Steve Kerr to coach Team USA?

By ALLeigHOOPS / Roar Rookie

The below is just one man’s thoughts on who should replace the legendary Coach K. It’s an important time for US basketball and it will be a key decision.

They got it right with the appointment of Mike Krzyzewski, they need to get it right again.

The latest NBA GM survey confirmed what the majority of basketball fans already knew, San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich, the doyen of NBA coaches, is still the most highly rated.

He’s the best in the business and the one whom others, perhaps with a little bit jealously, look up to.

When it comes to instilling a winning attitude and team culture, Pop’s win/loss record speaks for itself.

His real talent though? Well, that lies in his man management ability, empowering those around him to ‘get over themselves’ and work together for a common goal.

His reputation alone now gets half the battle done. Pop as head coach, seemingly has it all in spades.

Should he be the next leader of Team USA though?

Ken Berger at CBS Sports has him as “the clear No 1 Choice”.

I disagree.

Quite a few names are doing the rounds now that 68-year-old veteran coach Mike Krzyzewski has stated for the record he will bid adieu at the end of the Rio Olympic Games in 2016,.

The Clippers’ Doc Rivers and even Dallas Maverick Rick Carlisle have had their names mentioned as potential candidates for the job.

Should it be an NBA head coach? Should it be a college coach? Do they even have to be coaching right now?

None of the guys mentioned above inspire any excitement in me at all.

One name that hasn’t been appearing on the go to list for replacements is Golden State’s Steve Kerr. Why is that? I find it hard to fathom that he isn’t even being mentioned as a possibility.

Of all the potential candidates, I can’t think of anyone else who ticks all the prerequisite boxes as Steve does.

Coach K says the next man up should have some previous international experience. Let’s take a look at what else they could be looking for in a replacement.

International experience
Steve was born in Beirut and while I know that doesn’t count as international experience, he didn’t have any NBA experience last year either. That didn’t have any negative effect on how the Warriors performed and it wouldn’t have any negative effect if he were coaching Team USA either.

While international experience may be beneficial, it shouldn’t be a ‘must have’ either. I call this a moot point.

NBA experience
Is it necessary? I find this one hard to acknowledge given the unbelievable job done by Mike without any NBA experience.

A brilliant coach is a brilliant coach no matter the league.

Geno Auriemma is another name that should be mentioned but invariably won’t be because he coaches in the WNBA.

Trust among players
The way that Steve turned the Warrior player group around after team and fan favourite Mark Jackson was let go is his crowning achievement.

To get the boys on side in such a short space of time shows you he has that special quality only the best have.

Bogut became an instant fan after Steve flew to Melbourne to meet him.

The trust was built instantaneously.

Glance at the names that could be on Team USA over the next decade, names like, Andre Drummond, DeMarcus Cousins, Klay Thompson, Harrison Barnes, John Wall, Steph Curry, Victor Oladipo, Anthony Davis and Jimmy Butler.

Steve Kerr is the perfect coach for them. Composed at all times yet fiery in the heat of battle, loose and playful yet diligent when required, he can be serious yet fun at the same time.

There is a building aura to the man.

Building a legacy
There appears to be a transition period coming for Team USA, hence the exquisite timing of Coach K’s announcement.

It’s probable that Carmelo Anthony, Dwyane Wade, LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Rudy Gay, Kevin Love and Chris Paul won’t be a part of the World Cup in 2019 or Summer Olympics in 2020.

A new team means a fresh start and that should rule Pop out. He is already 66 and would be nearly 71 at the next games in 2020. He would realistically be in charge for a four-year stretch at most, which is just one Olympics campaign.

Is that long enough for the next regime to be in place? I don’t believe so.

It saddens me that Pop never got a shot at being the head man, but that’s the way the cookie crumbled.

I’m positive he won’t lose any sleep over it.

Kerr on the other hand, has the credits in the bank of doing this very thing. He took over a 51-win team and made them exponentially better.

Kerr has enough intestinal fortitude to instil his own style and coaching philosophies without taking away from the previous regime. He’s proven it before and it sounds a lot like what taking over Team USA would be like.

This may be the deciding factor in who takes over the next wave of team USA talent and continues the juggernaut.

It would be prudent to have someone who will be in charge for around a decade and at least two Olympic Games; 2020 and 2024 with a similar handover to come after that.

I’m not privy to Team USA’s thinking but that is what I would do if I was in charge.

Coach K is still a spry and healthy 68 but Pop will be a cantankerous and moody 71 by 2020. Steve Kerr is 50.

Is he willing to commit?
It may be the single thing that stops Steve from even putting his name in the hat.

It was a major factor in taking over Golden State rather than New York.

Aside from the gruelling 82-game schedule, there are another 20-25 games in the playoffs every year. Team USA meets every year for a camp and however short or casual they may be, there is a synchronicity to those camps at the moment.

Would that change with a new voice? Will everyone need to commit more time to get to know each other? Of course, maybe initially but I don’t think it would be that big a deal after the first camp.

When I look at the potential candidates, there is only one man I can see as the leader of these men, one man who gets my juices flowing, one smiling and charismatic sideline stalker – Steve Kerr.

The Crowd Says:




Roar Rookie

How's the timing Jake? Unbelievable! Oh well... Steve to takeover after 2020! :)




It's already been announced that Pop will be in charge.



Roar Rookie

I wish he was coaching years ago instead of coach K. Maybe then Kyrie would've become a boomer instead of teaming up with his Duke mentor

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