrespect? I didnt see it in Thaiday's actions. Perhaps he shouldnt have touched the ref, but I saw absolutely no malice or wrong intent in his action. Sorry, and I'm no Queenslander, but I thought Thaiday at worst should have been warned and reminded not to touch the referees. This has been an over reaction in my mind.




Queenslanders being the superior breed and all, Sammy is absolutely entitled to feel hard done by, robbed even. In fact the ref should be dropped until such time he learns to ref the way Thaiday wants and not to put himself in such a dangerous position to others that he can be touched at all. Hope Sammy washed that hand well with turps, bleach and disinfectant. The quarterly blood tests are going to be a bit disconcerting for the next 12 months. This was a ploy by NSW to try and distract him over the final origin period when he will be due for the 1st follow up tests.



Roar Guru

Johnno the Super League war happened cause a Billionaire did not get his way.I was working for Optus at the time it was all about TV rights neither side gave 2 hoots about rugby league. Nothing to do with Arko or Moore. By the way good luck tonight Johnno I hope the best team wins (as in the referee does not have to much impact).




Ah malls good morning. And on a side note , you say It's john he's a dogs supporter says it all. Well Mals "wake up", i'm throwing that line straight back at you , you can relate too that lien to your hypocrite club, Mals is a Manly supporter says it all". At least Bullfrog Moore cared about rugby league first, and did whatever was in the best interests for rugby league, unlike men like Arko always it seemed to be about Manly no 1 and the rest no 2. And look where it got rugby league, in all sorts of bother, no wonder the super league war happened , to break the Manly monopoly on the game.




Ahhh Johnno are the lights on but nobody is home??? It's a humour piece, tongue in cheek, comedic writing... yeah you getting it now? Go re-read it :-) I enjoyed it Chris, don't be dismayed that Johnno couldn't comprehend it ;-) -- Comment left via The Roar's iPhone app. Download it now [].

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