The Wallabies are no chance to win the Webb Ellis

By Ralph / Roar Guru

What a stupendous sporting feast awaits rugby fans on the coming weekend!

The dream final so many wished for. The all conquering current world champions versus the resurgent and swaggering Wallabies, the team with perhaps the best record in world cup tournaments, certainly those hosted in these barmy northern climes.

So much history is hanging on this game, regardless of the outcome records will be set.

It is the swansong of the great maestro Daniel Carter versus the new man on the block Bernard Foley. Can Carter produce one more masterclass as the final stage calls beckon or is the flower all but faded, a shadow of its 2005 Lions glory?

The chapter will close on one of international rugby’s old war horses, a players player, Canterbury’s Crusader, the man Australia loves to hate. Richie McCaw will take on he David Pocock, the latter who must be the player of the tournament.

How many number sevens play for fourteen years and have enough left in the tank to counter the force of nature that is Pocock? Can there be any doubt he is the heir of the world number seven crown? Some say he has already taken it.

Of course, being a back rower is like washing an angry cat, it’s not something you want to be doing alone. There is a ferocious battle of back rows looming, the world’s ultimate stage for the much heralded ‘Pooper’ combination (I wonder how Fardy feels about this label) versus the old firm of McCaw, Jerome Kaino and Kieran Read.

Perhaps the All Blacks have a slight advantage in the line outs? Perhaps Pooper will dominate the breakdowns like in Sydney this year?

Perhaps the All Blacks have more experience at wet weather footy – will it rain? Perhaps Carter’s tactical kicking will be the difference?

Perhaps any one of Israel Folau, Nehe Milner-Skudder, Drew Mitchell, Ben Smith or Julian Savea will cut lose and tip the game?

In the normal course of things I would expect these All Blacks to beat these Wallabies three times out of four. I’m going to put my stake in the ground and say this will be one of the three and not the exception. For my money it’s going to take a monumental effort from the Wallabies to rattle the confidence of this All Blacks team.


Because after the semi final Victor Matfield said “They just looked like a calm, solid unit that know what they are doing and have confidence in each other. Even yesterday in that second half, they just played the patient game, kicked in behind us and kept us in our own half.”

I am old enough to remember the Super 12 final of 2000, when the Crusaders hoped on a plane to play an away final in Canberra. No one had won an away final before. I had a friend travelling on the plane to that match and when I asked him if we were any chance, he told me we would win it. He said the team just knew it.

So I think in reality there is maybe one chance in twenty the Wallabies can come away with this final. Not because of this player or that, not because of the rub of the green or the bounce of the ball or the conspiracy of the refs. The mental strength of this All Black team is its not so secret sauce.

If you ever get the chance to listen to Nick Farr-Jones talk about his world cup wining side, do it. He’ll tell you that it was all about process. Focusing on what you need to do next, regardless of the circumstances around you. And what you will see in this 2015 final is a mental strength built from a depth of experience, nurtured by a clever coaching team and honed in the cauldron of real life.

I don’t know if it will be pretty. I don’t know if there will controversy. I don’t know what the score will be.

But I have no doubt that unless the Wallabies bring something absolutely and utterly extraordinary, New Zealand will win.

This is our reward. This is our legacy. And albeit just for a blink in the eyes of history, this is our moment.

The Crowd Says:




Hehe. Excellent summation of the entire week's press on the RWC Final.


Mal Boyd


It is very simple really - the All Blacks should win BUT the Wallabies could win. That's all I need to know!



Roar Guru

Its a fact the All Blacks grow a leg in the wet and the Australians lose one. Everybody in world rugby knows Australia are great firm trackers but woeful soft trackers




Roar Guru

The serious fan has the tendency to over commit - it is true!


Cliff (Bishkek)


I like it!!!




you are kidding aren't you....Wayne Barnes benefits Australia? Heard everything now. Wayne Barnes should not have been given a quarter final let alone a semi & certainly should have no involvement with the final, but the English need to have someone involved. That Sydney test, Australia weren't all that hot in winning 27-19. They were good in parts, but there were a number of passes to no one, poor kicking, but it was the domination in the tackle & at the ruck that Australia were vastly dominant. In Auckland, they left out their maestro from the previous fixture & it showed - much like the Scotland game - Pocock takes this Wallaby outfit up notches & the games he hasn't played in in 2015 are noticeable.


Garry Edwards


Well Ralph, should the Wallabies win, how many Counselling Hotlines will be installed for the comfort and reassurance of the down in the mouth, ready to slash their wrists Kiwis? How many do you think will tip over the edge of the abyss. After all it's NZ where rugby is a religion- only because you're OK at it. It seems to me that you actually lack confidence in your national team, just reading this dribble tells me that you have garnished yourself in a false confidence thereby trying to raise your own belief that the AB's will win. You've even drawn comparisons in order to consolidate and reinforce that superficial confidence. I must be honest you've over committed yourself, as I have given enough time to this senseless nonsense that is before me, still, as they say: When you finished reading the paper boy tear it into fours and hang it on the dunny door.



Roar Guru

Marty... go the four 'n twenty as it's much better value. C'arn da Wallaby... just turn-up for the Blacks big celebration party as it'll be a hoot!



Roar Guru

RT... I love his avatar. When I see it I have a quiet little giggle. But likewise, and along the same lines... it's not until I see his effin' name that the giggle gives way to some serious disapproving Wallaby grunting!




So, which is it, one chance in four or one chance in twenty? The All Blacks must surely start as favorites and they are an exceptional team, however, I think one chance in twenty is overstating their ability and isn't justified by the stats. One chance in four, statistically, is probably too generous to the men in gold. Yet the Wallabies really do seem to be on the rise. They will need to play with the same sort of clinical accuracy that the All Blacks regularly bring to the contest. The gains of recent months would suggest they are zooming in. What a mouth watering game Sunday morning (AEST) promises to be. Go the Wallabies!




Roar Guru

If the Wallabies win the final then of course they are the best team of 2015.


Not Bothered


And they would be ranked #1.




Roar Guru

Sadly I'm, not a betting man Utah.


Not Bothered


Wardad, I have no idea at all what you mean. So to you, winning the RC, the WC and beating NZ 2 from 3 (2 from 2 at full strength) means nothing because NZ thrashed an understrength side. WTF, thats balanced to you? Mate, it is you that has no balance and I think there are a few of my fellow Kiwis that need to harden up and accept that if Aus wins this game then they have got the better of everyone including NZ and have a right to be called the best team on earth.


Not Bothered


Winning the RC, the WC, beating NZ 2 from 3 and winning 11 from 12 would be , like, all consistent and stuff.




Roar Guru

Ha ha, everyone has to choose somewhere to stand.




This article reeks of desperation and reinforces the massive insecurities NZ'ers are renowned for . Hanging your national identity and national self worth on the performance of your only world-class sporting team is dangerous. They've failed you so so many times in the past. Haven't you got anything else?




I think you've been drinking as much as your avatar


mace 22


It's the same way he's such an expert on Owens, by not watching his games .



Roar Guru

If it rains, one in twenty is a fair call. On a dry track one in four

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