In Melbourne, AFL is the only game in town

By Pippinu / Roar Guru

I have blogged for a few years now and I see myself as a bit of an oddity in terms of the enthusiasm I have for both football and Aussie Rules, something I don’t come across too often in the blogosphere.

One exception I am familiar with is the Melbourne Victory forum where, while you might find the odd World Game aficionado who has a complete dislike of the indigenous game, generally speaking, they enjoy talking about their favourite AFL teams.

And there are even whole threads dedicated to each Victorian club.

Indeed, this phenomenon is only too well known to the Melbourne Victory administration, who are more than keen to cultivate links with followers of all AFL clubs in Melbourne, and this is one element of Melbourne Victory’s success in attracting a very large membership so early in the life of the league.

I have written this article because I am sometimes bewildered by some of the views that emanate from bloggers who live in Sydney, and the sorts of conclusions they reach in terms of where the various codes are going.

As a keen supporter of both football and Aussie Rules, a recent catch-cry amongst football enthusiasts designed to denigrate the other codes, which has also confounded me in equal measure is, “Smell the fear.”

I have mentioned in other forums that it clearly is a sentiment that could only ever make any sense in Sydney (if at all), and that residents of Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Launceston, Geelong, Darwin, and even Albury-Wondonga and Wagga Wagga, would be left scratching their heads as to why that sentiment was being conveyed.

As a small example, let us look at this morning’s The Age, a fine publication with a long history of quality journalism.

On the eve of the Olympic games, we quite rightly see references to the games in its masthead.

But what do you think pretty much occupies the first two pages of the paper? And I’m not talking about the sports lift-out. I’m talking about the news section proper.

It’s pretty much all Aussie Rules, most significantly the shocking news that Collingwood player, Alan Didak, lied to his club president.

Didak almost got away with it, except for the small problem that there were some 20,000 witnesses to him sipping a few sherbets. If you’re a Collingwood player and you want to go on a pub crawl through Melbourne, you better wear a pretty good disguise.

All this is to simply underline that in Melbourne (and the other southern capitals), there is really only one game in town. And for anyone to suggest otherwise is to live in a fantasy world.

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The Crowd Says:




Roar Guru

Michael C Very good question re team 2 - clearly a second Melbourne team can't follow the exact same strategy as the Victory because it's likely that that particular well will be dry by then. As I said recently, there's one team that can probably sign 10,000 members almost immediately - but is new soccer ready to embrace a blast from the past???


Michael C


Towser - you got it, you actually got, only to make others comprehend. The oddity is that there seems a Sydney position that the NRL is the equivalent of the AFL - - which, nationally, it ain't, and that over influences the presentation of 'national' programs/sports reports etc. at any rate - we know that Melb had a much more unified 'football' culture than, for example Sydney. From the outset. Let alone after the RL/RU schism, which only accentuated the multi code fractured nature of Sydney, and the ingrained hatred and suspicion. Melbourne on the other hand, everybody could talk the one 'football language' and not risk having a code specific hatred issue - - simply club specific, but, that's fine, that's the whole idea. so - - despite that many Sydney natives can't imagine that Melbournians aren't haters of all other codes who have deliberately erected large 'football'-proof fences - - the reality is that we absorb the circus events coming to town - - and the RL folk misinterpreted that in the 90s as latent code support. That is, a couple of good SoO crowds dost not a guarrantee for success of a RL club make. The Wallabies and Socceroos always draw well. And that MVFC have leveraged off the existing AFL culture/methods etc in an AFL dominated market - - is very smart, just, how will team number 2 go?


Michael C


The Shaw-Didak lies, damn lies - incident - - headline news - ought not be an indictment on the people of Melbourne - rather the media - - the story took lead over the workplace death court finding Fosters Group liable for over a million dollars.......a case where 2 people had died over 4 years etc...........compared to a couple of footy players bending the truth...................where's the perspective.............well.........part of it is contained also in the fact that governments grandstand about footballers potentially using illicit drugs because clearly it's a greater concern for ALL of society than is police (in Victoria), or the legal fraternity or politicians themselves using illicit drugs. Olympics - for many of us - kicks in tonight, once the opening ceremony draws us back into the Olympic 'psyche', then it's game on - - - in the lead up, a lot of people are still a little blasé about it all.




Roar Guru

NUFCMVFC Great post - if I'm not mistaken - you're a regular on the MV Forum!




Regarding "Smell the Fear", it is more of an issue aimed at the media than at the other codes (perhaps some administrators) and in particular fans of other codes per se, as the media tend to have a heavy vested interest in the other sports and same with the journalists and the potential for football is scary, if football gets its fair share of coverage that means a requirement for more football journalists...We are in a crowded sports market and rise or rather final flourishing of football into the mainstream naturally shakes up the previous order, people are often naturally afraid with regards to change because they don't know what will happen and there are questions of how much of the pie to go round, people are just angry about the dirty and undue tricks that have taken place, like the sensationalised reports of so called "violence" at A League games, there are good milestones yet the journalists come to try and find something negative to report. Anyone would be irked at that, and it is that which they are irked at and not other codes per se, take for example NRL fans who I am sure are irked at the channel 9 60 mins of A Current Affair report calling them all gorillas and so forth...was a pretty ridiculous story I think there is a difference between the media establishment and establishment in general and the people, the demographics and culture has changed in Australia, and there tends to be a diverse sporting interest across friendship groups, it's not just a matter of AFL/Rugby in winter and Cricket in Summer, people have basketball and a whole heap of other sports thanks to globalisation and satellite TV and so forth, I remember in school we would switch between playing soccer, basketball, AFL, Rugby etc at lunchtimes depending on the mood I am a hardcore football fan but my best friend who I go to MVFC and Socceroos games with plays AFL on the weekend, he is of NZ heritage and so obviously a Rugby Union affectionist and if there does come to be a Super 14 team in Melbourne I will probably go to that with him I'd imagine Regarding the main topic of the article, yes obviously AFL has a strong hold on Victoria, but quite frankly it's just a sports mad city in general and people tend to have a generalised interest across a range of sports, I recall reading a figure regarding the prospect of a Tasmanian A League team that over half of MVFC members are members of AFL teams as well. This is why I personally was glad that MVFC rejected the TeaMelbourne thing, as it would have been moving too close to Melbourne Demons AFL team and MVFC needs to maintain a kind of "neutral distance" from all AFL teams so as to not alienate AFL fans from any club. A League will have to increase rounds, but hopefully that is just a case of adding a few midweek fixtures during the holiday period and simply extending further into AFL/NRL pre-season and not into the season proper The AFL coverage over the Olympics is more of a matter of AFL bias and AFL centricity within the media, AFL obviously deserves prominent coverage but other sports are under reported, there are some stories in other sports that are more important than peripheral AFL stories, really it should be split where AFL stories of significance are reported, stories of significance in other sports should be reported and then peripheral AFL stories for people who really can't get enough are reported. The bias will probably change a bit in a few years when we appraoch the next television broadcast rights negotiation cycle, as football is here to stay in mainstream of this country, Australian society has changed and the media can't scare people off with dubious "efnik violence" tactics like before as people simply know better, also, the digital rollout with multi channeling will mean more broadcast space to fill for TV networks so rather than undermine sports they will need a healthy situation in order to fill broadcast space. Print media will change in time simply as a result of the old guard being phased out and more open minded and in touch new guard rolling in Finally, old media is not so much relevant, perhaps Herald Sun/Age is like that because that is where AFL people go to (old media) for their news, the internet means that for fans of other sports there are other online avenues to read their stories, and that's perhaps where they go, so it is just a case of the old print media catering for their specific market rather than an accurate reflection of the order of things in the demographic There really is more than just one game in town, people don't have to be fans of just one code, they are allowed to be fans of a range of codes, I would say it is more of a case that people are/have to be fans of AFL clubs as well as others, e.g an NRL and AFL fan, a Football and AFL fan (but not NRL), a Super 14 and AFL etc where obviously the AFL has a lot of the "crossover interest" in conjunction with the hardcores who are AFL fans only. I have always felt that in Australia it is a case of each sport having a hardcore base and a lot of the population being generalist sports fans who go to a variety




Pip, if you are going to have a bet make sure its Centrebet (Jets new sponsors). No market on the SFC game yet but surprisingly SFC are favourites to win the GTS at 3.75 and MV second favourite at 5.00. Archie is favourite to top the scorers at 6.00 and Alsopp at 9.00. Johnny over Easy is second favourite for the GTS GB at 6.75. MV seem to have the wood on SFC lately and I'll have a little wager on them to win. That way if the blues get beat at least I can make some money out of it.




Redb, I know I'm off topic here, but to answer your question - which came first, the chicken or the egg? Obviously the chicken came first. It was impregnated & voila, next came the egg. Don't accept my answer? Try this - who came first, Adam & Eve (the chickens), or Cain & Abel (the eggs). I rest my case! For any continued responses, ask someone who cares!!!!!




Roar Guru

Jimbo A couple of pimply kids having a go at each other knock Didak's porkie pies off the front page? Not sure about that one. But absolute chaos, flares, riot police, 100s taken away in paddy wagons, etc, etc - now that might almost do it! (even then I have my doubts!) If MV win, I'll be happy either way! Actually, I shouldn't really be doing this, but if there are any fair dinkum punters out there, put your money on MV defeating SFC in round 1.



Roar Guru

Yeah Melbourne is Australian football mad, but what is wrong with that? It's the best winter sport in my opinion. I don't think it is a year long obession, cricket and tennis would hit the sports headlines in the summer.




Redb, the poultry DNA came first. The A-League isn't "out of season". The old NSL and the A-League were aligned with the northern hemisphere football competitions and FIFA sanctioned dates. This is because the Socceroos are much more international these days and we had to fit in with the European schedules and the international competition dates like the World Cup etc. "Smell the fear" is probably the wrong choice of words and even though football dominates the world it probably won't knock AFL or NRL off their perches. Being a truly international code football doesn't need to be the number one parochial sport for the FFA to succeed of the Socceroos to achieve their goals. But there is more visibility of football these days and other codes are definitely taking an interest and have some concerns about its growth. Entrenched bias in sports reporting in Sydney and Melbourne has also flushed a lot of red necks out of their closets and into the opinion columns. If there is any crowd trouble at the next Melb Victory v Sydney FC game at the TD, I'm sure it will keep the Didak porkies off the front and back pages in Melbourne.


Slippery Jim


Pippinu, do be honest I *ahem* can't exactly remember which position I finished in the A-League fantasy comp...but hand over heart I'm sure it was above you somewhere... Redb, I subscribe to the Andy Kaufman philosophy, in which amusing others is secondary to amusing myself [;)]




SJ, Then use the smiley more often. :-) Although I disagree. You may always love one sport over another, but you can learn to appreciate and enjoy the other especially if out of season. I'd agree if talking about teams in the same comp/sport. Although as you get older you do tend to appreciate great play and players from other teams, only if your team is not playing that is. :-) Except of course Collingwood or Carlton!. Redb




Roar Guru

Towser that was an interesting response, and something I had never thought about - I'll remember that in the future! (about the coverage of RL in Sydney and Brisbane). SJ I learned a long time ago to read all of your posts with a wry smile (something the odd flogger could learn to do as well). I look forward to our fantasy league jousts! ps did you beat me last year in the A-League as well?? I thought I might have finished one above you.




Pippinu It seems as an outsider given the crowds at AFL in Melbourne,( Redb informing me the other week that of that weekends round 75% of the attendances for the round came from Melbourne ie 240,000) that why shouldn't the game get the Lions share of the sporting headline. After all the city has 9 teams?. Personally i have no interest in AFL(yes Redb I have seen the game live & on TV many times) but its obvious people in Melbourne have a passionate interest & this(& its only something gleaned from blogging) has in fact assisted Melbourne Victory to the largest membership in the A-League. As a football fan I can have no complaints there. So its obvious to me(although i dont personally comprehend it) that you can play for two countries at once in that city. To be honest Pippinu how anybody in Sydney or Brisbane can point the finger at Melbourne as being besotted by AFL is hypocritical when in those cities Rugby League dominates the media, yet the crowds do not substantiate that media support. In my book if you want to point the finger at a sport with "undeserved saturation publicity" then point it at the Sydney & Brisbane media in relation to Rugby League. I also buy the Australian newspaper every day. Even on a national basis with the AFL outdrawing the NRL crowd wise almost 3 to 1 the NRL gets as much publicity(something to do with News owning the sport perhaps).


Slippery Jim


Redb, “No one can slave for two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other." Matthew 6:24 Yours Mydantically, SJ Pippu, I already did, last season, it will taste twice as good to do it again this season ;) By the way, the fact that I am reading an AFL-related article for the first time in many years says a lot about the interest I have in what you write, what I wrote above was not meant to sound nasty, just a bit of a stir...




Roar Guru

SJ I do think you are overreacting a touch. I was moved to write this article when the "Didak lying to Eddie" took up the first two pages of "The Age", leaving the Olympic games well and truly in its wake. Now surely that's worth investigating a touch! You have permission to bag me out only when you defeat me in the various fantasy leagues. And to think you come from Tassie!




SJ, Stop being so pedantic and myopic. As I said you demonstrated exactly what Pippinu was talking about. Are you suggesting Pippinu is unable to follow two codes of football? Now answer the damn question this time :-) Redb


Slippery Jim


I clearly haven't stated anything about my preferences at all, RedB, I was just pointing out the discrepancies in Pippu's stance. I personally don't pretend to be anything I'm not. Stop being so sensitive and jumping down the throat of everyone not scratching your arse, son...




Slippery, You've just perfectly demonstrated exactly what Pippinu was talking about. :-) Congrats. You have to pick a code in your eyes? Have you considered Zealouts R Us? Redb


Slippery Jim


Really Pipps? What's all this about MV leading the way in memberships, support base etc etc ad nauseum. After reading this article I'm not sure whether you were kidding football fans then or are kidding Grookballers now...I think it is clear that your loyalties are always more on their side than that of football fans, as this article shows, so it is hardly unbiased.

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