State of Origin game 2 result

By Tristan Rayner / Editor

New South Wales Anthony Minichiello scores a try against Queensland during game 2 of the State of Origin Rugby League series in Sydney, Wednesday, June 15, 2011. (AAP Image/Dean Lewins)

New South Wales won the second game of the State of Origin 2011 to keep the series alive going into the third game. Two tries in the second-half to the Blues sealed the game as Queensland were unable to make an impact later into the game.

Origin II Result: New South Wales: 18 Queensland: 8

The game opened with early points to Queensland, a penalty to the Maroons allowing Thurston to kick a penalty goal for Queensland to grab a two point lead.

Shortly after with the Blues on attack a penalty gave Jamie Soward a shot at goal, which dampened a strong push by New South Wales. Soward hit the post to keep Queensland with a two point advantage.

Cameron Smith then made New South Wales pay, barging over from dummy-half for a soft try after twenty-five minutes, to give Queensland a handy 8-0 lead over the Blues.

Luke Lewis then scored for New South Wales from a Mitchell Pearce kick to get the Blues on the board after twenty-eight minutes, and Jamie Soward converted from far on the left touchline to get the game back to within two points.

The game continued with a flurry of attacks, with Uate causing Queensland trouble on the right side of attack, while Inglis and Thurston created headaches for the Blues defence.

However, neither team could get the ball over the line, and the teams went into half-time with New South Wales trailing Queensland by two.

After half-time, Queensland mistakes handed New South Wales the ball, and off a repeat set New South Wales attacked the line with an over-the-top pass from Mitchell Pearce finding winger Will Hopoate, who stretched out brilliantly to touch the ball down for a try with just millimetres to spare.

Soward converted another tough goal and the Blues were up 12-8 with half an hour on the clock.

The game continued to flow back and forth, but New South Wales were let off the hook by the Queensland side which made errors on key plays.

The Blues then sealed the game with just three minutes to go, Jamie Soward making a half-break to pop a ball to a steaming Anthony Minichello who hit the line to score a try on his return game in a strong performance by the fullback.

Soward converted his only easy shot on goal to give the Blues a ten point lead with not enough time on the clock for the Maroons to consider a comeback.

The Origin series moves to Queensland for the final game on July 6th at an already sold-out Suncorp Stadium. The Blues will be buoyed by the win, but will face a tougher task on Queensland home soil.

NSW Captain Paul Gallen was Man of the Match for State of Origin II

The Crowd Says:




What a load of garbage refs went out of their way to ensure Lockyer went out on a win. What a load of hog dun. How can they expect people to believe that it was a fair. OK QUEERSLANDERS call me a whinger, but my eyes and experience do not lie. up yours ARL cant have a fair game of league anymore. money money money.. shame shame shame...I think I Will go and coach young kids in hockey, at least I dont have to put up with ARL RUBBISH.




New South Wales are a mob of wingers.. they question everything.. Paul Gallon you were beaten by a better team but you couldn't even say that .. all you could say is, '.. couple of calls went against us..' if you played the game and noit concentrated on complaining you may have given yourselves a better chance... shocking.. congratulations the Mighty Maroons you are the best... no winging just getting on with the game.. Go Big Mal.. and thanks for the memories Lockey we love you.. we are so proud of you..




life in its reality, said the wise old man. grow up, said the wise old man. get your eyes checked and see your side for what it really is. bunch of cry baby blues, spearheaded by whining i'll-get-what-i-want slick ricky whos tactics are about a smooth as sandpaper and preparation techniques are just as rough. you say queensland SHOULDN'T BE PART OF AUSTRALIA, and you call SHAME ON ME????




Yep, keep going.. your statement is justifying what I said about Queenslander's, keep waffling on .. boo hoo hoo, always wrongly done by... boo hooo hooo, and by the way, hate is a big word, you have confirmed Queenslander's "HATE" NSW I dont HATE, I just dislike what you lot do. I suppose you Hate anyone from another State??? All Hail Queensland, Hail, rain, wind and fire! hahaha. I would still donate regardless. Remember the adage.. forgive them for they know not what they do.. It's true, you don't! SHAME on you SHAME SHAME SHAME LUKE! Time for you to grow up and see life in it's reality. and I can hear you stamping your feet from here... poor little boy, when you grow up (if ever) you may see the truth! GO NSW.




I'm tired of people like you! Blaming everything but your sides own poor performance. That performance by jack reed was the best i've seen out of him and the better side won on the night. You wouldn't expect a side that lost 7 players to state of origin to win? Jamie soward struggled to get off the field at full time and they didn't deserve it with the effort they put in. You know its people like you that make us QUEENSLANDERS so furious. Its the reason we hate nsw, the reason we can play a full 80 miuntes and its the reason the competition even exists, because of qld passion and how we love giving it to nsw...One other thing, Qld IS the best, we don't just "think", we are - Have been for FIVE years, its written all over the shield.




Yes I agree with the attack & lack of flair statements, I think it was better when the teams couldn't move up until the dummy half touched the ball, it just gave the attacking team that little more time & space to be creative. The modern game with its level of fitness jams things up a bit. The refs have a hard job trying to police the laying on the players. We have dominated world RL because of our refs policing & allowing our game to flow better than the English game, because of that our players have better week to week fitness.But to be a spectacle flair must be there, so keep the play the ball area clear & another second of creative time with the ball would only be good for the game I would imagine.




"How was Gallens speech to the ref at the first penalty, he looked like he was struggling to remember his lines there for a bit" It did look just a tad rehearsed...But it worked, it went back to the way it was in game 1 soon after he complained about it.




Well NSW are very lucky But i dont want to see you cry off in game three beware maroons are dangerous!!!!




Hey game 3, dirty tactics is indicative of the maroons! Ricky Stewart decided it was best for NSW to stand up to these dirty tactics early, by standing up for themselves. In other words Self Defence!! I can't get over all the whinging bloody Queenslanders thinking they are the best and are always wrongly done by when they lose! Then there is the Broncos beating Saints (Fri 17 June) with two blatant forward passes!!! which the Refs accidentally on purpose did not see ....another friggen Rort. And then they claim it was a very brave Broncos side revenging the state of origin loss... OMG.. get friggen over it!... you were helped behind the scenes! and I am getting tired of this negative money money attitude of some of the dark cabal of rugby league. Anyway....perhaps Queensland should abdicate and become their own country!!! They never class themselves as Aussies!! Just Queenslanders. We were reminded of this when we were all helping you lot after the floods.. All we got were "We are Queenslanders!!" Not "We are Australians" Whenever I have visited what I once considered part of Australia, as soon as you lot discovered I was from Sydney, I was treated like a refugee who had escaped from of an asylum centre. Quite frankly I am sick and tired of you all! GO NSW, VIC, SA, WA, TAS, WA, NT, ACT.......... YEAHHHHHHH.....


Vikki Gibbs


What, do you have a crystal ball??




Sorry Stu, you comments are good & I understand what you want free flow attack as I do but its a different level all together & much higher stakes. You make a mistake & let in a try you have to score twice to beat them, Its not park foot The pressure is different your representative career is on the line your state your mates.Its just so much more pressure.


game 3


Ricky Stuart is a cunning little bugger and has resorted to dirty tactics to win, it was so obvious the ref allowed NSW players to get away with high shots. The standard has dropped all because of pressure from NSW not being able to win a game honestly. Queensland would do well to have Justin Hodges back to inject some fight back into the side,and the rest of Queensland needs to get some "balls" and return dirt for dirt. Didnt think much of Dave Taylor the big lump talk about a tired fulla,what a waste of space,Queensland need some hitmen like Gordon Tallis,Carl Webb etc men who wont take a backward step. I think Mel Maninga is a great coach but a little to soft and needs to Mongrel his boys up for game 3.




Get over it mail23, if you opened both eyes you would see it happened to both teams. Is choking a player head high? what about an elbow to the head? I can go on and on.. but I wont! Queerslanders always moan and groan whenever they lose a FAIR match.




Yeah except for the 3 head high shots and the worst being the on with QLD in side the Blues 30meter line in the second half.




Seajay hit it on the head exactly - so many games have been ochestrated by refs for the morons to win that Blues players 'retired' at the first opportunity, coaches like Stuart were forced to coach harder, former players wanted no bar of the whole smelly business... it has been a great con and money winner for NRL for those drenched sad souls to have something positive in their lives...




Its fair play when Queeensland toss in a few undesirable blows, but NSW are common thugs when they fight back..TYPICAL.. as they say Bob, if you can't take it, don't dish it out to start!!! I say...."Go suck on some sugar cane Bob, it may sweeten you up a bit."



Roar Guru

We may be thugs, but anything but common. Bwahahahahaha!




NSW are nothing but a bunch of common thugs




At Last a game where the umpires did not make too many mistakes. This has been a behind the scenes emotional reason for some bad performances by NSW of late. Being a Coach, player and umpire myself, I am very well aware of factors which can contribute to a result. It was so nice to see a decent State of Origin game for a change which resulted in the best team winning. NSW had something to play for and did not feel they were on the back foot. Queensland put in a great performance but could not break the NSW's spirit. There was a bit of unnecessary dirty play which went unnoticed which I felt should have been pulled up. But I guess Karma played a role and we had a fair result.




Wow so we get an interesting third game this year! Instead of it being over in 2 :) Still giving goldclass Origin tix away at

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