Quade Cooper ready to shake World Cup demons

By Joe Barton / Roar Guru

Four years after being left shattered by a brutal Rugby World Cup campaign in New Zealand, Wallabies playmaker Quade Cooper insists he’s primed to eradicate those mental demons.

The Auckland-born Cooper was at the centre of a media storm at the 2011 World Cup, where he was made public enemy No.1 by the rugby-loving nation.

The intense pressure built up to the point where it became a distraction for the Australian team, who bowed out in a semi-final loss to hosts New Zealand – with Cooper ending the tournament a shell of the match-winning playmaker he had the potential to be.

Heading into the 2015 World Cup, 27-year-old Cooper feels far more mature and better prepared.

And he says working with an idol, World Cup-winning five-eighth Stephen Larkham, has helped prepare him for the pressures and demands of the gruelling campaign.

“As a player and as a person I’ve grown immensely,” Cooper said.

“I don’t think it’s so much a football stance, but more about my personal life – how I conduct myself in a day-to-day manner.

“I’m very focused at this World Cup. Which is not to say I wasn’t focused in 2011, but there were a lot of distractions (and) a lot of things went on that year that maybe I took for granted.

“I won’t take any second for granted this time around.

“I’m over here to win with the team and to do the best that I can to contribute to my team and make sure we go away as winners.

“We’re not here to make up numbers or here to enjoy the experience.

“Yesterday, we were given a medal of participation – we don’t want to go away with just a medal of participation.

“We want to take the trophy home.”

Four years ago, Cooper entered the World Cup as a mercurial talent who held the hopes of Australia on his shoulders and seemingly had all of New Zealand against him – and he was immediately set upon by local media.

Cooper now admits he became “too relaxed”, a trigger brought about by the hostile environment which forced him to regress to his laidback self.

Boos followed his every step, save for his kick-off which went straight into touch to start the semi-final against the All Blacks, while front and back pages were dedicated to making him a target.

“So far on this trip, we haven’t seen that sort of pressure put on him,” Wallabies assistant coach Larkham said.

“Most players at the top level have their own expectations. He’s no different there.

“It was certainly difficult for him in New Zealand … he’s been trying to prove himself ever since then – that he’s worthy of wearing the No.10 jersey for Australia.

“I think he’s worked his way back into this team on form.”

The Crowd Says:




Do you seriously think people care if Hooper did read their comments about him. I am guessing you are saying it is ok to trash talk someone as long as it is not likely they will read it or that it is in their face. Spoken like a true keyboard warrior.




People have actually reacted to the booing of Goodes and the ugliness of it.




I've googled it three different times and not been able to find that. Can you give me a link?




absolutely except the reason behind goodes booing is far more distasteful and the booing isnt being done by even close to a majority of fans and a multitude of high profile people have come out against it. other than that a bit like it




hooper has a choice to not go trawling through opinion sites to find out the worst of what people think about him. not the best comparison.




What I expected him to do was wise up and keep his mouth shut. That is what normal people do when the odds aren't in there favour. You can complain about fairness and who was in the wrong as much as you wish. It doesn't change anything. I lve here in Aus too and I can happily reassure you that there are many Australian rugby fans who don't share your view. You say it's BS and he didn't add to his problems, that is cool. But reality tells a different story. I also doubt that Robbie or anyone else said it would be good to respond. Responding with anything is always open to interpretation and rarely plays out in your favour. There were enough people around who could've and no doubt would've told him that. The typical response when someone says they don't care is to crank it up and find out how true that is. You don't need to be Einstein to work that our. So no fools don't deserve pity. Personally I think shameful things are more like the public outcry and comments aimed at Lay down Sally isn't she called mostly by people who have never pushed themselves to physical breaking point at any time in their lives, after breaking down at the Olympics. How long did those taunts follow her around for. I can assure you it was more than four years and I didn't see anybody decry that with the same passion some reserve for defending Quade. Nor am I putting words in your mouth, just saying the defensiveness of people towards poor Quade comes across as unbalanced when you look at the broader landscape. Have a look at how many mean spirited and trashy comments there are aimed at Hooper. Do you suggest those people should hang there heads in shame, because in Hoopers case he cops it for no reason at all from what I can tell. Anyway, as you say you won't be opening your mind up to see my perspective anytime soon and I am not really here to convince you otherwise, just explaining a different perspective on it. And yes good luck and have fun watching the RWC.




Unlike the relentless booing of carlos spencer in aus that was just good fun?




Some would suggest referring to himself as public enemy number at the start of rwc 2011 had something to do with it. Some say being a spoilt little tosser since hasn't helped




Yep, for sure.




I'm with you there Dave


Shane D

Roar Rookie

A bit like the booing of Adam Goodes is a stain on Australians eh Dave?




Poor Quadie, should have kept his mouth shut instead of baiting the Kiwi public prior to the Cup. Can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Unless you know the facts re the tragic suicide of the young lad, don't speculate.


Shane D

Roar Rookie

Sage, while I don't agree with the ongoing booing of Cooper 4 years after the event what people are referring as far as 'he bought it on himself' is not really anything to do with the McCaw issue. Cooper was interviewed on NZ TV prior to the cup & whan asked about being booed he said that he welcomed it & to 'bring it on'. Thats what most people are referring to.




"Seriously, in what other field of endeavour does someone cop abuse from tens of thousands of people at the one time for such a trivial offence?" Stuart Broad not walking. Booing actively encouraged by the national coach. Please get off the sanctimonious high horse. Booing is not resigned to one country, play the ball and not the man by condemning the action and not the country, you just come across as petty.


Darwin Stubbie


empty ! .. ha - nice taunt ... that's put me in my place



Roar Guru

NZ saw a lot of Quade Cooper and his family when he was here. He moved around freely amongst kiwis like any other, had a lot of followers and fans and believe it or not actually enjoyed it. I'd suggest the reason he doesn't mention it is because it's not a big deal for him. It was bound to resurface again as a crowd favourite because that's what crowds do. Oz had just beaten NZ in Sydney and Cheika made the silly decision to put Cooper, who was not playing well, against the ABs on the hardest ground to win on on the planet. It was another 'bring your A game' type decision..I.e. .ill advised. Of course they're gonna ride Cooper up again. What crowd wouldn't under those circs. Honestly, far too much sensitivity going on there.




"And I say that on Quade’s behalf as a fellow Kiwi" Ok thanks for clarifying your position of objectivity then. "Coopers never cried about it, McCaws never gone on and on about it in the way his so called fans have." Obviously Quade's not going to complain about it, he'll just cop even more crap next time. The last bit doesn't even make sense. Seriously, in what other field of endeavour does someone cop abuse from tens of thousands of people at the one time for such a trivial offence? I could easily accept it if they made up a humorous crowd song about it like the Barmy Army do, but there is nothing remotely good-natured about booing, it is designed to be offensive. At the very least its childish and embarrassing, at the worst it's appalling bullying. I have no time for anyone who says "oh, it's just sport, it's just a bit of harmless fun". It's your countrymen who keep up the booing who need to grow up and get over it.


Brisbane boys


Nicely put I agree his talent is just amazing. Many AB fans I know have had enough of the boing and if you go back to the last game he played in Christchurch they booed him all game and afterwards he signed autographs for all the kids. Grow up and enjoy the game play it and watch it for what it is. I believe you should not boo players and by the way New Zealand supporters are better than the idiots who cheered when QC did his knee over there.



Roar Guru

Honestly don't think I've seen such a miserable amount of crying over nothing. Coopers never cried about it, McCaws never gone on and on about it in the way his so called fans have. So he got some booing? Was he hurt physically? Did he break an arm? a leg? A neck? was he ever physically threatened or intimidated? No...just a lot of booing. Boo hoo. has no sportsman or athlete ever been booed before? The sum total of harm is the booing put his game off? Well who's fault is that? Geez. Lighten up on the Quade bizo. Its embarrassing. And I say that on Quade's behalf as a fellow Kiwi. Talk about soft. If anything its his 'fans' perpetuating the myth that his soul has somehow been scolded. Poor, poor Quadey...give me a break...




RubberLegs, as a Reds supporter I say please don't go on with the NSW conspiracy stuff, it has no basis in fact or logic, and it's been done to death on Roar.

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