Is it time to rethink the All Stars concept?

By Walter Penninger / Roar Guru

With ticket sales slow for this year’s game is it time to rethink the concept behind the All Stars game?

While the game has good support among the indigenous community the NRL All Stars team does not seem to have a natural supporter base.

Ideas to improve the game have flowed freely during the build-up to this year’s game, including moving the 2016 event away from the Gold Coast, or swapping the NRL All Stars side with players from the Pacific Islands or New Zealand Maoris, a suggestion reportedly backed enthusiastically by Kiwi prop Jared Waerea-Hargreaves.

I would advocate something more radical.

The Nines has been a successful tournament and has prospered in its home at Eden Park. The success of the Auckland Nines should be replicated with a separate Nines competition in Sydney, with eight teams of different ethnic denominations.

The Indigenous All Stars, along with NSW and Queensland (minus indigenous and overseas players), New Zealand Maoris, New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa could comprise a solid eight teams with the competition completed in one day. Later you might also be able to consider an English or French team.

Another advantage is that with only nine a side each team would be star packed and there would be substantially less wear and tear on the players than the 80 minute All Star game.

I am sure that with the Origin nines teams, New Zealand, Maoris, Fiji and Samoa there would be a good crowd and strong support for each team involved. This would also help to promote the sport in the Pacific.

Well it’s an idea, and I do not want to detract from the game on Friday which has two good squads on display:

1 Greg Inglis (Rabbitohs), 2 Alex Johnston (Rabbitohs), 3 Will Chambers (Storm), 4 Justin Hodges (Broncos), 5 Josh Hoffman (Titans), 6 Ben Barba (Sharks), 7 Johnathan Thurston (Cowboys), 8 George Rose (Dragons), 9 Ray Thompson (Cowboys), 10 Ryan James (Titans), 11 Tyrone Peachey ( Panthers), 12 Kyle Turner (Rabbitohs), 13 Chris Grevsmuhl (Rabbitohs).
Interchange: 14 Tyrone Roberts (Knights), 15 David Fifita (Sharks), 16 Dane Gagai ( Knights), 17 Tyson Andrews (Sea Eagles), 18 Jack Wighton (Raiders), 19 Kierran Moseley (Titans), 20 Brad Tighe (Titans).

1 Matt Moylan (Panthers), 2 Manu Vatuvei (Warriors), 3 Jarrod Croker (Raiders), 4 Dylan Walker (Rabbitohs), 5 Antonio Winterstein (Cowboys), 6 Kieran Foran (Eagles), 7 Mitchell Pearce (Roosters), 8 James Graham (Bulldogs), 9 Nathan Friend (Warriors), 10 Jarred Waerea-Hargreaves (Roosters), 11 Beau Scott (c) (Knights), 12 Jason Taumalolo (Cowboys), 13 Paul Gallen (Sharks).
Interchange: 14 Jesse Bromwich (Storm), 15 Luke Brooks (Wests Tigers), 16 Joseph Paulo (Eels), 17 Trent Merrin (Dragons), 18 Corey Parker (Broncos), 19 Jeremy Smith (Knights), 20 Dave Taylor (Titans).

It should be a tough match, with some great players, but maybe it is a bit much to expect high skill levels to be on display and for that reason the Nines Format is worth thinking about.

The Crowd Says:



Walter Penninger

Roar Guru

So the consensus is (and please correct me if I am wrong) that: Everyone is happy with the All Stars concept which has now reached the category of a "sacred cow" in the NRL program despite only being revived this year. No one seems to be interested in developing league in the Pacific, despite the Pacific being a great source of players for the NRL. No one seems to be interested in further development of the Nines platform to Australia despite its success in NZ. Ethnic is apparently not a concept which is PC, maybe I should have referred to indigenous Fijian, Samoan and Maori instead probably that would have been PC.




Thank you so much for your comments. I am Indigenous and I couldn't of said it better. I feel good to know that there are people like you out there. Once again thank you.


The Barry

Roar Guru

I really think from these comments that you've missed the whole point of this game. It's not about the all stars team getting a fan base it's about EVERYONE getting together to celebrate indigenous football and culture. It's not about barracking for the other team to beat them. Indigenous people have been absolutely decimated in every way imaginable over the past 200 years. If this small gesture can help instil pride in and respect for indigenous people and culture then it's completely worthwhile. I don't think thats political correctness, I think it's common decency. If it is PC then I'll gladly wear that badge in this instance.


Sleiman Azizi

Roar Guru

Human first is my motto. As for the rest, I'm more laptop than PC. It must be the times, I suppose.



Walter Penninger

Roar Guru

Sleiman, Sorry I am an Australian/Italian wog and proud of it, but I think it is about time the politically correct types stop taking advantage of us linguistically deprived immigrants (well I was actually born here but that’s not the point). Anthropological texts really I hope you are not one of these politically correct types. I will go for the ... but you PC's will not allow me to use the term which is purely descriptive and in common use.



Walter Penninger

Roar Guru

Very well credentialed leftovers for sure, but where is the fan base? I am really watching to see how players from my team go at this stage of the season and do not give a stuff who wins, which will presumably be the best team.


The Barry

Roar Guru

And the entire NRL less indigenous players is hardly 'the leftovers'


The Barry

Roar Guru

Fiji, Samoa, Tonga have national teams. NZ Maori play every now and then. It's already in place.



Walter Penninger

Roar Guru

I am sure that the Fijians, Samoans, Tongans and Maorisare also keen to celebrate their footy too. On your terms the Indigenous team should really decide whether they play against themselves or choose some other team to play against. The game now is between a committed indigenous side and a team selected by Bennett from the leftovers in the NRL who really have no supporter base. NSW and Queensland origin have an established supporter base and Fijians, Samoans, Tongans, NZ and Maoris would bring their own maybe filling ANZ Stadium.


The Barry

Roar Guru

As I said the all stars game is about celebrating indigenous footy. From my non-indigenous perspective these sort of public celebrations are long overdue. This game is not about creating a situation to see who the best race is. I'd suggest that neither the NRL or Australian society need anything resembling an ethnic based league (or any sport) tournament. Anyway that's my opinion. If you can't see the difference between a carnival game to celebrate the nations original inhabitants vs setting up a battle of the races I can't really add any more.


Sleiman Azizi

Roar Guru

Anthropological texts would come in handy here. Just saying...



Walter Penninger

Roar Guru

Perhaps you can explain the difference between indigenous and ethnic?


The Barry

Roar Guru

Shocking idea, sorry Walt. You can't divide up teams into ethnic (not national) lines. That is very, very different from the intent and the spirit of the indigenous all stars game. I like it as is. It's a celebration of indigenous footy. You don't have to go for either team. It's just good footy played in the right spirit.



Roar Rookie

This isn't the stone age or prison, humans no longer hang around in groups solely of their ethnicity. Your idea would shut out a lot of people who are from nations though not of its indigenous ethnic group or majority immigrant population.



Walter Penninger

Roar Guru

Well what is indigenous if it is not ethnic, what is state of origin, what is NZ Mauoris? It is all about a supporter base and when you extract the indigenous players from Australia you are left with a lot of players of different ethnic backgounds who can make up the NRL all Stars but they are basically leftovers, some of whom different clubs will support. The idea is to get teams that the supporters will get behind such as Fiji, Samoa, NZ, NZ Maoris etc.. This has nothing to do with discrimination it has to do with empowerment and supporters.




Wayne Bennett had the right idea, keep your players far far away from this game. Nothing to gain here a lot to lose.



Roar Rookie

Ethnic denominations, really? Let me guess, NSW, QLD and NZ are white only.



Walter Penninger

Roar Guru

Nines only takes one weekend or even one day


Richard Maybury


Scrap the nines and put more effort into an expanded WCC, It is a much better comp, higher standards of football and something meaningful to play for. Make it top 3 in each country, a knockout comp, decent prize money and play it in October/November. The All Stars game is crap.



Walter Penninger

Roar Guru

Without trying to much here are Fijian and Samoan players for a Nines team we all well acquainted with: Fiji: Sisa Waqa , Semi Radradra, Ashton, Tariq and Korbin Sims, Eto Nabuli, Apisai Koroisau , Kevin Naiqama, Akuila Uate and Samoan players: Leeson Ah Mau, David Fa'alogo Tim Lafai , Peter Mata’utia and the many other Mata’utais, Reni Maitua, Frank Pritchard, Daniel Vidot, Antonio Winterstein. Either of these two squads would run a muck in the Nines in Auckland and would get a big following at ANZ Stadium.

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