Moore blamed for Roar's Champions League shirt gaffe

By News / Wire

Craig Moore has taken the fall for Brisbane Roar’s embarrassing jersey dramas during their shock 3-2 AFC Champions League play-off defeat to Filipino side Ceres-Negros.

The former club captain had announced his resignation as football manager last week and was set to depart the A-League club in mid-March after assisting coach John Aloisi with player contracts.

But Moore has been given an early exit after Tuesday’s fiasco, when the numbers peeled from the backs of jerseys won by Eric Bautheac, Ivan Franjic and goalkeeper Jamie Young.

Bautheac was stranded on the sideline for more than five minutes without another shirt to wear after the No.22 fell off his jersey.

Denied when attempting to return in the No.30, the Frenchman was finally allowed back on the field wearing a jersey with the No.77 shoddily taped up to look like 22.

The sequence was met with widespread derision on social media and forced the club to apologise on Wednesday, while also shifting any blame away from kit supplier Umbro.

“I was flabbergasted with images and footage I saw,” furious vice chairman Chris Fong told The World Game of the brutal fallout.

“I couldn’t believe what I was seeing … it was disgusting that we could allow ourselves to be brought down to this level.

“It’s indicative of what has been going on behind the scenes.”

And Moore has paid the price after being placed on leave for the remainder of his notice period.

Fong said it was Moore’s lack of communication with the “kit man” that led to the fiasco.

“He was seeing out his notice, but we’ve put him on gardening leave as of today.,” he said.

“We have a football director and the buck stops with him.”

Roar are eighth on the A-League ladder with just four wins and four draws from 17 games this season.

Yet they are only three points outside the top six and clutching to hope of an unlikely finals campaign ahead of Saturday’s away clash with the Central Coast Mariners.

Aloisi could only shake his head in bemusement when quizzed about the jersey situation after the game, instead channelling his anger at the players’ apparent complacency and lack of professionalism.

Fong backed Aloisi to remain in charge, while the coach himself said he had no plans to quit his post at the helm of the three-time champions.

The Crowd Says:




Embarrassment yes, especially for the Roar. Embarrassment for whole league, yeah a little, but think you too far in the glommy section. SFC beat MV to go 9 pts clear, I just love the A-league.



Roar Pro

Real amateur hour stuff. Dismal reflection on the Roar and the A-League as a whole. Embarrassed not just domestically but internationally. Absolutely shambolic. Someone step in and save the A-League!




For me, it stood out like a shining beacon around the time of the Broich departure.








Anyone but Mackay at the moment.


Square Nostrils


j,binnie and Lionheart Thanks for the info. It appears then that the fruits of both the academy & training facility rely like everything else historically at the Roar with the management of the club.




SN The Roar MD at a recent fan forum explained that Logan City charge a peppercorn rent. I can't recall all he said, but I think he said the initial lease is for 10 years, and they hope to make it in perpetuity. He said that the main ground replicates Suncorp in size and grass type. Building fit out is being completed by Roar (sponsor I think). Same location for admin of Football Qld and Brisbane. There are some nice facilities very nearby including a decent gym which Roar is negotiating with, fast food etc. I haven't been down there but reports are it looks good. There are some recent photos around but I can't locate them, but the link below is to the club website with some info. There's also plenty of info on the Roar Academy on their website. See the Academy tab, or flick through the News articles. The Academy facility at Kelvin Grove is QUT owned, on artificial turf. As I understand it, entry is by selection only, is free and Academy will field teams from U12 to U17. They also have Preparation centres, pre Academy for younger kids which will be in concert with partner clubs (except on the Gold Coast where Roar will conduct them). I don't know the fee arrangements for the Preparation Centres, they're outside the Academy as such. The Academy Director gave a presentation a while back at a fans forum, which was on the net but I can't find it, same with MD forum recently. Maybe Waz can help.




I agree with you Midfielder, local management have let the Roar down time and again, although the Jakarta based board continually confuses me. It's messy. Roar is working with QLD TAFE on a football development course (Diploma of Sports Development) which is a great initiative, and I'm sure they also work with Griifith Uni on their Sports Management degree course, which I take as a move in the right direction for future club managers.




Agree Tinkler and the Bakries are in different leagues. The Bakries aren’t bad as such, they do put lots n lots of money in to the club it’s just, well, they’re careless owners




What's an Oxborrow? Whenever I contemplate the word I feel a dull pain thumping through my mind as though there were some horrible trauma buried there. Whatever it is, I don't want it.




SQ - You pose a question for fans and ask them for their opinion. Before waiting for these answers you then go on to wax lyrical about obvious "gains and advancements" the club has made in securing a training base and kicking off a training academy , both by the way, apparently being held at different locations,some miles apart. Let us examine these two "great leaps forward" and be objective Roar have in 13 years gone from places like Perry Park, Ballymore, Griffith University,to name a few, and then suddenly they, not fans mind you, are claiming a "new home" at Logan. The sporting base being built at Logan is in fact an initiative of the Logan City Council and Roar will in fact be one tenant (among others) using, and one must assume renting, that complex when it is completed. Like you I viewed the Kevin Grove video with much admiration ,it is very well done, but found myself asking Waz for more information on questions that could arise in the minds of most thinking fans,questions like, who owns the Kelvin Grove complex and how much does it cost to rent the same.? There are at least 6 well qualified coaches (maybe 8) being employed at the complex and as you are probably aware qualified coaches, or governmental facilities,do not come cheaply today so one could assume $600,000 will have to be found .to employ these men, at that venue.. Add the costs normally associated with teaching academies ancillary staff,, rent, gear, equipment, ,food, drink etc, and it becomes feasible that annual cost could escalate to $800,000 quite easily Waz did his best to fill me in on how the academy for 12 to 17 aged players is to be funded, and it appears there are at least another 12 football identities involved, but in the 6 to 12 age group there are still factors to be ironed out. So you see SQ these are not assets to be added to the Brisbane Roar portfolio, they are in fact costly items underpinning what on the surface appears to be shrewd use of existing facilities and, In the Academy, an attempt to create a non-profit organisation set up with a view to getting other identities ,and their fans, interested in Brisbane Roar. We can but hope the moves are successful but,based on past data there is still a lot of change that has to occur in the day to day running of Brisbane Roar ,the HAL organisation. Cheers jb.




There’s a typo in there, or some kind of auto-correct, it says Oxborrow ??




We asked the club MD. While this looks bad the employee concerned is apparently gutted and severely upset and, whilst it’s a stuff up alright, he was trying to do the right thing.




Required no A-League logo on the chest. No A-League logos on the numbers. Required numbers on the front of the jersey which appears to be an ACL requirement. New jerseys were needed.




Great summary Mid Good to see the mariners and jets back in business and being run and coached by smart football people. .




My two cents worth... The Roar owners have been too trusting of their management. As Fab has said the Jest were a joke.... what turned them around was a good CEO who was both a Football person but someone with a notable track record.... They are hard to find .... its worth from a Roar stance looking at both the Jest and the Mariners... Charlesworth made a number of attempts too turn things around and was heavily relying on his local and very poor management. Char;esworth then appointed as a consultant a very nay arguably Australia's best ever Football manager to re set the club, hire - fire - find a new coach that suited the Mariners youth policy... Also that the person spent lots of time in Australia understanding both the Australian and CC market. Harry Rednapp spent just over 14 months with the club in Australia he had 3 visits of 2 to 3 months each time. He reorganised the back room and fired some people... took our new CEO under his wing and trained him .... held I am told over 50 public forums to listen to fans ... he only needed to be told at least 3 people will attend for him to go, listen and spread the message.... The end result has been a massive success.... the errors the club made with memberships, hats, names, seating etc have all gone... we get calls from the club, phone messages etc.... we have increased our membership year on year and this year have over 7k members..... Okon who has just connected with the Coast and is also not a bad coach either What I have taken out of our turn around is there are not many truly Football professional management types around... It took SFC 7 years to find a decent management team... The Roar need to bring in some very experienced Football folk with the view of turning the club on its head and hand it back in say 12 to 15 months as a with a management team and coach in line with what teh Roar wants to be..... and there in lies part of the problem I don't think the Roar management know what they want to be...




I would like to see the following team against the Mariners:- Young Franjic, Papadopoulis, North, Brown Kristensen, Oxborrow , Leck, Maccarone, Holman, Beautec Subs Bowles, Ingram, Gameiro No Place for Mackay








Yes - both gone.




yes, apologise Ian. I didn't notice the Football Director entry above, only Football Manager below. So are they both gone?

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