NSW's most important Origin series ever

By Curtis Woodward / Expert

Legendary Scottish football manager Bill Shankly once said, “Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.”

Sure, Shankly was speaking about another code, but for New South Welshmen does this State of Origin not have that same kind of feeling?

For most of the year supporting a National Rugby League team is more a like warm blanket for fans. Whatever problems or stresses you might have, you are always guaranteed your favourite NRL team will be there for you on the weekend.

But Origin is different.

Seven years of torment and submission all at the hands of those damned mighty Queenslanders from the north. With their star players, fancy team announcements and that old song and dance about how ‘Queenslanders are more passionate’, the last seven years have been hell.

While the Maroons surge on for avarice, Blues fans have been left to wallow in the muck. Beaten and destroyed by the pure talent of Queensland, the Blues need this series more than anyone has ever needed anything.

It isn’t about bragging rights anymore.

It’s about more than that.

No longer can NSW stomach the stench of defeat. That desperate feeling all fans have whether they’re watching Origin at home or at their local pub. The vile stench of Queensland victory needs to be banished.

It is that time of year after all.

You’re allowed to hate. If it was alright for Queenslanders to fuel their own fire with the same feelings way back in 1980, then so be it today.

By the way, Queenslanders aren’t more passionate than us. They just hate us more than we hate them. It’s always been that way and the Maroons have used it against us time and time again.

So hate that maroon jersey, bemoan that turncoat Greg Inglis and downright loath that ghastly victory song of theirs.

But after the sides run out into the cauldron that is ANZ Stadium on Wednesday night and the atmosphere hits them, the side that plays better football will win.

There will be big hits, a lot of niggle and maybe even a few punches thrown.

Yet it’s still the side that settles and executes their game plan better that will come out on top.

“Honestly, we’ve lost seven in a row, and I am sick of all the excuses about why we lost,” former Origin great Steve Roach told reporters.

“I want blokes who will get in there and tell me why we will win. It is all bullshit and clichéd to say we haven’t got this or they’ve got that.”

Strap yourselves in and enjoy the ride.

The Crowd Says:


Jack Daniels

Roar Pro

Deep bro totally agree, my hate for queensland goes beyond



Roar Guru

Typical Blues whiner. The score board said otherwise and that player would have never gotten to Hodges. You're complaining to the wrong bloke!




I wonder who will replace Daley:). . I guess they will call on Des, and then from Des to maybe Toovey??Stocks running out fast. Oh yes, and after James Maloney,,who will be next??




Well said Luke M. Don't forget the part where GI grew up idolising and pretending to be T Barett in the backyard with his cousins including Albert Kelly. What a DOG ACT!




Ho hum. I'm supporting the ref.




Hodges try was an obstruction.. You know it was.. That's how they won, if it wasn't for that rule change during a game then we would of won.. Since when can you run behind your player :/ I can't wait till we (blues) kick your asses to shut You's up



Roar Guru

Interpret how you like...


Meesta Cool


Hey Luke, GI didn't chose to play for Melbourne, we were the only team that noticed that he had a talent, he was unwanted and unnoticed by everyone else,, Just the same as Meesta Slater, he even had trials with Brisbane... no wonder they are a sad lot now, Smith, Cronk, Slater and Ingliss all on their doorstep and no one saw the talent there!.. nn



Roar Guru

Soft because I don't hate people from another state?



Roar Guru

Not really... Unless you struggle to follow? :)


The Spectator

Roar Guru

+1, unfathumable to me, regardless of who it is, it goes against every grain of rugby league fibre in me.


Ugly Mongrel


Nice line...."No longer can NSW stomach the stench of defeat."... Now you NSW supporters are starting to know how Queensland supporters smelt the "stench of defeat" after NSW won 19 interstate series in a row before SoO kicked off. Back in those bad old day, Blues teams were stacked with Queenslanders. Not any more, thank God In Queensland, hatred of the Blues is given to you at birth, along with our Maroon blood. It's not something you can give back.




hay guys and girls I am new to this website




I never knew ANZ was the couldron..NSW copy everything from QLD yet nothing works well for you NSWails(loyalty to pearce comes to mind, dedicated coach just like QLD have Mal so they bring in Stuart)..now call ANZ the couldron in the hope to replicate the Suncorp/Langpark atmosphere..haha


Damn Straight

Roar Rookie

Spoken like a Dugan. ;)



Roar Guru

Go hang yourself :P




Ummm, in what ways are Queensland higher exactly? Education? Employment? Average income? Don't really mind Queensland, but I still know it as the state that didn't even have high school till the 1960s - kinda explains guys like Barnaby Joyce - they hadn't yet worked out what to put in the curriculum when he first bungled through High School. But yeah, in all honesty mate most people in Sydney don't mind Queensland, just like we don't mind Melbourne. Actually, in spite of the rivalry I reckon Melbourne is a top place - the chip on the shoulder is far less pronounced down there than it is on Qlders.




WRONG - NSW is well below Queensland in almost everyway and we still hate you. Western Australia is a more significant state than NSW these days you guys are long gone in those stakes. Population is about all you come out on top in and largely due to immigration. We are well aware up here how many hundreds of thousands of you in the last twenty years moved up to paradise to get out of that cesspool that you are trying to defend. As for lack of concern, spare me. I wouldnt still be reading about GI in the comments of every other artcle if that were universally the case. I suppose your right about the KIWI thing, in can see definite similarities between Queensland and NZ. After all the Kiwis are the current world cup holders and have something in the trophy case from the last 7 years that needs dusting now and again.




Not sure you've read the comments on these articles - I see a lot more haters from NSW then the other way around! Then again, after losing 7 in a row there's a lot more hurt on that side of the border.




I disagree, the beautiful beaches of Byron are all NSW! Get your grubby QLD hands off them... I'm from the far north of NSW near Byron and I hate QLD as much as any other NSWelshman. The closer to the border you are the more toxic you know QLD is!

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