India does not deserve the Commonwealth Games

By Vinay Verma / Roar Guru

Commonwealth countries, including India, Australia and England, all have their fair share of shock jocks. The rush for news to sate a voracious public sees some TV Channels scoop to fabrication. But when a bridge collapses near the venue of the Commonwealth Games and a day later a roof comes tumbling down, heads must roll.

The Commonwealth Games in Delhi, scheduled for October, is an opportunity to sell more papers and increase ratings. This was supposed to showcase a sporting event.

Sadly, scandal, bureaucratic bungling and terror remain the stories that attract readers and viewership. As you eat your vegemite on toast, you deplore the shocking conditions in the Games Village. As you board the train and transit security at Kingsford Smith, you are outraged at the lack of it around the Games venues.

A Channel 7 reporter boasts that he was unopposed in walking through with a wheeled suitcase that could have housed explosives. This is news.

What has not been reported is that it was at an empty venue. The fact that there was no danger to anyone except the reporter is conveniently ignored.

This was scare-mongering.

I challenge this reporter to reproduce this “bravado” when the Games are on and the paratroopers have orders to shoot on sight. He would not be game to do this at any airport in India.

The Channel 7 reporter was amazed at the ease with which he could procure explosive materials in Delhi. What is not reported is that it is just as easy in most metropolitan cities around the world.

A busload of tourists was fired on in a busy part of Delhi. India, like many other countries, remains a target for terrorists. It has been for a long time.

I am all too aware of the corruption and scams that are associated with large government contracts. It happens everywhere where greed dictates priorities. It does not excuse it, but this is the compromised world we live in.

A roof collapsed yesterday over the weightlifting arena and it is provident this happened now rather than on a weightlifter in competition. Cement with a little sand and water gives you concrete that is secure. A little cement with a lot of sand lines the pockets of a crooked contractor and could have killed someone.

It is anyone’s guess how many Indians are killed on a daily basis due to shoddy infrastructure.

Inspection certificates have been routinely forged and the world has every right to question the safety at all the venues. Dani Samuel has every right to pull out.

Maybe this will shame the Indian politicians because so far nothing has.

Is the terror threat legitimate? Of course it is. That is why 150,000 soldiers, including commandos, police and reserves, have been mobilized.

Can India guarantee there will be no terror attacks? No it cannot.

India has recently held a Hockey World Cup. It is host to the Australian Cricket team at present. There are insane people out there in all walks of life. India is especially vulnerable. It is a risky world we live in. 1.2 billion people live in India. Over 60 percent eke out a meager existence and this is a shame.

Is the Government doing anything?

It has an education, health and housing budget that can deliver a better way of life. This is diluted by the avarice of politicians and some private service providers. Corruption, sadly, is ingrained in a large percentage of the civil service.

It is anything but civil.

Australia has every right to complain about the “cleanliness” of the Village and it is naïve for the Minister in India to put this down to “differing perceptions of hygiene” Dirt is dirt in any language.

Literacy is around 60 percent. This translates to 700 million that have basic reading and writing. 200 million go beyond primary school and over 100 million go on to tertiary degrees. Most ministers seem only to have passed a University in a speeding official car.

It is not a country of snake charmers and carpet salesmen but it certainly has its fair share of shyster politicians and unscrupulous corporates.

It has some of the world’s greatest writers, mathematicians and surgeons. It has also some of the best cricketers and chess players. Indians do not deserve the politicians in charge.

They deserve a lot better.

Figures can be twisted to prove a point of view. But looking at the IMF (International Monetary Fund) GDP (nominal) India is ranked 11 and Australia 13.This is not an argument that India can use to project its superiority.

For the sake of objectivity when you look at GDP per capita Australia ranks 11 and India 139. The general standard of living is undeniably higher in countries like Australia and England.

India has a great Prime Minister who is sadly hampered by Ministers not sharing his same high ideals

Recently a high ranking Rio Tinto executive was charged with bribery in China.

The Australian Wheat Board has its own skeletons. Bribery is not an Indian invention but it has been institutionalized in India in a manner that is both brazen and without shame.

Ministers in India have been known to boast that they would “approve anything for a million dollars” The Indian Prime Minister laments the fact that billions may be illegally banked in Swiss accounts. Some say it may be trillions.

So next time you read a sensational headline, think of the culture and hospitality of a country desperate to prove itself as a caring and inclusive secular democracy. India survives not because of its politicians, but in spite of them.

Look beyond the headline and you will see humanity struggling to make sense in a world that is not always fair.

Indians, in India and abroad, are aware of the limitations in transparency and propriety. There are no excuses. I will not make any for what is indefensible.

But I will appeal for reasoned and informed debate.

It is still eleven days before the start of the games. Independent safety experts must be called in to verify all the structures that directly affect the athletes and the spectators. Insensitive and unqualified ministers cannot be trusted.

It would be understandable if England, Australia and New Zealand withdrew. It would not be a shame if the Games were called off.

Once again it will be the athletes who save the thick skin of politicians immersed in their twisted concept of self-help. Helping themselves to the taxpayer’s money!

Ric Charlesworth threw his hands up in despair and left India. Indian Sport has been run by self serving politicians for too long. These people are more reprehensible than any bookie or player fixing matches.

India has been callous in its disregard for the most vulnerable and poor of its citizenry. It must put its own house in order before it gallivants on the world stage proclaiming credentials of a Super Power. This phrase is over rated and often masks a marginalization of the weakest in the community.

I despair for the hundreds of millions of well meaning Indians that have to live with politicians that have made an artform of corruption. Cricket’s image in India is tarnished. Hockey has been crippled by bureaucracy and the Commonwealth Games is testimony to the avarice of Governments and Corporations.

The Indian government owes an apology to the world and to its own people.

The Crowd Says:




it is really a joke.



Vinay Verma

Roar Guru

Plasmodium,the boxer she defeated in this year's championship in Barbados was a Romanian and last year it was a North Korean. The year before it was a boxer from Turkey. I suppose she will come up against a Mex sometime. What strike me about our Mary is that she is dedicated without being desperate. She has a serenity and self belief that will see her cope even if she loses. But I am cheering her on and hope she wins an Olympic gold.




VINAY - boxing is not my kind of sport but having spent several years in California I'm aware of the many Mexican boxers in the agricultural areas like Stockton where a lot of Mexicans are employed. (That excellent Huston movie, Fat City, was set there.) Like the earlier urban blacks seeking a way out of the ghetto Mexicans see a ring career as an escape route. Mary Kom has her counterpart in the female Mexicans (most are naturalized) in CA and TX who've flocked to the boxing ring with great success. As good as she is Mary will have her work cut out to get by a couple of latinas at London 2012 as a gold medal win for a US athlete means big bucks. Also, Mexican pride is so strong they'll go through brick walls to win and never admit to being hurt.



Vinay Verma

Roar Guru

Paul, when everything else fails call in the Army. The only organisation in India with discipline and authority. They will build a new overbridge in 5 days. It will be at a fraction of the cost and whats more it will be safe. The PM yesterday refused to discuss anything with the Sports Minister and said the time for discussions was over. A few butts are in a sling now.


Paul Adelaide


I understand what you say. Because India is a democracy, outside countries cannot interfere and Indian votes in an election can be influenced by patronage and money. Empowering the poor is the desirable outcome, but this has been difficult in most countries for the last 90 years. Corruption is the enemy that inhibits money or benefits from filtering down to the impoverished classes, as would happen with legitimate transactions. India needs a champion.



Vinay Verma

Roar Guru

Paul,many ministers view the slums as "vote banks" They keep the facilities at the bare minimum and then at election time hand out some more money and then lie low till the next election. It is in their interest to perpetuate poverty.The gap between the rich and the middle class is huge. And the gap between the poor and the middle class is even bigger. And this in a country where social security does not exist.


Paul Adelaide


I agree entirely with uplifting the poor and uprooting the Government freeloaders. My point is that bashing India is, ultimately, not in the best interest of the poor. Perhaps the Ministers play on this.



Vinay Verma

Roar Guru

Paul, I have seen private organisations putting on World Class seminars and events in India. But the minute you get a Govt. agency involved the corruption starts. I think it is good that there is so much scrutiny. I hope some good comes of it. India is a mixture of first and third world,the old and the new and I really think they should worry more about uplifting the poor than trying to project an image of an economic superpower.300 thriving middleclass is almost the population of America but in this euphoria I dont want the other 700-900 million forgotten.


Paul Adelaide


There is a lot of "India Bashing" going on. I don't remember such intense scrutiny in previous Games. Let's wait to see how it pans out. Even though you, Vinay, say that a good finish won't excuse the fiddling of the last 7 years. I am paraphrasing. I accept that the corruption must drive outside observers crazy, but how do you change a culture which accepts that a mere film ticket needs to be bought from a scalper. A simple train ride involves corruption.



Vinay Verma

Roar Guru

AndyRoo,we are talking about INDIAN sports administrators. They would not know one end of a hockey stick from another. Mary Kom,the Indian boxer,was supported by Geeth Sethi and Padukhone,the Badminton world champ..all private and the Government can take very little credit. In the end it is the Minister for Urban Develpment and the Minister for Sport that took their eye off the ball. One of my journalist friends is actually on a committee that is looking at overhauling sports administration in India and he is looking at different models including the AIS. The key seems to be having expert coaches and very little government interference. The culture and tradition of sport is not something that comes naturally to Indians. Sport is sport and should not be a means to an end. Sport must be compulsory in schools. It has to start from a young age.



Roar Guru

I'm surprised they didn't have a bunch of practise events similar to the Hockey world cup but for athletics and swimming. FIFA have the Confed cup and for the Sydney Olympics we had heaps of world championships (unless my memory is faulty) in things like Cycling, Equestrian, rowing and such. Would have put pressure on the facilities to be ready earlier but I also would have gotten athletes and journalists more accustomed to India so we don't get a barrage of stories all at once in a two week period from people shocked at what a developing nation is really like.



Vinay Verma

Roar Guru

jameswm,it would be good if some of the Aussie athletes,or even the Ch 7 reporter sent some pictures back when the rooms are occupied by the athletes. The Aussie tower is spanking clean this morning. But this is the little picture. The big picture is as John Coates said on radio this morning "India should never have got the games" or words to that effect. He also said it was a matter of the secretariart not having the resources to keep tabs on the work. But 7 years is enough time to have got it ready. I know the PM has read the riot act and things will be fine now. But the fact remains these are games that will be remembered for India's inabilty to host a major event.




I just want to make one comment on the dirty rooms in the athletes' village, the photos of which have been circulating around the world's media. I've got a bit of experience with construction, and places always look like this when the trades have finished, before the cleaners come in. Even with exposed wires, these are often only plastered up (and painted) at the last minute, when the final finishing touches are done. Normally you finish the work and you have specific post-construction cleaners who go in and get rid of the dirt, grit etc. The place looks terrible in between. I won't comment on safety etc, but this did warrant comment.



Vinay Verma

Roar Guru

Plasmodium, her full name is Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom (M.C.Mary Kom). She has four consecutive World Championship titles in her class. She comes from Manipur, a tribal area. I have said for a long time India's real wealth is locked in the tribal and rural areas. There is a marathon runner there somewhere. An archer. A long distance walker or cyclist. London 2012 will see Mary try to win Gold. It will be gold untainted by doping or money. She does not seek celebrity status and at 27 is comfortable without being a sporting millionaire. I hope she can inspire other Indians to work just as hard.




VINAY - You're clearly mad at and embarrassed by your birth country, and I can empathize as there are times when I'm mad at and embarassed by my birth country (Australia). One of the ironies of these games is that they were labeled the Green Games, but that name is open to all kinds of interpretations now. One of the great disappoinments, from a sports angle, is that performances, if indeed the games go ahead, will be affected by the venue. Last C. Games, for anybody who may have forgotten, India placed behind Canada in 4th spot. India won 22 golds, but I believe the ones that really counted with the people were the three golds won in weightlifting, the one in boxing and the six in shooting. Mary Lam has been getting a lot of ink as India's big hope in women's boxing which will be introduced to the Olympic program in London, 2012. I read that she's a celebrity almost on a par with some of the cricketers.


Paul Adelaide


I bow to your better informed mind re corruption in India. A little more sleep would probably help both of us.



Vinay Verma

Roar Guru

Paul, you are being extremely statesmanlike and I acknowledge this.and yes there should have been more supervision.My gripe is not so much with the actual games but with the culture that sees corruption legitimized. They have had 7 years to get this right. Once the bid was successful it has since been a litany of compromise. The organising committee has been accused of favouring certain contractors and service providers. Budgets allocated for the rural community have been subsumed in extra ordinary circumstances by the Minister in charge of the project. Last night the minister for Urban Development,who is directly responsible, said: " I make you a promise as a Minister that in 48 hours everything will be spic and span" This after he had been summoned to an emergency meeting with the PM. The Games will now run smoothly and in the aftermath people will probably forget and those responsible will get a promotion and bonuses. The Games are important for the development of India's athletes. But this is not a consideration for the Sports Authority. For many it is a chance to cement the old boys club and for England,Australia and Canada it is more about wooing India and its potential as an export destination.


Paul Adelaide


Wide ranging, Vinay. Given your love of India, it must be particularly frustrating to see the knives come out so quickly from elements of the first world. It seems excruciatingly coincidental that these building problems appear two weeks from the start of the Games. Where has been the supervision, either at local level, or from a higher body? It seems naive to me that we can blame corruption in a project so critical to India's pride. If India can successfully send a vehicle into space, it seems childsplay to build a pedestrian bridge. Is it possible that these accidents are deliberate and not purely shoddy building standards? In a country of 1.2 billion people, where a great percentage struggle for daily survival and the predominant religion teaches acceptance of one's lot, I am in awe of the progress India has made over the last 40 years. I challenge any Parliament in any country to do any better in the same circumstances that India found itself in it's first 30 years after Independance. A more troubling matter about these Games is that it is irrelevant in the sporting calendar. Some countries are not sending their premier athletes (Jamaica is sending their 8th and 9th ranked sprinters). I understand that October is the at the end of the athletic season and the Games don't have the drawing power for the best athletes. If this is the case, are the Games simply a get-together and a chance to renew acquaintances? I don't know, but I know I'll be watching.



Vinay Verma

Roar Guru

Stellenbosched,see my reply to LeftArmSpinner below. It sure happens in the US of A. Start a war,keep the armament factories going,supply both the Israelis and Palestinians and rake the money in. Insider trading,rigging ballots and "greed is good" are all American exports. Delaying projects means going overbudget,doing shoddy work means you can do it again and charge double. India's Organising Committee has had 7 years to get ready. Obviously it can't tie its shoelaces and needs a seeing eye dog. Sport and Sportsmen are but a means to an end. Dhyan Chand,arguably the greatest Hockey player ever,died in poverty.



Vinay Verma

Roar Guru

llefty,betty b,TSO , I appreciate the sympathy and goodwill you all express. It really needs for some Politicians to be named and shamed and vilified. It is such a difficult task when the person giving the orders is compromised. I know it happens all over the world. How do drug traffickers survive? Only with the help of people in power.The big fish hide behind a battery of QC's.Everything you see on Underbelly happens every day in nearly every capital city in the world. When people like Paris Hilton wear cocaine like a badge of honour there is something wrong. I know of Bollywood parties where a million dollars of coke is snorted. Where do they buy the coke? How do they manage to pay that sum in cash? If the Income Tax people know about it why don't they prosecute? Because they will be transferred to timbuctoo. Looking the other way is something they now teach in Political Science.

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