Shane Warne having none of Steve Smith's spin excuse

By News / Wire

Australian spin great Shane Warne has flatly rejected Steve Smith’s explanation for his sparing use of tweaker Nathan Lyon in the first Test against South Africa in Perth.

Smith responded on Thursday to criticism by former skipper Michael Clarke and Warne over his use of Lyon, citing conditions he felt were more favourable for reverse swing than spin.

Clarke and Warne both questioned in Channel Nine commentary why Lyon didn’t bowl in the first session on day three at the WACA.

The offspinner only delivered 12 overs on day three, when Australia’s pacemen cooked in 37C heat and South Africa marched towards a second-innings total of 8(dec)-540 that set up a 177-run victory.

“I’m not going to cop this ‘It’s reverse swinging so we’re not going to bowl a spinner or we can’t bowl a spinner when it reverses’,” Warne told reporters on Thursday in Melbourne.

“It wasn’t as though it was going around corners, hooping all over the place and we were taking wickets – we couldn’t take a wicket.

“We can’t say if we go to India or anywhere else that if it’s reversing, the spinner is out.

“South Africa did (use a spinner) so what are we doing wrong? Are we doing something different and is that why we’re not getting it to swing as far and is that why we can’t bowl a spinner at that time?

“They’re basic fundamentals that need to be fixed because, anywhere you go in the world, if it starts to reverse, we can’t use a spinner? That’s not right.”

Despite Lyon’s lean patch, Warne said it was premature to speculate on his future in the Test side and backed him to bounce back if used more prudently by Smith.

“I was disappointed with the way he was used (in Perth) and I think that affected his confidence,” he said.

“I think Nathan Lyon will be fine, I think he’s done a wonderful job for Australia and, hopefully, he’ll be used better in the future.”

Smith had earlier attempted to clear the air with predecessor Clarke regarding his use of Lyon.

“I heard about the criticism that Michael Clarke and Shane Warne had about the way I used Nathan Lyon, and I discussed it with Michael afterwards,” Smith wrote on Thursday in his column.

“The way I saw it out there was that reverse swing was the biggest factor in the game at the time – there was no spin.

“So I wanted to keep the ball in the hands of the fast bowlers.”

Lyon remains one of Smith’s closest friends in the Test side, with the skipper reiterating there is no issue between the pair.

“When Nathan bowls, it can actually flatten the rough side of the ball up a bit and stop it from reversing, so I didn’t want that to happen,” Smith wrote.

“I explained that to Gaz on the field and it wasn’t an issue.”

The second chapter of the three-Test series starts on Saturday in Hobart.

The Crowd Says:




Warnie has a great cricketing brain and generally knows what he is talking about in regards to cricket.. But I have to strongly disagree with his assessment of India and the ball swinging. Indian spinners do great in India. That is their home turf. Warnie and Murali have amazing test records and full credit to them. But in India they averaged in the 40s per wicket. Aussie fast bowlers who can swing the ball or put it on a length with subtle variation, such as a McGrath or Starc, have great success in the sub-continent. IMO Warnie got that one wrong


Tanmoy kar


Nathan Lyon was a failure at the Perth anyways. Hence what is the use of discussing about his use. He looked even less penetrative than the debutante Maharaj.


Tim Holt

Roar Guru

The roasting of another 'Golden Child'


Paul D

Roar Guru

Shades of Kim Hughes Ian Chappell here. Smith is going to have Clarke and Warne taking pot shots at him all summer if this keeps up.




Why is he such a protected species? Poor Nath. If a fast bowler played 4 poor Tests in a row his spot would be in jeopardy. Maybe if Lyon stopped serving up dross, Smith would trust him more.


Tim Holt

Roar Guru

I am lyon's hugest fan in conditions that suit, with him being a very able bowler in a perfectly suited auxialliary role The aside is with all in sundry playing out Lyon as the poor victim few are conceding that Lyon often makes himself a victim by having such a fragile mindset. He always seems to crave 'babying' from the skipper to excel with his belief so fragile. The pitch wasnt suited for him in Perth but for a bowler of his record and experience he needs to do better than he did. The lack of faith shown in him by Smith goes back to the belief lost in him in Sl, where in conditions that suited him he couldn't fire a shot and in a large degree facilitated the Sl batting




I don't get it, is it the slower pace of Lyons bowling meaning the ball does not maintain the rough side or Lyons lands the ball on the rough side or something else he is saying. I though once the ball got rough enough it would reverse swing from that point on.



Roar Guru

People like Shane Warne and Michael Clarke they are detrimental to the growth of Aussie cricket, they live in their stardom and fanfare


Dave Baker


Never thought I would see the day when Aus gets compared unfavorably to SA wrt the use of spinners. IThink the last time we worked a spinner hard was in Tayfields days. Steyn's injury had something to do with Maharaj getting so much work. He didn't get many wickets but he didn't let Aus score quickly!


Craig Swanson


Then how about this excuse Warne. Nathan Lyon is a dud.

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