Folau has broken the 12th commandment

By Rugby Tragic Too / Roar Guru

So Israel Folau believes he is entitled to spread the word of his religious beliefs.

How dare he do this.

If the 11th commandment is ‘thou shalt not get caught’, than the 12th commandment is ‘thou shalt not express religious view-points that happen to contradict popular public opinion’.

Doesn’t he realise that he should only pretend to be living in a free society.

Middle class Australia will not forgive such an act. Middle class Australia is of course a place where you can have any opinion, so long as it is the opinion that we all agree you should have.

The thing is it isn’t really his opinion in the first place. If you read the old-testament it says some pretty heavy stuff when it comes to sexuality. Some of which I am now too scared to mention.

For if I mention what is actually in the book of Leviticus, am I to be vilified? I myself don’t agree with the teachings but I don’t think that will be remembered.

Now I hate to be that person. You know the one that has sat quietly at the dinner party listening to a bunch of self-righteous ‘you know whats’ before blurting out the unpopular view-point to balance the discussion.

I am that person now when I point out that being a devout traditional Christian, (or presumably any other major religion), would only leave you with one opinion on the matter.

Israel Folau has simply answered a question relating to traditional religious beliefs. If we are condemning him than we are condemning every single person that practices traditional religious beliefs. This is very difficult territory.

Frankly, he is entitled to express this view point because it is what he is fundamentally free to do. He is free to promote his religion in the same way that Hindus are free to spread the word that Ganesha, an elephant headed god, protects you from obstacles. It doesn’t matter how far fetched the belief is because who are we to judge it?

If it is taught in a place of worship than you are entitled to shout that from a mountain-top, or a computer keyboard, no matter how grotesque or inconvenient the view point may seem. These teachings have, after all, been around for literally millennia. Millenials on the other hand seem to think this is irrelevant.

(Photo by Mark Nolan/Getty Images)

We don’t have to agree with such traditional beliefs but we can’t cry foul when someone points them out. As responsible citizens we should be protecting Folau’s right to express his traditional religious view points regardless of whether we agree with him or not.

Now, let’s not confuse political and religious beliefs. They are not one and the same.

In this case Folau has obviously related this view-point to the teachings of his religion. We can-not and should not question that. The Rugby AU as his employer needs to back off. It’s none of their business. In the same way none of us should have to answer to our employers about our spirituality.

We are all free to believe that an imaginary man in the sky is overseeing everything in the universe. We are free to believe that an old book is the word of god. I am sure we all agree that we should be free to do so right?

Well that book says pretty much exactly what Folau has expressed. So to question Folau’s right to say what he said, but at the same time believing everyone should have religious freedom, is plain and simple hypocrisy.

May I remind you that you are also free not to believe any of it.

But you are not free to choose which religious beliefs are acceptable. Not yet anyway.

Until we have rid the world with what I am free to suggest is utter nonsense, i.e. religion, we must accept others rights to believe it, and to preach it from any platform they wish.

Israel Folau is free to let the world know that he believes anything that he grasps from his religion and we have no right to question this belief nor his right to express it.

That is freedom people. Specifically religious freedom. It is a fundamental right.

Now back to your dinner parties and your hypocritical ideologies.

Pass the Dom Perignon somebody, I wish to now move on and discuss the inequitable distribution of wealth.

The Crowd Says:




You seem to be suggesting that people are asking for Folau to be arrested or locked up or something ? NO ONE ever said he was not allowed an opinion or to freely express that without fear of imprisonment. Of course he is, that's everyone's right. However there are these things called consequences, and when your contract relies on your behaviour, and your union has agreed with a code of conduct, and if you repeatedly break that code even though doing nothing illegal. Then the contract need not be honoured by the other party either. As for wanting 10 million and to be reinstated and wanting people worse off then yourself to pay for the fight … and making sure that there is plenty left over to buy somewhere for his own personal church to exist.




And the howles of " these comments will cause a whole section of society to implode" aren't hyperbowle? Good to see you and RT2 aren't too different after all ;)




"Freedom of speech is not, has never been, and should never be freedom from criticism." And all sides of this argument need to take note of this, including yourself.




And yet you Paulo and Jacko, you failed to jump on posters who have been throwing the homophobic lable around just because someone dare say IF had the right to freedom of speech. So you have just proven RT2's point of hyprocisy, even though him resorting to name calling wasn't any better, correct. But please, if you want to prove me wrong, go to the post where such people such as jokerman have been calling people names and say how pathetic they are. Other wise, take you confected outrage to your safe space so you can talk about you mico agrresions/unconcious bias in an echo chamber where no body dares questions anybody the destructive/incorrect psudo science of insectionality and idendenty politics (too many buzz words?). Because you seem to think that the Roar should be and it's not, and I think this what gets to you most, and not because of what IF said.




Wrong Reply :)




I wonder how long it takes someone to pick up my mistake and make a claim of "unconscious bias" :)




Well said Rights have consequences




Well said I don't agree with him - but he has a right to say what he believes (and be criticised for it) and for others to express their contrary beliefs Its called debate - which is good for society As opposed to those who think they know best telling everyone what they must think, when they must think it and how they should think it Has NO ONE read 1984?




No its not You either have Free Speech or you have Censorship When you have Censorship where do you stop Who decides what should be Censored


Ruckin Oaf


Twould be nice if he lead with the respect angle next time............ (with the usual disclaimers)



Roar Guru

Sorry Sage, I only just got to this post. Thanks for the amount of thought you put in. In context the main point of my post was to balance Mango Jacks post with something a bit more formal in rational construct. I would ask if you really believe stopping negative stereo types is important how to do feel about the level of vilification directed at Israel Folau ono this site?


Ruckin Oaf


What so female genital mutilation that's ok with you when it's a religious practice ?


Ruckin Oaf


Yeah RTT colonialism was such a great thing.


Ruckin Oaf


Oh please, people have been sacked before today for making comments on social media that there employer deems unacceptable. It happens. Sounds like you want the right to vilify gay people without consequence. I got bad news for you this might not be your century.


Ruckin Oaf


nah the argument is more like the bigger the pay the bigger the say


Ruckin Oaf


You realise that Mary was probably about 12 or 14 when God knocked her up right ?


Ruckin Oaf


Hmmmm about the only thing worse than white male privilege is the idiot that thinks it doesn't exist.



Roar Rookie

Saw this on yesterday too Is it possible to be less persecuted than a Christian Australian sporting star? I suppose he could be white as well



Roar Rookie

Just been reading the NZ Herald and it states that Folau intends to make an accusation that he's been persecuted because of his beliefs as said in a Chapter in the good book! ~ it is quoted but I can't be bothered copying it,~ It also states there in the Good Book, that you shalt not cut you body or tattoo you body in anyway according to the ''Old Fullas' Law" ~ so if he's being persecuted, surely he will be removing all the tattoos he has all over his upper body! Smells of hypocrisy to me!



Roar Guru

I agree to some degree Piru. I don't want employers to be the censors of peoples private lives, but, you shouldn't be allowed to cause damage to the reputation of your employer from a public platform they helped create for you. But this issue of "private" comments from "public" figures is the gray zone that creates the challenge for rugby administrators.

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