Dropping Genia: Ewen's big gamble?

By Yousef Teclab / Roar Guru

Take a look at the starting XV for Australia’s must-win match against Argentina on Saturday in Perth.

You will see that missing from that list is a name synonymous with all things positive in Australian rugby during the last few years: Will Genia.

Prior to ex-Wallaby fullback and journalist Greg Martin’s scoop that Will Genia was to be dropped to the bench (confirmed the following day when the official starting line-up was announced), I am sure very few Australian (or Argentinean) rugby fans could have predicted it.

Dropping Will Genia is McKenzie’s biggest gamble yet – especially when you consider Genia’s outstanding performance under McKenzie’s tenure at the Queensland Reds.

It seems like a reckless move that could easily backfire for a multitude for reasons.

Firstly, Will Genia is the world’s best scrum-half.

His performances over the last few seasons for club and country have been excellent.

He was ever-present during the Reds’ 2011 Super Rugby triumph, with his try against the Crusaders a real highlight.

To drop Genia in such an important game is a baffling decision, akin to dropping Shane Warne or Glenn McGrath in the fifth Test of an Ashes series with the scores tied 2-2.

Though Genia hasn’t been great during the Rugby Championship, he hasn’t been awful. When you look at the Wallaby team, there are certainly other players that should have been dropped instead.

Quade Cooper didn’t have his best game against South Africa and was lucky not to have been dropped, but Australia’s other fly-half Matt Toomua has struggled as well, though to be fair when to have his first two Test matches against the All Blacks was certainly a tough ask.

Another change McKenzie should have made was in the front row: Prop Benn Robinson was unlucky to be omitted from the Rugby Championship squad.

It’s easy to see why he should have been in the squad – mainly because he is an expert in the scrum, and this is the one area where the Pumas could do some real damage to Australia, since the Wallabies can be chronically weak when it comes to scrum time.

The Argentineans would have taken note of Australia’s difficulty against the South Africans in Brisbane when it came to the scrum and breakdown. The Springboks were physical, able to produce several turnovers in the ruck, as they committed more men and were able to turn the ball over with ease at times.

It is no secret the Pumas’ scrum is their bread and butter, and in Hamilton last week gave the All Blacks a good contest.

The inclusion of Robinson could get help negate or at least degrade the potency of the Argentinean’s scrum.

It is well known the Pumas use their pack to win penalties when it comes to the scrum, use the penalty to try and gain good field position within the opposition half, or rack up points with their goal kicking.

Genia being dropped could backfire badly, as it looks like Australia is underestimating the Argentineans, which would be a bad idea.

New Zealand acknowledged the Pumas gave them a good game at Waikato Stadium last week, despite being in atrocious condition.

As well as the obvious potency in their scrum, the Puma loose forwards are one of the most underrated in world rugby and are excellent at the breakdown, not to mention extremely physical.

20-year-old Pablo Matera was excellent against South Africa in Mendoza, and made 13 tackles against New Zealand.

Juan Manuel Leguizamón took his try well as the Pumas capitalized on a rare mistake by the All Blacks, while captain Juan Martín Fernández Lobbe was in the forefront at the breakdown, as he always is for Argentina.

The Pumas’ back line are no slouches, with accurate goal-kicker Nicholas Sanchez at fly-half, as well as mercurial fullback Juan Martín Hernández, who is sublimely assured under the high ball.

Argentina also have another emerging talent in their backs that could cause Australia real problems: winger Juan José Imhoff.

The 24-year-old had an excellent season with French Top 14 side Racing Metro, and is a lethal finisher, scoring seven tries in 12 Heineken Cup games.

If Australia gives Imhoff time and space then he can easily beat his man, as he did last year when Australia faced the Pumas on the Gold Coast, rounding Nick Phipps with consummate ease. Australia was lucky to win.

Considering all this, dropping Will Genia is a really surprising decision to make.

It can be compared to Warren Gatland omitting Brian O’Driscoll from his 23 man squad altogether in the third Test of the Lions series against Australia in July.

Gatland relied instead on his Welsh players, which ultimately worked because they won comfortably, but at the time O’Driscoll’s omission was a huge shock to many.

To be fair, Genia’s replacement Nic White is a good player who had an excellent season for the Brumbies. But to drop the best scrum-half in the world for an important game is a big call – which might turn out to be the wrong one.

It’s possible McKenzie is sending a message to his players: no one’s spot is safe, and to be a Wallaby you must earn your place or be dropped.

If they beat Argentina twice and avoid ending bottom of the Rugby Championship, then McKenzie will be vindicated.

If not, then it truly will have been a dreadful summer for the Wallabies.

The Crowd Says:




It's an Australian thing. I've just read that Atlantic Jewel is the best racing mare in the world since she has won 8 races straight.




Will has not been at his best since his knee went. There are some brilliant glimpses but overall his spark is not there. Granted our pack is moving backwards. A worry is the Gregan shuffle at the back of the ruck which has crept in to his game. And he is no longer the best half back in the world. A. Smith proved that over the last two AB matches.


Two Eyed Cyclop

Roar Guru

And Colvin, seen you picked me up earlier. Phil and Matto the bestest most objective and fair minded commentators? :-)


Two Eyed Cyclop

Roar Guru

I believe he is nice to his kids :-) . There, just in case you thought I am waring an eye patch.




Cyclop, could you make your thoughts on Greg Martin a little clearer?



Yousef Teclab

Roar Guru

Ah, so Greg Martin is basically the journalistic version of John Howard. As for Rugby HQ: I don't really rate it apart from Plays Of The Week and Top 5 - Sean Maloney is the only guy I can stomach. NZ's Reunion is quite good in my view but I wonder what is better: northern hemisphere rugby punditry or southern hemisphere: hey that can be a article for the future! But I am glad to see you are a fellow Arsenal fan. You are right in regards with Wenger boo-boo badly in not buying a striker but if he can stay in touch of the Top 4 places come January then he could make a move in the market.


Two Eyed Cyclop

Roar Guru

Yousef just noticed that you domicile in London so you are forgiven. For your "education", Greg Marin is the most one-eyed, jingoistic, nationalistic, boorish, vitriolic media person here. The only reason he got the "scoop" is because he ran a nasty campaign trough the media undermining Deans and championing Ewen and the reinstatement of Cooper, so he is getting a bit of a reward. I actually wrote a whole article on mainly about him and he other half of the comedy act (Phil Kearns) if you have some time. http://www.theroar.com.au/2013/09/03/australian-rugby-audiences-deserve-better/ By the way I support Arsenal too, can't wait to see how Ozil settles in (best buy of the summer in my opinion), but jeez Wenger boobed badly not getting a top striker, might hurt them still.



Yousef Teclab

Roar Guru

Thanks for the kind words. Got another article lined up in the next few days. Depends on the result of the Wallabies/Pumas game which I think Argentina might nick especially with their scrum. As for Greg Martin - It may be stretching it a bit BUT he was the first person (if not then one of the first) to break Genia being dropped. So credit must be given for that.


Two Eyed Cyclop

Roar Guru

Yousef good article, couple of corrections: Will was "arguably" the world's best for a short period , but certainly not for the last couple of years. Describing Greg Martin as a "journalist" is stretching it a bit.




And wasn't JON the best sports administrator in the world until he re-signed Robbie just before the 2011 RWC?




Gain, Will is a top half back. But it's clear that he needs a break. He's overplaying his hand by taking too much on himself. There's so much wrong with his game just now that it's hard to find anything that's working. He needs to focus on his core game only and leave the rest to the other 14 players. He will come back there's no doubt about that, he's too good a player not to. But IMO being benched is probably the best thing that could have happened to him. He will see things very differently from the sideline and hopefully grow from it.


Joe Blow


He will be back. White's service is fast and he has a great long kicking game. WG has been in a form slump for the last year or so. His service is slow and he telegraphs where he is sending the ball by doing the Gregan shuffle. He is over thinking his option taking and hesitates before making a decision, often the wrong one of late. White will give Quade some more space and time. Class is permanent and WG is class.


Magic sponge


Genia is the best but is in a slump behind a non existent pack . If he was behind the ABs or Boks pack he would be destroying sides.



Yousef Teclab

Roar Guru

It could be a mark of respect but not playing Benn Robinson who is a good scrummager would have been a better move, as we all know how good the Pumas are when it comes to the scrum.



Yousef Teclab

Roar Guru

Mike Phillips is a very good player. Though he can be a bit temperamental at times. I think if Phillips has a good season (so far he is playing decently for Bayonne in the new Top 14 season) he can stake a claim as best scrum half at the moment.




TAH MAN..White may prove everyone wrong(heres hoping ) but see how he handles the heat with his pack going backwards....and being pushed around the park,,,,




The problem Yousef is that when someone is claimed to be the next Don Bradman, it is pretty near a certainty that he is being set up to fail. It's best to let them develop at their own pace without being anointed with these grand titles. It does them more harm than good. It's like putting a target on their back. In Genia's case he was pretty good and seen by the ABs in particular as a danger, so he was targeted tactically. He gets no space and he's constantly put under pressure. All aspects of his game have been examined in detail and any small weaknesses (passing off his left hand , kicking from the back of the ruck) are played to. And he doesn't get many chances to use his (many) strengths.




And Pocock; and George Smith.




I think your on the sniff sniff. Philipps was horrible for the BIL and has been outplayed by Genia pretty much everytime Australia and Wales have played.




Genia a unquestionably fine player, but how consistent is his kicking game?..his calling for quick ball?...getting left/right options correct? George Gregan developed an unfortunate sideways run from the base before off-loading a hospital to a team mate, who was often caught on the wrong side of the advantage line: Will is now consistently doing the same. His passing has also picked up a league "wind up" that gives opponents that extra half-metre. I am being picky, but when your forwards can't dominate, then a perfect half-back is needed to off set this, or you lose: and that is what we are consistently doing. [Hopefully, McKenzie will spot a brilliant Puma prop this weekend to have naturalised (Topo+Noriega) before the next World Cup.]

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