Kangablues? Kangaroons? Who cares, they represent Australia now

By Daniel Nichols / Roar Guru

A recent opinion piece referred to the Kangaroos squad as the ‘Kangablues’ due to the number of NSW players named in the Four Nations opener.

The reaction on social media from north of the border garnered the exact response intended, but I don’t care which state they represent, they’re Kangaroos now.

Everyone has players they love to hate. Whether it be Paul Gallen, Greg Inglis, Greg Bird, etc., but the fact is, when they don the green and gold, they represent the nation.

Does club or state rivalry mean you won’t fully support a player wearing the national colours?

I am not a fan of South Sydney, nor am I a fan of the Maroons. I loathe the fact that Greg Inglis has torn us up at both club and state level for years and years, but once he pulls on the Roos jersey he becomes a favourite.

I know plenty who see Paul Gallen as the NRL’s ‘bad guy’, yet there are few you’d want in the trenches beside you more in an international footballing war than the Sharks and NSW captain.

Yes, the Blues do have a larger representation than in years gone by, but I will be cheering the Queensland eight just as loudly as the NSW nine.

I’ve strongly disliked Josh Papalii ever since his late shot on Paul Gallen in Origin. Should he put an identical hit on one of the Kiwi big men this Saturday night, I’ll no doubt see it is as completely legal due to the lack of depth perception available, seeing the game through green and gold eyes.

Obviously you’re going to have a little more interest in a member of the squad should he also represent your NRL side. It’s a sense of pride seeing a member of your beloved club side representing this great nation. But is there any real reason to point out which state a footballer would represent come Origin time other than to cause a reaction?

Besides, the majority of the Roos line-up is made up of the victorious Blues side as there are so many quality players unavailable. This side doesn’t truly represent the Origin divide.

Off the top of my head, Nate Myles, Johnathan Thurston and Billy Slater are just three members of the Queensland side who are missing. For NSW you’d have to imagine Gallen would be there if available.

For the next few weeks, I really don’t care which club or state a player represents. For the duration of the Four Nations tournament, I am, you are, we are Australian.

The Crowd Says:


Jay C

Roar Guru

Yeah see I think gouging and any sort of pants action is repulsive and much worse than giving someone a shiner. But I look at Origin 2 this year as proof that the no punch rule makes the game grubbier. I guess I hate reactionary rulemaking, which is completely what this was. they should have just come out and backed their officials to take a tougher stance on foul play and then you have got officials with the confidence to make a decision. Not being heard on mic saying sorry it is out of my hands. Nobody wants to see the kind of ugle, illegal shots put on Nate Myles by Gallen. They were classic king hits or coward punch or whatever we are calling them. I just don't see the bruhaha over some little love taps in the heat of the game. There are much more sinister ploys afoot.


Jackson Henry

Roar Guru

I'd be impressed if I could rock a moustache as well as Ron. Meant to say in relation to another thread about banning the punch - yes, I do think we should ban it. But I also think we should sanction penalties and sin-bins for unnecessary contact (and call it that) - you know, elbows in the eye socket, hands in the faces in tackles, forearms on the neck. And it extends to pushing someone in the back when they make a mistake, all that sort of rubbish things that guys like Ennis go on with. In my opinion, there's no way this takes away from the toughness of the game. Anyone who's played it knows first-hand how tough it is. Toughness comes from winning the first contact in attack and defence, making your tackles when you're tired and getting out ont he kick chase when there's nothing left in the tank. Not punching, squeezing and gouging.


Jay C

Roar Guru

Once again, I seem to agree with your moustache. It is easier for media to play this nonsense up than research and contribute quality journalism. Around Origin time I am hungry for news, media knows it and so they fart out hundreds of articles saying the same thing (We the people of ((Insert relevant state)) hate((Insert relevant State)) because of ((Insert irrelevant nonsense))). I hate myself when I click on clickbait. I try hard to make a stand against pseudo-journalism, but the hunger is strong. Didn't read Ritchie's article, but from comments I have gotten the gist.


Jackson Henry

Roar Guru

I'm not Kiwi but I'm sort of in the same boat (live in Canberra; first team I supported was the Raiders back in the Daley, Belcher, Meninga, Clyde days; lived in Brisbane for over a decade and became intimately familiar with the Qld Origin thing). An aside, you're definitely not Robison Crusoe on the Cronk/Origin 3 thing...to put it mildly! Anyway, I agree, like a million percent. Ritchie's article was embarrassing, as most things form the Faily Telegraph are. It's like an echo chamber where everyone just sits around inhaling each other's flatulence and furiously nodding their heads in agreement with each other. The debate just never moves forward and there's never any profound or ground-breaking analysis from just about anyone, bar probably Phil Gould. And yes, the Courier Mail are certainly just as bad from what I remember. But in fairness, they don't have anywhere near the powerbase that the Faily Telegraph does. I just wish we could get some light rather than heat every time Origin comes about. Instead, it's the "Am Not You Are" debating technique, ad nauseum. Look, each to their own and all that, and I love the Origin concept, but in my opinion, a lot of the hhopla fro news outlets are...just...so...bloody...tedious... And happy to wear the whole "well, go watch something else" response, fair enough. Just my two cents. I love this game and want to see it reach what I see as its potential. Tribalism's always been RL's best and worst aspect...


Jackson Henry

Roar Guru

A two-to-one quantitative advantage when it comes to player depth. With those numbers, should probably be winning twice the games...but instead, haven't even won half (!) And that's not even mentioning the power base that NSW has - invented the game, basically run the game and have at least 2/3 of the RL media coverage in Australia (exceptions being sites like this one). I think Qld would be flat out having a team if they had a "Origin Thirds" match-up.




Just satire buddy, if a sports hack can write tripe, so can I




Agree %100 Renegade. Plenty of better places on the net to get real news.



Roar Guru

Good article mate. Here's a tip for those that are disgusted..... stop reading the Telegraph - everything in it is garbage.




I am a neutral as a SOO fan (being a kiwi and and all). That peice by Dean Ritchie was nothing short of pathetic. There was another article today saying NSW want to make the team/brand as big as the Yankees and Man U. It was pretty cringe worthy, one series win in 9 years and suddenly they are the best thing since sliced bread.... unfortunately I beg to differ, without Hayne next year and if QLD have Cronk on the field (who was definitely the key loss), they will potentially be staring down at another series defeat streak.




I couldn't care less what state they come from and I have never come across anyone else that cared either way whether the players came from QLD or NSW, seems to me it's always been qld complaining about everything.




... And now viewers, we can observe the intended reaction of these types of DT/CM articles on the less discerning reader....


The eye


I hope the lads don't break into the Blues victory song if they win the tournament...now,THAT would be flying the kites wouldn't it..


Pat Malone


Gee you are not a bitter type?




Oh Sydney, where can I buy you a mirror so you may sit and admire your collective self. The fairy tale all Sydney Grand Final (with some help) and gasp, finally, gasp, a SOO win! You are such heroes and world beaters now, it's simply too much pets, fly the kites high as you cavort unashamedly in the sunlight The only thing that can prick your little bubble is if QLD should win next SOO and that would just be impossible pets, wouldn't it?


Jay C

Roar Guru

Isn't it 9 and 8 anyway? My maths ain't so good, but out of habit I did a quick check, and I thought it was 9 v 8. Hardly favouritising (yes it is a real word and yes I did just invent it). I don't think State Allegiance is irrelevant but it certainly isn't important. If anything I think it shows the massive stocks of top shelf NSW players waiting in the wings. This has always been the case. Qld just don't have the back up guys to fill in for injuries. Especially out wide lately....



Roar Guru

I read that piece by Ritchie yesterday aswell and was disgusted with myself afterwards for giving it the time of day. The hate being generated through the rl media for 3 games annually isn't really doing the game any good at all. Whilst I'm all for the rivalry for the 9 weeks, it's getting a bit tiresome every story in the DT referring to the 'arrogant' Queenslanders and how NSW have restored lost pride. Like you said in your article they are all playing for Australia now so state aligiance is irrelevant.

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