Korea cruise into Asian Cup final

By John Davidson / Roar Guru

The Socceroos’ conquerers South Korea are through to the Asian Cup decider after breezing past Iraq 2-0.

The Koreans will face Australia or the UAE after being far too strong and classy for the Iraqis in Sydney. A goal in each half was enough to see out the Arab nation, who appeared to have little left in their tank after a dramatic penalty shootout victory over Iran in the quarter-finals.

South Korea dominated the first half at a soaked ANZ Stadium, as many expected. Son Heung-min tested the keeper on 18 minutes, pulling a great save out of Jalal Hassan Hachim. It was a warning sign.

A minute later Korea had taken the lead through a brilliant header from Lee Jeong-hyeop. From a free-kick the forward rose with a towering header that was Tim Cahill-esque in its delivery.

It took Iraq 24 minutes to register their first shot on a goal – a header from their captain Younus Mahmood. Korea Republic kept dominating possession and chances, but as the half grew Iraq started to finally grab a foothold in the match.

At the break the stats showed the extent of the Korean dominance – 65.8 per cent possession, 138 more passes and Iraq with six more fouls conceded.

Five minutes into the second half and South Korea sealed the match. It was a goal of pure skill.

A cross came and the ball was chested down at the top of the box to Kim Young-gwon who flew a leg at the ball. The sweetest of volleys sailed into the back of the net. Two-nil, and job done.

Goalkeeper Hachim made a good save to keep the Koreans at bay and Iraq clicked into gear. They created several opportunities, racking up corners and building pressure, but just couldn’t pull a goal back.

The Iraqi fans keept chanting, kept drumming, supporters of both countries adding to a fantastic atmosphere, but it wasn’t their night. Marwan Hussein had a legimitate penalty shout ignored with nine minutes left, and soon after an Iraqi fan then ran on to the pitch.

South Korea is deservedly through to the final of the tournament while Iraq were a touch lucky to get this far, considering the circumstances of their Ben Williams-inspired victory in Canberra. If the Socceroos can get past the UAE, a rematch against South Korea awaits. The Taeguk Warriors edged Australia in Brisbane with a smart game plan.

With the Socceroo attack misfiring, they took advantage of a sole defensive lapse and were too disciplined and structured to let the home team back into the contest.

South Korea are a well-drilled side with several talented players. Keeper Kim Jin-hyeon is handy, while right fullback Cha Duri has a great engine. Kim Young-gwon is very skilful and former Queensland schoolboy Son is a star. They also have a large fan-base backing them passionately.

Confident, with some momentum after five straight victories and not conceding a solitary goal, South Korea will take some beating in the Asian Cup final on Saturday.

Follow John Davidson on Twitter @johnnyddavidson

The Crowd Says:




Has anyone watched the highlights show? Has it been any good?



Roar Rookie

ABC has a contractual agreement to cover all matches involving Australia - the rest of the games are being offered as highlights packages only.


Jara W


The first team through to the final are the team to beat. Haha! I appreciate what you're trying to say, but that comment was way too redundant to leave alone. But I agree. Korea are the no.1 team of the tournament this far. They were the only undefeated team leading into the semis. And the chances of them taking out the cup without conceding a goal are still very real.



Roar Rookie

Batou, I have become accustomed to the view of "total domination but just not on the scoreboard" as the coach of the team I follow (WSW) often wheels out this remark whenever they lose (which is now often!) Don't worry as i am currently taking medication for this condition ;-)




Look out britesparke, suggesting that Korea might actually be a decent team will lead you into trouble with commenters on here where apparently the only acceptable explanation for our loss to them is that we blew them away, they got really lucky and just look at the stats (and don't worry about that minor detail of the score because that isn't important, we dominated).




Britesparke i agree i reckon Korea are the team to beat very impressive and hard to break down.



Roar Rookie

To all those pundits that claimed Korea are rubbish and were lucky against Australia - THINK AGAIN! Whilst all the comments focused on how lucky we are in dodging Japan, the real test of the Socceroo's mettle will be in the next two games starting with tonight against UAE. Korea demonstrated again last night that, defensively, they are well organised, they can hurt from set pieces and are quick on the counter. Admittedly, Iraq were drained from their encounter with Iran and subsequent appeal for playing an ineligible player but Korea were just too strong. I hope the Socceroos will not underestimate their opponents this time around.




why was this match not on ABC?




Really impressed by Korea! Great discipline and shape.




Korea have been impressive and have done everything that could be asked of them. They are through to the final without conceding a single goal and have scored in every match. They haven't always dominated possession but they have looked good throughout despite setbacks through injury and sickness. I still think that Australia can and will beat them (if we get that far) but it won't be easy. On a less positive note, why was last night's game not shown on the ABC? They were supposed to show the semis live but ended up only showing highlights at some ungodly hour after the game had finished. I'm very disappointed. If Australia do beat UAE then we will go the whole tournament with only Australia's games being shown on FTA. I've really enjoyed this Asian Cup and have gone out of my way to follow it on social media etc but it would have been so much better if the general public (most of whom do not have Fox) could have watched more games between other nations, as happens with the World Cup.

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