AFL casts doubt over drug classification

By Greg Buckle / Roar Guru

AFL chief Andrew Demetriou says doubts linger over the classification of AOD-9604, the drug which is a key element of the investigation into Essendon’s use of supplements.

The anti-obesity drug is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), but Demetriou said on Friday an Australian Crime Commission (ACC) report released earlier in 2013 did not refer to it as being prohibited.

“There is a view from WADA that they have deemed AOD-9604 to be banned,” Demetriou told radio 3AW.

“The AFL received the ACC report where it was determined that it wasn’t banned, so there is an issue whether it is banned or not banned. There is a classification issue around that.

“I’m not going to speculate whether it is or it isn’t, other than to say that this investigation is coming to an end.”

Demetriou said he hoped the joint ASADA-AFL investigation would be completed in August, ahead of the finals series in September.

The third-placed Bombers have an 11-3 win-loss record after 15 rounds but could face the loss of premiership points and player suspensions if found guilty of breaching the league’s anti-doping code.

Essendon skipper Jobe Watson has admitted he took a substance he believed was the banned AOD-9604, but added it was cleared for his use by club medical staff.

It’s understood ASADA is investigating whether some Bombers players were put on the drug, and their performance were measured against players who weren’t using it, with results then passed on to external parties.

Essendon’s own investigation into governance at the club during the period in question found major failings and chief executive Ian Robson resigned.

The Bombers have said they had no knowledge of any virtual clinical trial of AOD-9604 at the club, but concede they don’t know the full picture of what happened at Essendon.

“We’re at a point in time where, when we receive the report, the public … all of us … are entitled to hear the truth,” Demetriou said.
“Everybody is impatient about getting to the end of this matter and none moreso than the AFL.

“Everyone’s been interviewed. It’s been an extensive investigation – 130 interviews.

“This is an investigation that’s very complex and what we should say is it’s been well handled because we’re getting to the bottom of it.”

The Crowd Says:



Roar Guru

Yep. When the AFL talk about complex and sensitive issues I think you can say that means that ASADA and WADA may not be on the same page.


Thank Goddard


Agreed Redb, it's as much about the intense dislike of Essendon as it is about the fairness or otherwise of the investigation. While is was running against Essendon it's all good, as soon as there's another possibilty it's obviously a whitewash..... All along the Bombers have maintened there was mitigating circumstances, and maybe there actually is...




Nothing to do with being a soccer fan Kacey, all to do with your well known dislike of the AFL. Your comments should be taken with a grain of salt ... hold the bus !! , is there anything smaller than salt, than your comments may be taken with. Your view is not balanced, your shoulders have big lumps of granite on them.




We football fans already know FIFA are a bunch of crooks, what’s that got to do with criticising the AFL? Your responses thus far to any criticism of the AFL seem to be: 1. yeah but at least we're not Sockah. 2. you're a Sockah fan so your comments don't count. care to comment on the actual criticism of the AFL deliberately muddying the waters of an ongoing ACC investigation?



Roar Guru

NOP, Except that ASADA advised the ACC. To this day the website still in 5 different locations states that AOD 9604 is not a prohibited substance. The so called onus on ahtletes to check is muddied by the absurd confusion created by Government bodies who should know the status. Ask yourself why WADA felt it necessary in Apri 2013 to confirm AOD 9604 was banned since Jan 2011. I'd say they know ASADA have stuffed up.



Roar Guru

"The worst offender, on a global scale, is FIFA. At the 2010 Football World Cup journalists had sign a declaration that they would not print anything critical (can’t remember the exact phrasing) about either the event or FIFA." Ouch poor kasey.



Roar Guru

Get a grip GOP. When the media report bad news about Essendon its full steam ahead agreement despite the missing facts. When anyone (who you would assume is informed) makes a comment that might not show Essendon in the worst possible situation, its cover up. Pathetic.



Roar Guru

Your opinion on the AFL means nothing due to another agenda. It's not balanced with the good, only the bad. When Adelaide Oval opens next year the gap between the AFL and the rest in Adelaide will grow again. It's going to be great thinking of you suffering through the added media and hype. :)




Kacey, I would argue that people like you have plenty more hubris, you are obviously infatuated with the Australian Football League, you are drawn to comment on it daily, and you don't even like it . LOL




I hardly think I’m the only sports fan in Australia who would enjoy seeing some of the hubris displayed by the AFL take a kick in the nuts? Do AFL fans like the direction their sport has taken in the last 10-15 years? Some will but there has to be a few that are browned off?



Roar Guru

You hope of course Kasey that maximum damage is done to the AFL.



Roar Guru

Exactly Jeff. Now all the Essendon/AFL death riders are screaming cover up. Not all the facts are on the table this remains the case but many don't want to accept that a full penalty regardless of circumstances should apply becuase that suits their particular agenda. Now the AFL itself is suggesting it's not so straight forward.


db swannie


Ask the journo who had the run In with FEV at the BROWNLOW. "The woman – who attended the Brownlow Medal event – is thought to be unlikely to want to make a complaint because it might adversely effect her career or her reputation in the football world. That’s a remarkable reflection on modern football, if true. " Head out of the sand please




You make a some fair points Daryl, no-one wants to see the AFL hide anything under the carpet, but at the same time they have a brand to uphold, and who can hardly blame them for not confronting, or indeed downplaying some issues. A brand it appears that many soccer fans who post on the board take great pleasure in having a go at, whilst ignoring and indeed not commenting about about issues within their own code. Particuarly hypocritical double standards in play, this website would be a lot better off without them, and their continual whining and sniping.


Daryl Adair


All the major sports require media accreditation. Otherwise every Tom, Dick and Susie will have direct access to coaches and players. Accreditation is not the problem. It's whether the media can do an effective job within that context. The worst offender, on a global scale, is FIFA. At the 2010 Football World Cup journalists had sign a declaration that they would not print anything critical (can't remember the exact phrasing) about either the event or FIFA. This type of bullying has to be resisted - wherever it takes place. I can't comment with confidence on the AFL situation (residing in Sydney). Of course they are engaged in brand protection (who isn't?), but I don't get a sense that they have been able to sweep the big issues away from the media's prying eyes. In terms of the drugs saga, that will be ASADA's call anyway. And if they're unhappy with any penalty for an ADVR, then WADA can take it to CAS.




its called HAL off season, we'll all be seeing you guys on the football tab over Summer no doubt.




Exactly Stavros, surely there is enough good, bad and in between news in their own code to satisfy themselves. Reeks of small man syndrome.




Give it up mate. You and your fake stories. Stick to soccer, where obviously everything must be rosy.




goose. the AFL is hardly going to black ban 2 of the most well-known journos in the industry, but a young up and comer no -name asking difficult questions, that's easy to crush. there's always somebody else whose dream it is to report on the AFL that would be happier to toe the line.




Yes it is hard to believe, especially coming from you. Obviously Caroline Wilson and Patrick Smith have no such fears.

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