Villa's 'Stan' Petrov's touching EPL tribute

By Tim Holt / Roar Guru

95,000 stood arm in arm and sent chills through the spines of billions as the Liverpool faithful sung in unison ‘You’ll never walk alone’ in a moment that was so touching that it could only be described as ‘soul stillness’.

Time stood still around that moment and it was the only thing that mattered.

It embodied how football is not merely a game, but the epitome of life, in that it can capture moments and cast them into your being as unforgettable.

Whether it be the good, the bad, or the right out ugly, it gets you deep, and how profound its meaning is is the fact it often moves you without a ball even being kicked in anger.

This was an example of the truly pristine, a great tribute to Liverpool FC and an inspiration to us all.

Rivalling this in its emotion, but differing in its circumstance, is a tribute that is about to end.

It was the tear-jerking, standing round of applause that rang around Villa Park in tribute of fan favourite and team captain Stiliyan Petrov – ‘Stan’ – who had been struck down by Leukaemia.

Few of the many new fans attracted to the EPL will know of Petrov or even the stature of Aston Villa as a club.

This is a team that was seen as the biggest in the English game a generation ago, with a trophy chest full of titles, including a memorable European Cup win over Bayern Munich in 1982.

To put our past status in context, when Alex Ferguson chose to manage Manchester United in 1986, there was talk of a very cheeky offer coming from Villa for his services.

Symbolically at the time of that decision, both clubs were locked on the amount of first division titles won.

Back to the tribute. The Villa crowd rose on the 19th minute – in honour of Stan’s number – with the chanting of his name and singing his tribute songs.

And when this translated to away games, where the Villa faithful would rise on the 19th minute and applaud, to be supported by the home fans, well in a league that has been so remarked on because of its tribal flaws in supporters, this gave you chicken skin.

It really struck me, when I ventured to the Hawthorns, the home of a hated local rival in West Bromwich Albion, and I thought the years of hatred would be captured in the silence of that moment from their fans, but even they joined in.

In that moment, it just showed how football can indeed divide, but it can bring together in such a profound manner.

Thankfully, Petrov has now been blessed with going into remission and in response to the support, these were his words

“The fans have shown me so much love, support and respect and I will hold this forever in my heart but we all have to move on and I have no problem with this.

“I know they will always be beside me, they’re with me and I’m in their thoughts. That’s a precious and very humbling thing.

“When I went through the toughest times they stood beside me and I’ll never forget this.”

The Crowd Says:




So hope you are right. We have a young team that will hopefully play without fear and leave nothing on the pitch. To achieve what Moyes did with little financial backing but having a good eye for talent, would be ideal Lambert is building a great team ethos and I am sure this will make the season even more interesting for the claret and blue faithful. UTV



Tim Holt

Roar Guru

I think the good times will come, I can see Lambert doing a job at Villa, similar to what Moyes did with Everton




When moving to the UK 12 years ago, I decided to understand the sport mindset here I would need to follow a ‘football team’ – living in the midlands I chose Villa. I have never seen them win a trophy and watch them battle relegation but every year before the season start – shirt sales are up along with hopes of fans that this season we will do a little better than last year. Villa fans are no different to real football fans in all leagues, that don’t follow a team because they only support success, they follow because it is their team and that win against a team with multi millions to spend on players keep you going for another 6 months. But perhaps it has been the Petrov’s minutes’ applause that has really made me feel even prouder to be a Villa fan. Another time to talk about soccer’s culture – so very different to AFL or League back home, but when I have been standing doing my applause and I look at the ‘Away Fans’ also standing and clapping – that is the one time that I feel that Soccer demonstrates that even with its fierce club loyalty it has a power to unite.



Tim Holt

Roar Guru

Very true Bondy :)



Tim Holt

Roar Guru

I think that was more to do with Bentekers agent than anything chasing the big bucks, rather than giving wise counsell. It would have been insane for him to leave Villa in a WC year, where he was guaranteed a starting spot every week to go to a big Club, where he might be sitting on the bench



Tim Holt

Roar Guru

I think it is more for the fact that he was a huge fan favourite at Celtic as well



Tim Holt

Roar Guru

It will be interesting, for our first Home game is a huge one against LiverWho....meaning Villa Park will be packed to the rafters



Tim Holt

Roar Guru

I am old ( born in 1952 ) and in those post WW2 years, Villa were the biggest Team in England. As for Ron Atkinson aka 'Mr Bojangles' , he was an awesome Manager but fell foul of Deadly Doug Ellis, The Villa owner, who used to sack Managers for anything. Atkinson, was a brilliant wheeler dealer, and actually got shafted at Man U, because they never showed him the patience that the showed Fergi Sadly, he ended his Managerial career, by a Racist comment during a commentary stint...I think by saying that 'he loved this thick set Nigger....' when referring to Patrick Viera




It is interesting that Celtic have organised a charity match to launch Stan's new foundation, not Aston Villa.




a short but beautiful video. Petrov has asked the fans to end the 19th minute tradition and to move on. Wonder if they'll listen.



Roar Guru

I was only made aware of this tribute yesterday, when reading another report about it on another site. A great tribute from Villa's fans. Interesting that you wrote "Few of the many new fans attracted to the EPL will know of Petrov or even the stature of Aston Villa as a club." I think that's very true, as only 4-5 clubs really dominate news of the Premier League these days. I doubt many new followers would even be aware that it was Villa, under Ron Atkinson, that competed with Man Utd for the title in the Premier League's first season.




This is why it's the global game


Brick Tamlin of the Pants Party


It was a very touching tribute and was made more special by the fact they didn't just do it for one or two games,they did it every game home and away all season.When you see love from the fans like that as a Villa player I know it would make me wanna sign for life!,though it didn't stop Benteke holding the club to ransom this pre season.




How true football can be a kaleidoscope of emotions both good and bad, but to observe Sylvan's battle and the respect football supporters have had for him up and down the country illustrates a human touch to an explosive game at times, its fantastic news that Sylvan has gone into remission, I hope that he lives a long and fruitful life. The Roar; thanks for the effort with the vid's on the Prem "we're not really here" .

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