Fear and loathing is ruling Australian sports

By Adrian Musolino / Expert

AFL CEO Andrew Demetriou addresses the media during an AFL Media Conference at AFL House, Melbourne. Slattery Images

“World Game? What a joke! World Cup? Leave it to the English, Italians and the rest of them,” claimed Albert of Melbourne on the Herald Sun website, one of the thousand plus hateful comments that littered sites across the web following the AFL’s claim that they will lose a season if there was an Australian World Cup.

“AFL vs. the World” declared the News Limited press; appearing to cheerlead the squabble between our national game and the world game.

The corresponding article here on The Roar had over 250 comments before the sun had set.

It was an impeccably timed response from AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou; just as the World Cup draw and Australia’s World Cup bid were in the national spotlight, not to mention at a time when the AFL is in its deep slumber.

The AFL has every right to protect its product, and the fact remains this question surrounding the fate of our national codes during the World Cup was one of the biggest question marks that surrounded an Australian World Cup – a question no one wanted to discuss.

It is an immensely complex issue, and without clear guidelines and expectations from FIFA, there can be no clear solution to the issue at present.

But if we are fighting amongst ourselves so fervently, what chance do we stand against the might of the USA and England?

The fact is if we are to stage the World Cup, it’ll require immense concessions from every other code, made more complex by our suitable stadium shortage, and we must, therefore, work in close cooperation to find suitable solutions, not allowing people to hijack the debate and deal in absolutes.

This is only the start. If such extremity continues, how are we going to find a workable solution so all codes can be accommodated?

With each such statement from Demetriou or the like, Australia’s World Cup bid – which was always going to be a challenge – appears even more doomed.

Yes, perhaps Demetriou has exaggerated for effect, but what concerns me most is the dogma attached to this debate. Perhaps this was part of Demetriou’s ploy.

Denigrate the very idea of the World Cup by striking fear into the hearts of his games’ followers.

It’s not only this dogmatic rhetoric of “AFL vs. the World” but also the hatred and ethnic division that’s being attached to these World Cup claims.

Jack, another contributor to the aforementioned Herald Sun article, wrote when putting his case as to why the AFL shouldn’t cave in to FIFA: “Yes it will upset a lot of immigrants, however if you chose to live in this country, its traditions and sport come with the package.”

How very sad there are people who still think like that.

If so many of us ‘sports fans’ are going to denigrate the World Cup – with feelings of bitterness, hatred and contempt – then are we truly deserving host’s of a tournament revered around the world?

Amongst the bitterness and hatred lies one query.

Where has the enthusiasm that greeted the build up to the Sydney Olympics gone?

Arguably, on television ratings and economic worth alone, the FIFA World Cup would be a greater benefactor to Australia – certainly in terms of showcasing Australia to a global audience once again.

Would AFL fans be unable to join in the celebrations of our World Cup? Do the Socceroos not belong to them, too?

For all the protestation and arguing, remember they are two great sports that can co-exist, and there are many who love them both.

The World Cup doesn’t represent an ‘invasion’ – and awful phrase that has been thrown up with its racial overtones – and AFL fans shouldn’t fear its game will be starved by football. And that flawed reasoning can be the only explanation for why the World Cup, compared with the Olympics, is creating such angst.

Commonsense needs to come to the fore here.

What strikes me most in this debate is how insular and one-dimensional Australian society has become – and sport is a microcosm of society.

Despite the huge strides made in our multicultural land, ethnicity and race are still used as fodder in many of the flawed arguments for why ‘soccer’ is not an Australian game. We seem to be unable to deal with such issues with logic, compromise and acceptance, rather so many resort to absolutes – black or white, yes or no.

Dogma and fear are tarnishing Australia’s chances of hosting the world’s biggest sporting event.

Sadly, we have become the new America: introverted and overly protective.

The Crowd Says:




Why is it so bad that a new code is introduced and accepted fairly by AFL, NRL and any other codes or sports in our country. I don't understand! If the whole country just got behind it and stopped worrying about the $$$ issues, I'm sure AFl and other codes would even benefit from a growth in Football (Soccer). I know it doesn't work that way, and AFL is afraid of losing fans or losing against a BIGGER code globally coming in from overseas sweeping it form under it's toes, But honestly, Would that happen? AFL is an Australian sport, something specifically associated to Australia. Like Vegemite and all our other products. If we protect it and harbour it like the Icon it is, we will ever lose it in this country, because it will never be threatened. What will cause harm though, would be the faul comments and strive to push football(soccer) deeper into the depths of hades, by AFL. It has not gone un-noticed, and maybe just for that wretched display of scum-fighting by the AFL, they should be put in their place, at least for a little while.




I disagree with Adrians second point buut only the first half of the sentence. Being introverted and overly protective is not an American thing - some Australians have always been like that and most AFL supporters are like that and still see anyone who doesn't follow or understand AFL as being foreign. The AFL have a fantastic marketing team who have conditioned their followers from an early age into a cultish following.


Point 2 is especially well articulated and I am disappointed that more contributors have not taken the author to task. Adrian, if you had any sort of courage, any sort of journalistic integrity, you would respond to the criticisms raised in point 2 (amongst other posts here); the hypocrisy and intolerance of your comments is rank.



Roar Rookie

hmmm. A bit of a dramtic overstatment, by readers and author alike. I cant agree that the voices of Demetriou and responses on the Herald Sun readers comments do justice for the countries chances of hosting a world cup. Perhaps we should point out the facts, clear cut: 1) An AFL season can still go ahead because of FIFA World cup, clear and calm heads would remind AFL supporters (I'm one of them) that the required grounds could easily be used for Premiership matches (Etihad stadium, scg, gabba, cairns, tio stadium, geelong, launceston, regional cities, possibly 2nd stadium from Adelaide/Perth). That seems like enough for 4-12 weeks 2) Adrian Musolino stated: "Sadly, we have become the new America: introverted and overly protective." To label an entire country of 22 million as introverted and overly protective based on some 500 readers comments and the article from news limited newspapers is ridiculous. To then label the entire country of America as introverted and overly protective is prejudice beyond belief, which ties in closely to racial acceptance/tolerance. So our faboulous author has labelled the country as unable to accept an "unaustralian game" and its major sporting event to our country as well as stating our society is one sided, racially motivated and unaccepting of other cultures, despite himself using similar tactics upon labelling us as a new America; "introverted and overley protective." America probably loves being referred to like that; you are in no position to blatantly label our country into one stereotypical category, take the moral high ground, and employ these stereotypical qualities on a fellow democratic country like that of America. 3) Ultimatley, if our World Cup bid fails, it will be the fault of the most influential. If we fail to convince FIFA, it will be because our FFA officials could not complete the task they set out to do. The voices of the prejudice readers on the Herald Sun, News Limited and the Roar (read comment 698 for confirmation), remains the voices of the minority, who will have very little say as to weather Australia gains the world cup, how the AFL deals with a world cup during their season, or any other related topic. Ultimatley, their opinion will matter little, we should not get sidetracked by those people's prejudice comments, as we strive to bring a spectacular sporting and cultural event to our nations shores!




thats exactly what happened.. but why? the poll questions were stupid and biased from the very beginning.. shit stirring journalism at its best.. the cancellation of a whole season has NEVER EVER EVEEEER been an optiuon, maybe a 6-8 wekk break but in the scheme of things that is NOTHINNNNNG!!!!!!!!!!




I despise the AFL more than ever but my respect for the NRL has increased. We're only in this problem though because the southerners won't build decent stadiums.




If you want to talk about hateful comments towards another code, quote Craig Johnson or Simon Hill, not some random nobody who responds to a newspaper blog.


Phil E Buster


To save you the time here are a selection of Pippinu's roar quotes on the subject: Australians care – FIFA can look for another country conducive to cronyism and corruption – try Qatar Nothing would make me prouder as an Australian than to see two great Australian sporting bodies tell an autocratic, foreign, unelected and corrupt governing body to pi$$ off Get your act together FFA, stop expecting everyone else to do the job for you – or creep back to your hole instead we should drop our dacks to a bunch of foreign, corrupt, unelected officials Each year over 7 million Australians watch an AFL game – more than twice all other sports combined, plus some – so that seems to represent an important part of the Australian way of life. Not even the second coming of Jesus would get in the way of an AFL season Isn’t it wonderful that one country in the world ... doesn’t fall over itself in the presence of corrupt FIFA officials. NOthing could make me a prouder Australian than to see the AFL stand up to a bunch of corrupt, unelected foreigners and say: you can stick your cup up y’er ar$e!! If the AFL isn’t going to stand up for the Australian way of life – who is??!! I would have thought the creation of the Great Australian game was Australia’s greatest gift to the World – pretty hard to surpass that. Afterall who’s FIFA? A bunch of foreign, unelected, corrupt officials? Geez – we should really drop our dacks for a mob like that!! The responses of non-Victorians on this thread goes to show that there is a fair bit they don’t understand. Now many non-Victorians on here will say to all this: bad luck – this is the World game, etc. Yes – but the people who matter (presumably only Victorians) won’t be saying bad luck . Vidmar was spot on with his Saudi comments the other day – only a place like Qatar could really do justice to FIFA’s demands – not a liberal democracy like Australia. Nothing would make me prouder, as an Australian, to see our premier sporting body say to the foreign, unelected, corrupt offiicials of FIFA: stick it up y’er ar$e!! Go put you circus on in a country that is a bit more yielding, like, say, Qatar. Fancy a foreign, corrupt and unelected body telling us that we can’t play a game on ANZAC day??!! What next – no ANZAC Day marches??!! Talk about playing the race/patriot card for maximum value.


Phil E Buster


Westy, the race card has mostly been used by AFL supporters rather than WC supporters, just scroll back and read a few of Pippinu's posts on the subject if you want some examples. eg "As an Australian I'm proud the AFL told those corrupt foreignors to pi$$ off" etc etc etc etc.




And this post No. 700 ! - & one of the better ones




This is post No. 699




If I am running a successful business at certain venues and a competitior asks me to stop running my business so he can exclusively run his business at those venues for a fixed period I would demand compensation. I support the World Cup bid. What i do not like is the implied racist/ethnic playcard many make if you do not support this pro world cup bid view. The race card is now used as once the patriotism card then the red card was used in former times. The NRL and AFL are at perfect liberty to position themselves to seek compensation and maximise that compensation .I have it on good advice that during the world Cup Frank is going to allow Stocklands exclusive use of his Australian Westfields store or better still close them down so people will not be distracted from attending the games . Fear or loathing or people just living in lulu land use to a touch of European facism




I fail to see the lack of interest when the socceroos set an all time pay tv record this year (twice), oh but lets not mention that, lets look at the crowds which are impacted by numerous factors. The fact is to judge a sports popularity by crowd figures without taking into account a number of social and economic factors is naive & incorrect.




Midfielder The ARU is fortunately in a much more flexible position than either the NRL or NRL.That code can simply switch the games destined for WC period) to either Sth Africa or NZ.If the S15 was an Australia only comp,rest assured they would be concerned about the implications.Their 2003 WC did not impact on the other codes' seasons. Gallop(who fully supports the WC) has had his meeting with Buckley,and appears Buckley was not able to be definite on whether other codes could be allowed to be played during the cup. There was a precedent when in the U.S ,baseball was allowed to continue when that country stage the cup. I have heard and read so many different versions of how many weeks are involved,my head is spinning.I have heard 8, i have heard 16. i agree with the CEO of the canterbury Bulldogs,that the NRL should take advantage of the overseas teams using and paying for their training grounds. Gallop is there to ensure the 16 clubs survive,any financial impact of such a magnitude .it is his duty to ensure clubs remain viable.He would be shafted if he ignored that objective. I sum it up by using the words,compromise and compensation.We are not a country blessed with a plethora of big stadiums.


Deja Roo


Bullshit hey Jimbo?................Do you have anymore conspiracy theories to add? And as for the A-league stinking it up again well what did you honestly expect Soccer fans? Most of you have gone from blaming poor weather to the economic crisis for pathetic crowds that reflect a severe lack of interest in the round ball code. Even the Socceroos struggled to get 20k in to etihad. Now your telling us that this slump and decline was expected because thats what happened in Japan or America, LOL. I'm pretty sure I've heard gloating and bold statements about 20k+ averages from Frank Lowy all the way down to the Soccer fans who roam around this site. I'll tell you exactly why it is in decline, it is bad, and you all know it but you keep telling otherwise. If you attend a game or watch it on Fox I really can't tell to much difference from the old NSL other then we don't have racial crowd riots and players being struck by flares. Otherwise, Same old stuff really..................................


Michael C

Roar Guru

Look - I just want people to keep a broader perspective on the reporting of this topic than just items dated post Dec 5. I just reckon, it's been bublling away for a little bit - - probably because Demetriou was on leave, - - because, seemingly, Gallop making similar comments doesn't have the same media 'carry'. News Ltd knows how to play the 2 main city newspaper market quite well, wouldn't you think? hmmm, yum,.....just be enjoying last nights left over pizza for lunch!!


Michael C

Roar Guru

use 'fact' carefully relating to Michael Lynch (or his mate Cockerill in the SMH for that matter), re the benefits "FFA points to upgrades that occurred at the Gabba, Canberra Stadium, the MCG and Hindmarsh in Adelaide, because football was a key sport in the Sydney Olympics, as illustrative of the long-term gains from massive stadium investment." MCG - there were none. Major upgrades were 1991-92, and 2002-2005,.....not sure where the FFA suggest the soccer related upgrades happened??? Gabba - one of the 4 stages of the 15 year plan covering 1993-2008 was accelerated to allow a state of readiness in time for the Olympic soccer tourney. so - it's a prety feeble case - - - far greater is the benefits that soccer gains from AFL related infrastructures (and NRL of course).


Art Sapphire


Time lines, shmi - lines - I am not a conspiracy theorist Michael :) Len Deighton should write a novel about it and then it can be made into a film ala the Bourne Films Matt Damon can play Ben Buckey. Anthony Lapaglia can play Demetriou. Considering Anthony's a big football man, he will make Demetriou look like the devil incarnate :) Can't wait to see the film.


Michael C

Roar Guru

No - I'm not avoiding the issue. Mike Sheehan came 6 weeks later, and even came after the radio interviews on Monday and the WAToday article on Satruday of this week. Sheehan wasn't the driver of all this - - he actually got in very late........and yes, his article was, as Phil E Buster states - pretty cringeworthy stuff. So - back to my question, do you struggle with time lines??



Roar Guru

I'm dealing in facts of the rugby season compared to the AFL and NRL seasons which do schedule 8 games a week throughout June and July.

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