Why the hybrid game should be a no no

By Ant / Roar Rookie

The idea of combining the rules of rugby league and rugby union to create a hybrid version of the codes is absurd and it needs not to happen. The debate over which is the superior code has raged since 1908. Each has its flaws as much as each has its strengths.

But comparing the two is utterly pointless and irrelevant.

The two codes are vividly divided by their place in the social order, historically speaking anyway.

Rugby union, the game played in Heaven, was largely associated with the upper classes of society, while league was more common amongst the lower classes of the social order.

The division, though, could soon be diminished as the hybrid game “could soon be a reality”, with a trial match being held at Brookvale Oval in Sydney next week. Manly rugby league great Noel Cleal has even gone as far as suggesting that the hybrid concept will one day be played at the professional level.

But this is fact: the hybrid game simply would not prosper in Australia.

Australians love their sport, some may go as far as saying sport is their religion, but there is no room for another code in a country which already has three thriving systems of rugby/football – those codes being union, league and AFL.

Football will inevitably soon become a fourth as it continues to grow relentlessly around the nation.

If the hybrid concept was to go professional, one has to ask the obvious questions: where would the players come from? Where would the matches be played? And so on.

Former Wallabies fly half Mark Ella, who has helped create the hybrid rules, insists the aim of the hybrid concept is not to replace either league or union. But to be taken seriously as a professional sport, the hybrid game, from its inception, would need to boast professional players.

This would require league and union professionals to switch to the hybrid brand of rugby.

This needs to be considered.

Australia has five Super rugby teams and 16 NRL teams. 110 players make up five Super rugby game day teams and 272 players make up 16 NRL game day teams. The combined total of players is 382.

If the hybrid game went professional, a 10 team competition would be viable. Five Super rugby teams, 16 NRL teams and 10 hybrid teams would then make up 31 teams within Australia’s union/league realm.

Divide 382 players into 31 teams and you get 12.3 players per team.

Such a figure is not enough for any of the codes to field a full team. Fringe players could make up the numbers, but the inclusion of such players would take away from the quality of play, something nobody wants to see.

There are simply not enough players in the professional realm for hybrid to go professional without replacing either league or union. It is safe to say that neither code will ever be replaced.

Furthermore, there is no room for the hybrid game to be played in the Australian sporting calendar.

Stadiums around the nation host Super rugby, NRL and AFL fixtures during the winter months and A-League and cricket fixtures in the summer.

It is thought the fusion of the two codes could end the debate over which is the superior code. But the debate does not need to be settled as rugby league and rugby union, to an extent, define our nation in their own unique way.

Australia’s rugby realm thrives on its own and needs not be tarnished by the inception of the hybrid game.

The Crowd Says:




Manybe 10% of the super rugby players would stand a chance to make an NRL team. The Aussie Super rugby teams are loaded with Rugby league rejects. Their backs wouldnt know what's an "ice up" . For Christ sake why would the NRL want anything to do with idea?




Have played all three codes at top level League /union & near grade level Aussie Rules alot of , all have their good points , RL is not recognised as a truely international sport their World Cup competition shows this , Aussie Rules well they have great grass roots development in Aust but where else but Aust they play . Gaelic Football is not Australian in the first place . The ARL quietly knows Rugby holds all the cards their NRL competition and commentators know this, they talk their game up all the time .its sad .SBW walked away, he was rated as your best RL player why ???? The Anzac test match had to be held on a friday night to get the people in at the gate ?? really all test matches if you were serious was always on Saturday .The Rugby WC is held every 4 years because it takes that long for the world countries to play off and qualify. If the NRL truely had a national competition they would have more then 2 states in the state of origin . I am sure this argument will continue long after this year as past,we had a game in the NT in the 90's where the top league side played the top union side and as suspected the league'ies won their half and the union guys won their half was a good game of two halves . I think all codes are good but truely Rugby Union is a rugged sport that you can travel the world and play in many different countries and cultures and the basic rules does'nt change . After all its the game they play in heaven......




Or perhaps an even better idea would be to have an Australian team made up from the Wallabies and Kangaroos and play a one off against a team made up of the Allblacks and Kiwis. Or perhaps a one off with players from NSWRL and the NSW Waratahs against a team made up of the Reds and QLRL. I know, I know: everyone's afraid of losing their glory. I think that's what it boils down to.




I like the idea as a one off on Australia day each year. I think it would simply be a revenue earner. Although, I could imagine both codes using the idea at a junior/school boy level to combine resources such as development officers and potentially educate more kids in the baisc skills of both games. While both codes are distinct, it should be remembered that for one of them to be growing, it is better for the other one compared to another code growing. This is because younger players transfer much better between these two codes than any other two.




Its probably not a bad idea for australia as rugby is weak nationally and league has no presence internationally. outside of australia probably no chance rugby and league has good following in the UK and in places like SA, France, NZ they simply dont need league player or crowds.




Fez, I did not say the SL War was about trying to merge RU and RL. Murdoch wanted RL, but had to settle for RU because RL types would not sell out. Murdoch has waited for RL to weaken, but it keeps getting stronger here in Aus and he still wants it. All of it. RU is becoming RL in how it is played etc etc, so Murdoch is getting his initial wish of getting RL partly fullfilled. I believe it may be this reason that News Ltd do not want to sign papers to say they will not start another Rugby comp in opposition to the NRL as part of the Independent Commision negotiations.




Yep.. I was gonna add that.. If crowds, registered players and viewers are up from last year means the game is dead.. Wow. Some people with Chips on their shoulders cant stop Death riding... But it goes both ways in fact. But sometimes facts have to be used. Is League more popular then Rugby in Australia? or Specifically East Oz.. YES!


Working Class Rugger

Roar Guru

p.Tah Don't forget Sharminator, all the way from Paraguay.




...and Australian, English, Irish, Samoan, Tongan, with the occasional American, Scot, French and Welsh posters... I've also enjoyed the comments from Canadians, Argentines, Chillians and an Uruguayan. It always amazes me how widely read the Roar is.


Working Class Rugger

Roar Guru

Kovana In the declining market that is Australia for Rugby, participation is up, crowds are up and viewership is up. Yep... we're a gonna!




"Hybrid games, we have played them before, help us start conversations and find a path towards unification" There is no need for Hybrids.. 7s is perfect for getting all Rugby codes involved.




"NRL has the highest attendances of any domestic Rugby competition in the world" Yes.. It gets over 3 million etc etc... BUT.. How many IN TOTAL have attended ALL Professional LEAGUE competitions in 2010? Just add the Total attendances of SL, NRL, Challenge cup and the RL 4N.. You get roughly only 5million+ in attendance. NOW.. do the same and add ALL the attendance of PRO Rugby Tournaments.... SR, CC(Premier and First) , NPC, 3N, AP, RFUC, Top 14, Pro D2, ML, HC, ACC, S10, 6N and Top League... Well.. You get Roughly over 13 million+ in attendance. Rugby had MORE people in Attendance for Pro competitions. FACT.




"Since 2005, RU has gone backwards at a rate of knots" Actually its going up.. Worldwide. In terms of participation and popularity... Or are you referring to only East Australia? Which is as 'international' as it gets in your bubble?




:lol: Why did the ARL/NZRL try and keep it secret from the ARU? :lol: "RL doesn’t need Union to improve its international competition." .... Thanks for that. But where does rugby fit in this Statement?


Fez's are cool


LOL... the NRL has the highest attendences of any domestic Rugby competition in the world, and arguably the highest ratings in Australia (you can argue for hours over NRL vs AFL, but in the end they are pretty much neck and neck). Southern Doomsayers point at crowds and herald the end of the NRL - yet they clearly are seeing things through "Victorian coloured" glasses.


jus de couchon


Guidos right . Why so serious? A one off game would be fun. AlQeda neednt get Involved..




There are already multiple forms of rugby administered by the IRB: XVs and sevens. Thirteens is a pesky competitor and since rugby turned pro in 96 league looks like a future merger and acquisition target for rugby union in my opinion. Hybrid games, we have played them before, help us start conversations and find a path towards unification. Bring it on.



Roar Guru

i agree with your argument that a hybrid game is a no go, but your method of argument is flawed as it is overly australia- centric. consider how a hybrid game would be embraced in South Africa?



Roar Guru

for a regional comp in a small country NRL crowds are decent at over 17000 average. NFL has 32 teams spread across 300 million people so a comparison is hard to make. AFL crowds are amongst the worlds best especially when you consider the size of Australia




Funny thing league ratings - in England soccer has the highest ratings, and the best crowds. In America NFL has huge ratings, and huge crowds. In Australia AFL has the best ratings, and the biggest crowds. So why is it that the NRL has such great ratings and yet the crowds are (comparatively) so poor? I just don't get it.

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