Why Suns guernsey is better than Freo, Port

By The Roar / Editor

So you don’t like the name? It’s too Americanised for you? Newsflash, everything is Americanised, so get over it. I applaud the Gold Coast marketers for going with something that works, regardless of how original it was or it wasn’t.

Yep, the guernsey could have been a little more imaginative, but it looks smart enough and footy jumpers can, and do, evolve. But that’s a whole other argument.

The Suns works if, for no other reason, it sums up what you think about when you think of the Gold Coast. What thoughts are conjured up when you think about the Gold Coast: sun, sand and surf, right?

Well, Surfers would have been a little silly, and ‘the sands’ makes no sense. So it had to be Suns. Let’s not even go there with Meter Maids and fake tans.

This is a sporting club, after all.

For the same reason that Phoenix is the Suns in the NBA, it is where that large yellowy orange thing in the sky tends to shine quite a lot. The whole state is considered the ‘Sunshine State, so if it is not a natural selection, then Charles Darwin was a Bible basher!

Now, the club song and jumper, as mentioned, need some work. But that can happen. By around the third year, any chinks would have been ironed out, and the ‘wave’ I feel will take more prominence on the jumper.

That said, the example that the Gold Coast displayed when the club colours were originally announced with a yellow oval encompassing the Gold Coast emblem should become part and parcel of the look, too, representing of all things ‘sun.’

Those hard to please purveyors of negativity, who say that at least Port Adelaide and the Dockers haven’t got the worst jumper, are way off the mark in their references, let alone where the Gold Coast jumper sits in the scheme of things.

Fremantle’s dabble with Green was doomed from the get go. So the fact that the jumper has evolved to where it is now is outstanding, really.

Sporting uniforms with green in them are not great. Even our national sporting costumes leave a little to be desired. All patriotism aside, only the Celtic Rangers or Boston Celtics really carry it off well.

What Fremantle need to do is cut all ties to green, and even the occasional inclusion of red, and announce themselves as purple and white. The purple haze is a magnificent marketing tool and the jumpers look slick, despite the silliness of the anchor.

The reversible clash strip albeit a little sickly.

As for Port, teal is just not a great shade. Drop it and replace it with a genuine blue and they will be right. Gold Coast will always have them covered.

So with a great nickname and hopefully an evolving guernsey, all that needs work is the song. No one was real sure when the Eagles song had electric guitars in it either, so who knows.

Maybe they could borrow from George Harrison: “Here Comes The Sun.”

The Crowd Says:



Roar Guru

red and yellow lifesaver flags - no problems there.


The Truth


Wow, big embarrassment for you there.


Ted Harding

Roar Rookie

Put my hand up for the shocking oversight with Celtic and Rangers. Doh!


Brett McKay


particularly when you consider it was designed by a seven year old....




I must be the one out - please associate me with the Titans colours.




I concur with almost everyone else here - the Port jersey is bloody awesome.


Footy Legend

Roar Rookie

It's more of a representation of the SA state of origin jumper with the Port colours than the Big V




Everybody seems to like ports big v. I don't. Are they trying to be a poor copy of the vic state team?


Footy Legend

Roar Rookie

As everyone has already said, Port's jumper this year is one of the best in the comp. Also, I quite like the new Gold Coast jumpers, especially the clash.




Not to mention the traditional Tassie State Aussie rules strip ! . . . The one they wore in 1960 when they beat the V-F-L !!!!! . . .




As a Rangers FC and a PAFC supporter all I can do is laugh at this article. Port's old top was terrible yes, but our current top is quite good and highly regarded by most in the aesthetics stakes. The Celtic Rangers? 20seconds on Google would have prevented that mistake.




The back in black for Port is a massive improvement. The tiny brushes of yellow would be lost when watching at the game. Just red with tiny air-brushing that gets lost .... Hardly a marketing plus and will be scrapped after it's first season. Don't bother buying the tops as I see them changing it in a year


The Truth


Hardly the same shades at all.




I feel compelled to comment again, this time on green teams. I think the Irish and Springboks look great, New York Jets, Green Bay Packers, Pakistan Limited-Overs cricket, Ghana and Cameroon but maybe not Robert Green.




Think that the Suns would be annoyed that the titans got the jump on them with the colours - the titans colours are exactly what everyone associates with the gold coast. But at least the suns name has some relevance. And lets face it, compared to the lions jersey - anything is ok.




It works for Spain


The Truth


Port's jumper is among the best now. Have you paid attention the last year? As for teal, it will always beat yellow, especially if yellow is matched with red to really burn the retinas. Throwing light blue in their just completes the disaster.




“Here Comes The Sun.” . . . hey ! that's not too bad an idea, but I think royalties may be a problem.




Cetic Rangers lol



Roar Guru

What football jumpers need to be is simple. Too many colours, too much clutter or complexity, and it just looks a mess when in the action. A jumper that looks good in a s till shot doesn't necessarily look good on the field. The one of the left, which I believe is the home jumper, works nicely. The swirls on the others could cause headaches. Am I the only one thinking a main jumper of mostly red and a clash jumper of mostly white could cause problems when playing the Swans in Sydney; who have a mostly white front and mostly red back. A simple reversal of colours, to a mostly gold clash jumper, would have worked much better.

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