Time to get serious about our floundering World Cup bid

By Davidde Corran / Roar Guru

First of all, let’s get something straight: FIFA’s apparent back flip on who can bid for the 2018 World Cup hosting rights has nothing to do with Australia and everything to do with Europe.

The world governing body aren’t just shafting Football Federation Australia, they are leaving everyone outside of the European power base in the lurch.

We should be angry, but not surprised. Just ask Serbia, Ukraine, Ireland or Slovenia.

Instead, Sepp Blatter’s comments should serve as a reminder of how small of a fish Australia is in the global sized pool that is world football.

How we as Australians react to this turn of events will further help to set the tone of our future with “the world game”.

We can decide that we want to be players, bide our time and do what we must to slowly climb the ladder or we may choose the opposite. We can declare that if world football doesn’t want us we’ll turn our back on them and revel in our commonwealth and national sports.

I hope it’s the former.

In the meantime, surely we must begin to start asking serious questions of those left in control of our World Cup bid following a flurry of embarrassing stories.

For a bid that was at one stage listed as the frontrunner by a number of UK betting companies, it’s a remarkable fall from grace.

So what has happened?

Last week, I caught up with someone who was very close to the Australian bid team while they were in South Africa last year for the 2010 World Cup draw. He was more then a little bit flattering of Bonita Mersiades’ work in Cape Town last December and he is far from one of her biggest fans.

So Bonita’s departure from FFA, announced late last week, is significant but of course without the full story we can’t appropriate any blame.

Where we can point the finger at FFA is for being caught off guard by Sepp Blatter’s comments that FIFA were considering only accepting European bids for the 2018 World Cup hosting rights.

Ray Gatt in The Australian has done just that writing, “As FFA recovers from the shattering news that Blatter has moved the goalposts and wants Europe to host the 2018 finals, effectively consigning Australia’s hopes to the dust bin of political expediency, the blowtorch is now being turned on FFA’s international advocacy consultants, led by Peter Hargitay.”

So it should be. I brought up Hargitay’s role with the Australian bid shortly after I met him in Cairo last year and received a mixed response form The Roar’s community of readers.

Well, if that wasn’t the moment, then I am certain the time has now come to ask how someone declared as having “unique experience and expertise with FIFA and in world football”, and at a minimum earning AU$2.5 million of tax payer money, dropped the ball so badly.

FFA’s rough time of late doesn’t end there either. On the back of a certain “eggball vs round ball” debate, Australia was also outmanoeuvred by Qatar’s bid in Angola.

All of this coming after FFA’s team had done so well to put the bid in a strong position.

Less then two months ago, Australia was as real of a World Cup hosting candidate as any of the others. But is that still the case?

The free ride is over, the Australian bid has begun to flail, and it’s time to starting asking questions.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Guru

If we do miss out on hosting the WC in Australia in 2018 or 2022, it won't be through lack of effort from Lowy, Buckley and the FFA.


Cpaaa 2018


Good read "its only a game" for anyone interested to see how Football in Australia had turned the page for all the exciting reasons, through the eyes of John Oneil of course. It was Oneil who actually recommended "shootout" , in his book, to anyone interested in Australias Footballing history, for all the wrong reasons. Colourful indeed and never a boring moment but sheer disbelief, but that for another day. In the SMH today an article which may seem to be a warm up to Les Murrays interview on The World Game, if anyone has missed it. “World Cup will be here, Lowy says” http://www.smh.com.au/sport/football/world-cup-will-be-here-lowy-says-20100129-n42f.html



Davidde Corran

Roar Guru

Hilarious! Everything about that page is rather dodgy!



Davidde Corran

Roar Guru

matty1974 great point on the Indonesia relationship. I have strong suspicions there is something else going on behind the scenes between Australia and Indonesia. With the political power of Qatar we could use all the friends we can get in Asia. For those interested here is an update on the "exciting, flawless and shoe-in for it" Qatar bid: http://worldfootballinsider.com/Story.aspx?id=32957




All very true Cpaaa 2018. I have just finished reading John ONeil's (former FFA CEO) book "it's only a game" and what struck me is that so many of the exciting developments in the FFA (ie move to Asia, appointment of Guus) were in the pipeline ages before they became public knowledge and we will hear more positive news about the bid in good time. The only people who need to take our bid seriously are the FIFA Exco members. I have read that we have Brazil's vote in return for Aus support to land the 2016 Olympics. Nigeria has been trying to get the Commonwealth games, surely Australian influence and expertise can help them land the 2018 games in return for their vote. What is to be made of FFA's relationship with Turkey? does this translate to a vote from them? also FFA's recent partnership with Indonesia, will this help us get Thailands vote (fellow Asean nation) if as expected Indonesia drop out of the race? anyone have other thoughts about the rest of the EXCO?




For anyone blinded by the Qatari bid, check out their offical website for the 2011 Asian Cup (which is less than 12 months away) http://www.qatar2011.com/ check out the tab 'venues'. it contains a bizarre monologue from "Mavis and Xiane" about how dodgy the organisation of the Aisan games was. If this is an indication of the level of expertise in holding major sporting events in Qatar, i reckon even Indonesia will be fancying their chances.



Davidde Corran

Roar Guru

Marcel, personally I would, and I imagine there are also others here, who would enjoy it if you shared your knowledge (especially if you have a specialist understanding from your field of work) without accusing people of getting their statistics and facts from Wikipedia. It's offensive. As far as I understand it the system IS installed and has been operating for nearly 6 months. You were right I got the details on the friendly wrong though. I don't know why I thought the Brazil v England friendly was played at the Al Sadd Stadium (where the system is in place). That stadium only holds 15,000 so I would have loved to know if you thought a system that works in that size could feasibly work at twice the size. However I'm quite sick of this discussion and the approach being taken to it. Whoever wants to can call Qatar's bid a joke. That is fine but if they're doing so without actually taking a look at the actual bid details then it is a shame.


Cpaaa 2018


I dont know of too many 80year olds working as hard as Frank Lowy, and for what? its not like he needs a super fund. Is this the greatest gift ever imaginable given to Australia? and if not then what is? We saw the scenes across Sydney and Federation square during 2006. All the channels were on board including the anti-christ channel 7. Bring the world to Australia and magic happens, economy booms, people are happy. It must be seen to be believed...its money well spent and still possible, that is the reason Frank and Kevin are still driving the bid.




Clearly Qatari dollars go a long way in making a big impression, but aside from the issues already mentioned (ie. tiny population, security concerns, the heat, white elephants etc) I would add Qatari customs and laws around the consumption of alcohol and conduct and dress standards for women. The World Cup is, or should be a big party, google alcohol and/or females and Qatar and ask yourself if this the place to hold the world's biggest party? I think when push comes to shove the FIFA exco would baulk at the risk of a Qatari WC (regardless of how many dollars they throw at it) and award them a club wc tournament instead. The decision is a political decision more than anything, I really doubt FIFA will overlook all 5 of the Asian bidders in favour of the US. The political fallout will be huge, Asia has had just one WC, compared to 3 already in concacaf, and Australia ticks more boxes than any of the other Asian bids.


Cpaaa 2018


The following are the words of Frank Lowy as to why he had turned his back on the NSL, from the book "Shoot Out" "I really dont like to waste time. Unless i see success on the way, or eventually, I dont carry on. I dont give up easily, i fight very hard, but in the end i dont want to be futile. I wasnt looking for personal glory... I was busy building my company and wasnt short of activities. I had no ambitions for myself, just like now I have no ambitions for myself. I have ambitions for the game, and unless you are in an environment where you can succeed, you cant succeed" Australia is still in it for both 2018 and 2022. Which ever one we get, you Blatter believe Seppo will take the credit for it !




If anyone doubts that Qatar has a serious shot at this, one should remember that FIFA gave the Club World Cup to Abu Dhabi. This tournament was played in front of some pretty awful crowds and highlights FIFA's willingness to look at the money thrown too it. They actually said the thing was a success as well !!! I remember laughing when Sepp Blatter told the Aussies the reason they didnt get it to host the Club World Cup was because it was too far away. What rubbish, FIFA just wanted the perks of the Abu Dhabi state, something Australia cant do. So under estimate Qatar at your own risk, FIFA have already shown they will chase the money rather than "Whats good for the game"


And additionally, I can't see you giving an accurate figure to the costs - the stadia required hasn't been finalised.


"$5b injection to the Australian economy" At what cost.


Australian Football

Roar Guru

There you go I have just agreed with you---sigh.


Australian Football

Roar Guru

That's because you are blinded to the possibilities of a Football World Cup in Australia----heaven for bid no one is asking you to watch or go, just let the Australian Government do what it believes is going to be an economical benefit to the nation from a Price Waterhouse & Co. independent commissioned analyses; conclusion: $5b injection to the Australian economy.. with a Stadia legacy for all Football and AFL


PS. You've taken to calling me "anti-football" because you disagree with my arguement, don't be so dishonest it will not endear others to your point of view.


Sigh... You aren't revealing anything new to me, I have seen that wiki page. Australia doesn't even rate a mention.


Australian Football

Roar Guru

Beast, stop listening to the anti-football brigade-----oh but you are one aren't you? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economics_of_the_FIFA_World_Cup please read



Roar Guru

Largely the same effect? Really you basing this on the 92k of views for a you tube clip when even the catastrophic “where the blood hell are you” has over 200k. So yes the same effect will be that it was remember as fools errand paid for by those not involved in the decision.


"...the mere fact that we are bidding for a world cup has been a success. The fact that Andy D is running for cover is a success." Even if the WC was awarded elsewhere?

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