FFA risking A-League's integrity over Kewell

By Davidde Corran / Roar Guru

So the wily Bernie Mandic has once again proved his worth by single-handedly bringing a brand new club into play for his star player, Harry Kewell.

“If the best stadium deal is in Brisbane, then why wouldn’t he go to Brisbane? Stadium deals make or break this deal,” Mandic said on Melbourne’s SEN radio station yesterday.

“What would be wrong with Suncorp (Stadium)?

“They’ve got a sensational team, a team that plays probably the best brand of football in the country, they’ve got a great coach who’s earned his stripes in Europe. They’ve got a stadium which is waiting to be filled.”

Fair play to Bernie, this really is THE story in Australian club football at the moment, and for the media, it remains the gift that keeps on giving.

The possible arrival of Socceroo star Harry Kewell has tongues wagging so much even Eddie McGuire felt the need to pre-maturely declare on national radio the 32-year-old had signed for the Victory on Monday morning.

Yet while in many quarters Kewell’s signing is seen as the missing piece of the puzzle, a one-man mission that will save the competition’s precarious financial health, the idea of a deal with the Roar has me concerned.

The A-League champions remain under Football Federation Australia ownership and the thought of the peak body backing a mega deal to acquire Harry Kewell at the same time as the rest of the league bleeds money thanks to a disproportionate allowance from FFA, strikes me as wrong.

Furthermore, the very integrity of the competition is put at stake if the same organization who runs the competition, also funds and helps decide which club gets to sign the biggest player the A-League has ever seen.

I have my doubts on whether Kewell will end up in Brisbane, but if the A-League champions do make an FFA backed play for him, then the details deserve extensive scrutiny.

No doubt, there are some aggrieved football fans in Far North Queensland in particular who’ll be concerned to see FFA handing off the money their now defunct club so desperately needed, to one man.

The Crowd Says:




I think Dukes was a bigger star in Melbourne than Harry was. Home town is a huuuuge factor. And Kewell is definitely more popular than any other Socceroo in NSW. That said Cahill would run him close and Schwarzer is also very popular. But there different sort of players on the pitch and aren't as "must see". A lot of fans seem ho hum on Brett Emerton coming back but if it was to a West Sydney team he would be hugely popular. I think he would also go down well in Brisbane so there are local factors to consider. Kewell has had an interesting career (most of them have) and can be quite personable so it wouldn't take long for Melbourne to adapt him I think. Only danger could be if he picks the wrong AFL team to support when interviewed on MMM.


David Heidelberg


The QLD government run stadiums QLD, and a new deal would give Anna Bligh some much needed good news, while pissing off Clive Palmer. Two big reasons for her to clutch at that straw.


David Heidelberg


When Harry goes some of those fans will still be there. Sponsors will see a full stadium and a team that has our biggest star as their public face. It is a stroke of genius when it comes to growing the fanbase. Interstate fans will be more likely to travel to away games to see their team go up against Harry. Harry will have no problem with the Roar style, his vision and touch will not slow them down.


David Heidelberg


Ablett's salary is also less than a third of what Kewell is after. I guess that is the difference between being world famous and world famous in Melbourne.


Ben of Phnom Penh


Kewell to the Phoenix! Now we're talking :D



Roar Guru

Its been a general sports issue so no suprise the Melb media have spoken about it. All your conspiracy theories are just that. You dont speak on behalf of all soccer fans nor do you control what is written on the Roar.


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

Appreciate your concern, Redb, and I'm surprised how much HAL issues continue to grab your interest & attention ... even in the HAL off-season! Six years ago, it would have been fanciful for any of us to contemplate this type of interest - from outside the football family - for issues surrounding our domestic Football league. And, we are talking about a prospective signing of H. Imagine the media frenzy when he arrives at Olympic Blvd ... the insular Melbourne sports media will be in for a shock.



Roar Guru

treat it with caution fussieball I heard what I heard dolt. If you dont beleive me, ask him on twitter.




Kiaora (Greetings) from across the 'Ditch'. Que sera sera! What will be will be, in my opinion is...Sydney FC. Kewell's heart is where his roots are, unless money talks louder in Kewell's ears than Family.


Ben of Phnom Penh


It'll be on Wikipedia soon, that will confirm it :D


Ben of Phnom Penh


Sigh. I think you are jumping at shadows, Fauntleroy. You get to host Adelaide twice again, for the 4th year in a row. Despite Adelaide losing their biggest game of the year for 4 years running this board isn't awash with AUFC conspiracy theorists. Holistically means have a look at the whole thing.




Lol, gypsies to the south. Nice. The gypsies however are the home of football in Australia, despite what Sydney claims. The proof is in the crowd pudding my friend.




Actually I think it's pure genius. There is much less risk basing his wage on increased sales, than a $2.5M fixed fee. Act of desperation? Umm, so... A-League clubs aren't allowed to pursue good players now? You know how you sound right now right?


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

Yet, today we learnt that the coach of the Brisbane Roar has not made a single formal enquiry about H joining Brisbane. I'm sure even high-school business studies students would understand what Mandic is trying to do.




Gazza, how exactly is it that Melbourne don't take the ACL seriously? How do they treat it like garbage? Sorry, but I think you've got things the wrong way around. Melbourne have been doing badly in the ACL because they are never in the ACL during the peak of their game. You can thank the ACL rules for that, who force the A-League to name the clubs for the ACL a season in advance, which means that we always have the 'previous' winners playing in the ACL as opposed to the current ones. Adelaide were successful because they were consistently good for 2 seasons in a row - a feat rarely achieved by an A-League club.


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

Hearsay commentary about what Francis Leach did or did not say need to be treated with caution ... particularly, when the comments are reported by someone like Redb, who has a strong anti-football bias. This issue of H's potential return to the HAL and MVFC was raised on Offsiders a few weeks ago. Needless to say the AFL's mouthpiece on the show, Caroline Wilson, tried to find only negatives from the story, but Francis Leach, who has been a staunch MVFC fan since Day 1, dismissed Wilson's negativity and expressed only excitement and positive comments about the possible move. Source: http://www.abc.net.au/sport/offsiders/content/2010/s3235893.htm



Roar Guru

Mandic was responding to the assertion put to him on SEN that Melbourne and Sydney must be the only considerations for Kewell's success fee to reap the most reward as they are the biggest cities, he said "I don't want o be politicially incorrect but the 'N' in the woodpile is Brisbane"



Roar Guru

'Depending on the terms' is the operative statement. Francis Leach (SEN, Offsiders) believes the deal offered places too much emphasis on Kewell's financial goals to the detriment of the rest of the club. He is usually fairly astute.




Fuss Sun, surf, rednecks.... or underbelly mob crime, mad media, centre link capital of Australia, and green tree loving dope smoking lefties ... HHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMmmmmmm just shows how much FFA have messed things up ... when Harry should return home to the harbour city the south pacific & Australian jewel that is Sydney ... that he needs to go to the bogans up north or look to the gypsies to our south ... poor Harry ...FFA look what you have done to the poor lad...


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

Let's be realistic ... it's obvious that, from day 1, Brisbane has NOT made any formal enquiries about signing H, and the only teams in the mix were MVFC, SFC & Newcastle. And, only one club in Australia has the potential to offer H an extremely lucrative revenue-sharing deal for the least possible risk - and that's the team from Olympic Blvd, Melbourne. And, come on people ... Brisbane, or Melbourne ... sun, surf & "schoolies"; or culture, class & caffè latte? ;-)

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