'I was having suicidal thoughts': Kyrgios opens up over drug abuse and mental health battle

By The Roar / Editor

Nick Kyrgios revealed he was having suicidal thoughts, self-harming and engaging in substance abuse in a heartfelt social media post encouraging others to speak up and seek help if they are having mental health problems.

The 26-year-old tennis star posted on Instagram on Thursday night a message about one of the “darkest periods” of his life during the 2019 Australian Open.

He posted a photo of himself at Melbourne Park during a training session which shows marks on his right arm where he has self-harmed.

The Canberran world No.137, who has been ranked as high as 13, also admitted to abusing drugs and alcohol during this time while snubbing the support of family and friends who could see he was struggling.

“Most would assume I was doing OK mentally or enjoying my life … it was one of my darkest periods,” Kyrgios wrote.

“If you look closely, on my right arm you can see my self harm.

“I was having suicidal thoughts and was literally struggling to get out of bed, let alone play in front of millions. I was lonely, depressed, negative, abusing alcohol, drugs, pushed away family & friends.

Nick Kyrgios’ Instagram post

“I felt as if I couldn’t talk or trust anyone. This was a result of not opening up and refusing to lean on my loved ones and simply just push myself little by little to be positive.”

His message to anyone experiencing similar problems was to seek help and that “it’s OK, you are not alone”.

“I know that day to day life can seem extremely exhausting, impossible at times.

“I understand that you feel if you open up it may make you feel weak, or scared. I’m telling you right now, it’s OK, you are not alone.

“I’ve been through those times when it seemed as if those positive energetic vibes were never ever going to be reality.”

Recently retired wheelchair tennis champion Dylan Alcott was one of the thousands of people who showed their online support for Kyrgios, with the 2022 Australian of the Year replying to his message with “Big love brother. Beautiful post.”

Kyrgios, who was knocked out of the Australian Open in the second round by Daniil Medvedev, is trying to rebuild his singles career but experienced success in the doubles at Melbourne Park, winning the men’s title with countryman Thanasi Kokkinakis.

For anyone with mental health issues, Lifeline’s 13 11 14 crisis support service is available 24/7 nationwide.

The Crowd Says:


Reds Harry

Roar Rookie

Not surprised to read this, he is a complex fella. To me his most important message is don't be afraid to get help, too many internalise and hide their desolation. Good luck Nick.



Roar Rookie

It’s interesting, if he throws a tantrum or does something off everyone jumps on a thread and rages and calls him all sorts of names amid claims of embarrassment and nasty vitriol. But he comes out and opens up about something that impacts far far too many people and especially young men, who by far and away over represented in suicide figures… and it’s crickets on the forums. Much respect for him coming out and showing and talking about this, it’s not easy. The black dog can come around anyone, rich n famous, or not. I hope someone does read his story and either feels some hope or makes a call, or even just something small changes for them.




No laughing matter n I hope he is getting the right professional help for both issues.

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