Arise Sir Bellamy, Sir Mascord?

By Robert Burgin / Expert

Let’s pretend Tony Abbott never lost power as Australian Prime Minister and that knights, dames and creepy winks in radio interviews were still a thing. From the past two decades who would you have knighted for services to rugby league?

I’m not talking purely about on-field performance (we already have the Immortals), but for the advancement of the sport as a whole?

Given the current level of communal emotion, would you nominate Johnathan Thurston? A faultless public face of the game like Petero Civoniceva? Or someone most people have never heard of who works tirelessly at grassroots level?

Steve Mascord and Craig Bellamy are about as diametrically opposed as tequila and a quiet night on the couch.

But I had cause to consider them both last night as I sat down to write my weekly column.

I did so with Mascord’s recently released memoirs Touchstones sitting on my coffee table, freshly arrived in the mail, and with Bellamy’s Melbourne Storm side running rampant on my television.

The two figures are certainly poles apart in most facets, save aside from wildly different manifestations of perfectionism, obsessiveness and a deep-seated love of rugby league.

The two planets they come from are probably best exemplified by the first time I met Bellamy, introduced to him by one of my former coaches at a suburban footy club somewhere around 20 years ago.

“So you want to become a journalist hey? Why would you want to do that?” Bellamy said, with deadly seriousness etched on his face.

It was like he was trying to save a young kid from a life of hard drugs.

“How anyone could follow in the footsteps of someone like Danny Weidler is beyond me.”

The Crowd Says:


Led Medley


Donating money to International Rugby League federations is a good job? If the game was any good wouldn't they get government funding and there would be no need for continual sticking hands out for donations? No other sport does


Wavey Dave


There have been lamentably few Honours in the UK for rugby league. One of the biggest problems is sports have a limited number each year and the RFL would likely get their first choices through. However, they haven't bothered to nominate people for so long and when they do they're often insiders/adminstrators. Nominations can come from anywhere, which I imagine is the same for any country with the same system as here, so Clubs and communities can put worthy people forward and local support is a great way of getting people "services to rugby league in MYTOWN". Rugby union has been doing this for years in the UK. There are hundreds, likely thousands, of volunteers in the UK who deserve recognition for services to our game.




Point might be a bit harshly made, but it's hard to truly disagree with. Bellamy's coaching career coexists almost completely with Cam Smith's playing career (with Cronk & Slater also there basically the entire time). I have never seen a player as influential on his teammates as Smith, he improves the performance of every other player. How much of Bellamy's famed ability to get the best of journeyman players actually comes down to them running off Cam Smith? Here's an exercise: Pick any other team in the comp and consider the players that have filled the number 9 jersey over the last decade and a half. Mentally slot them into the Storm side in place of Smith, does the team still make the top 4 almost every year? I think it's truer to say that you really can't tell with Bellamy's influence ends and Smith's begins. He certainly isn't a poor coach just because he has had top players but he has foreshadowed that his career will end about the same time as Smith's so perhaps that will never be clear.



Roar Guru

Cometi' un error amigo.Gulp.


Justin Kearney


Its all good crosscoder. You do a great job mate.




No, amigo. Son mejor para nachos o bronceado falso!




Coaches don't play the game. They do, however, make decisions about how the team will play, like for example having the foresight to realise that Cameron Smith would be best suited to playing hooker. They also may manufacture a game plan around a particular player, meaning that playing without that player leaves you supremely disadvantaged. Obviously you shouldn't place all your eggs in one basket although it is a good idea to play to your strengths. Another thing that coaches are usually able to do is select their side. This principle should avoid a farcical situation of a representative captain being on the bench for the start of a game.




This is really interesting. The storm, with little support from the NRL to promote the game in Victoria, have started to produce good crowds after about 20 years of toiling away. They're finally getting some solid support. Contrast this with the AFL who put a team in Western Sydney, knowing full well they would not produce large crowds in the short term, and being quite open about the fact that they are prepared to support this club for where they might be in 20 or 30 years. You want to know if it will work, look at the Storm now and just think where they might be if the NRL had thrown more support behind them.



Roar Pro

Interestingly there has never been a person knighted specifically for their services to Rugby League. There are a couple of UK and NZ knights who played or have been involved with RL but their awards were for their other activities.


Sleiman Azizi

Roar Guru

If you know how to post on The Roar you probably know how to use Google to answer your questions. The heritage rule is a great rule. All sports can use it though many sports are in a position to not really need to. Using the heritage rule doesn't negate the existence of league in other countries.




They were not give unlimited funding. They were trying to keep a football team together and grow the game with very little support from NRL HQ.


Jeff dustby


They were given unlimited funding under the old regimes. Nothing has changed with channel 9 Maybe it's just gaining traction instead of blaming administrators



Roar Guru

Taking a thread seriously is what this site is all about.Open debate on the subject matter. Perhaps in between lying and trolling, you would understand that fact. BTW your so called defence in what you have to say is laughable.Defending untruths and silly assumptions, leaves you open to ridicule. The irony of this I'm under moderation because I suggested you troll ,whilst you get away with it once again.Is this a rugby league tab or is it just there ,open to continual abuse? Now be a good lad and contribute to the subject matter about Bellamy and Mascord,we are all eyes.We have seen nothing of the sort to date.




I agree. Bellamy seems like a good bloke and the Storm are the benchmark in many ways-but somebody has to take responsibility for all of that rubbish. Buck stops with the coach.


Justin Kearney


Not after todays effort!


Justin Kearney


Nice response sleiman. Little matty has been fishing for bites all day and all has got is me lmfao at him by the way.


Sleiman Azizi

Roar Guru

You're right. Nothing has happened. League still isn't played in Lebanon, Russia, Fiji, USA, Canada, Serbia, Norway, Greece, Jamaica etc etc. Monopolies tend to blind those that think within them. Fortunately there are people who sidestep them and get on with the job. Even if it takes 100 years.


Sleiman Azizi

Roar Guru

Steve Mascord looks ahead and sees where the code can move. He has well and truly stepped out of the village.


Sleiman Azizi

Roar Guru





Well said mate, I agree.

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