Will you be listening to Kerry O'Keeffe's return to radio?

By Michael Blumel / Roar Pro

When Pakistan takes on Australia next week a familiar voice will be calling the game live on your radios. But this time he will be heard in the stereo FM sounds of Triple M.

Listening to the broadcast on ABC radio last month there was a noticeable void in the commentary. All the voices sounded similar. The opinions were well reasoned but rarely controversial. And the humour was low-key and dry.

For many years Australian cricket fans have looked forward to the insane laugh and rambling anecdotes of Kerry O’Keeffe. His wit and insight has been sorely missed as the new generation of commentators offer little more than basic observations and forced laughter.

O’Keeffe had established himself as one of Australia’s favourite sporting personalities throughout his time as a commentator before stepping away from the microphone.

For many Australians, the first time they were introduced to O’Keeffe was on the airwaves – but to an older generation he is also known for his cricketing exploits.

Although he is quick to talk down his own cricket career it should be noted that O’Keeffe played 24 Test matches for Australia and was a very successful first-class leg spinner, taking 476 wickets for New South Wales and Somerset.

His knowledge of the game allows him to provide good analysis, while his humour allows him to laugh away those dry periods of Test cricket that offer little entertainment.

Recruiting O’Keeffe shows how serious Triple M is taking their venture into the cricketing landscape.

Will you be listening when the Gabba Test kicks off on Thursday?

The Crowd Says:




Unfortunately with Brayshaw and Slater they've imported some of the worst elements of the CH 9 moron philosophy. Skull and HG will be good fun tho.


Don Freo


Harsha loved him!


Don Freo


Very talented. A proper commentator.




Where's Henry Blowfly. He is better than the rest put together; even if he forgets there is a cricket game going on for periods.


Scott Pryde


I would... But James Brayshaw...




Crikeys sounds like everyone has got a gig. Surely Mark Geyer and Sterlo could have been dragged in, with Matthew Johns doing the pitch reports.




So marie is allowed an opinion providing it is the same as yours? I totally agree with Marie about this clowns commentry. His cricket knowlege is fine but his humour just aint funny a lot of the time and Harsha Bogle did appear to struggle to make any sense of him. Skull is embarrassing to listen to-as in I feel embarressed for him




BRAYSHAW!!!! Im out




That's why a podcast, not commentary. It's really about getting Australian sports most ridiculous laughs together.




Providing the show is confined to around Sydney, the only people that could stand 'Skull'. He was a hopeless cricketer and a poor commentator, loved by those who are clueless.




How do we make a podcast between O'Keefe and Mark Bosnich happen? Doesn't matter what they talk about. Maybe the first week they could have Thurston on as a special guest?



Michael Blumel

Roar Pro

Mark Howard did a decent job at being the straight man for the BBL last year, but his main skill was not getting in the way of the guys who know the game well (eg. Ponting, Waugh). There is a real lack of talent in that department at the moment, but generally the older guys are the best at it so it might take some time to develop someone who can fill the role. Channel 9's coverage is slowly starting to improve but they still have a long way to go. I think they need to cut back on their team and throw a lot of money at someone like Ponting.


Craig Swanson


No. Talks inanity and can not bear his laugh.


Train Without A Terminus


I assume you must be Marie the Psychic of interwebby fame? How nice of you to drop in all the way from Massachusetts to let us know what Harsha Bogle felt...


Pope Paul VII


Thanks Michael, don't mind Howie either.


no one in particular

Roar Guru

Mark Howard, James Brayshaw, Gus Worland Pass




"he forced it too hard and too long at the expense of telling us what was happening in the game" So how do you think that is going to be any better with a lineup that includes Braysh*t, Slater, Molloy, Howard, Schiller, Mooney, etc etc? It would appear they are going to have one full time comedian, one part time comedian and (maybe) one actual 'expert' on air at any given time. Do you think the Triple M bosses will be pleased or displeased if each of them doesn't crack out a jolly anectdote every time they do a rotation? That's going to get tired really quickly. Did you watch Mooney during the coverage of the Paralypics? He's a talent, but was clearly being forced to be funny all the time. Bloody hard to get that right, particularly day in-day out. It was often uncomfortable and sometimes excruciating. I'm worried what their shark-jump moment will be, given they are on radio and won;t be able to resort to wearing dresses ala The Footy Show....




There does not appear to be a straight guy in the M's lineup along the lines of Jim Maxwell, Richie or Gearard Whateley. Hope there is not too much bluster and poor comedy. Probably have a listen but love the ABC. What is it about Ch 9 and commentators/callers? Why can't they get it right? Whether Cricket or NRL its cringe worthy. Ten nails the BBL. Fox & Seven do well at AFL and Tennis.....Rugby on Fox get's a pass mark....just...but well ahead of ch 9.




I enjoyed Kerry's insights and knowledge but after a few seasons found him a bit of a one-trick pony with the comedy/laughing routine and sometimes felt he forced it too hard and too long at the expense of telling us what was happening in the game. I went to day 3 of the Perth test and took along a small digital radio so listened to the ABC cover for the first time in years and found it extremely beige as you've outlined in para 2, Michael. A bit sad after having the aural delights of Aggers, Peter Roebuck, Glenn Mitchell, even Tim Lane to glide us through the summer.....Jim not so much. But I'll be tuning in for sure to see what happens on Triple M, there is a broad variety of talent on the roster and some of those combinations are quite promising. Always good to see a new player on the block as well.


Pie Thrower


I will not be listening to Triple M - purely because of the first name on this list - James Brayshaw. I cannot stand that idiot. Slater following on from him isn't any better.

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