Anyone else want an NRL final at four o'clock?

By johnhunt92 / Roar Guru

Channel Nine has a bit of pickle come September, with the Rugby World Cup clashing with the NRL finals. Programmers have a difficult decision to make that will hurt or anger one side of the debate.

But to me, there is a way Channel Nine can get out of its predicament.

Just to give you a background, the 17th of September is a busy day in sport across Australia (AFL and NRL finals, Rah Rah matches, V8 Supercars and Davis Cup).

But for Channel 9 there is a massive clash with an NRL semi-final due to commence in the middle of Australia’s biggest pool match against Ireland.

This was highlighted by Sydney’s Daily Telegraph and its league-friendly writers.

“Bulldog” Dean Ritchie in his online column was screaming blue murder because Nine have to contemplate the NRL being bumped.

It is an imperative according to him and the paper that the NRL be shown before our national team and the Rugby must be moved to GEM or GO.

But is there a need for a clash if the NRL think intelligently?

Let’s step away and look at the date that is September the 17th 2011. The Rugby Union is to begin at 6:30pm and that is fixed and cannot be changed.

Starting the NRL after the Rugby at 8:30pm is way too late for fans and having it on a Sunday leaves too little time for a break leading into the grand final qualifiers.

But between Channel Nine, the NRL, the Daily Telegraph and the public, why has no-one suggested that the NRL final kick off at 4pm?

That is where the escape clause comes in; Nine televises the semi at 4pm with a break at 6pm for Nine News before going across the ditch for the Wallabies at 6:30pm.

This situation works on four fronts.

1. Keeps NRL and Rugby TV fans happy because they can watch one or both matches on Channel Nine (Many people like League and Union).
2. Sees the NRL kick off at a family friendly time (something league fans are crying out for).
3. Makes the NRL look like its schedule is flexible rather than the perception of rigidness and that TV controls all.
4. Gives Channel Nine a strong lead in to news (which is struggling) and a ratings win on that night.

With these types of ideas, I should run a major sporting comp.

I can’t see this happening, but I hope this is how Channel Nine looks on September the 17th.

It would keep everyone happy (except the Daily Telegraph) and would be the ultimate Sports Saturday.

The Crowd Says:




Im pretty sure in WA, SA and Vic nine will be showing the Wallabies game, as rugby esp WC will be more popular in these places, and nine wouldnt even show the RL live even if there was not clash. Rin




Ziggy - Guru says it was 2nd most watched and then you claim that the tennis was the highest which i think we all agree on? "The hubris of Rugby fans is staggering. The most watched TV sporting telecast in that time was the 2005 Hewitt v Safin Australian Open Final. Do some research beyond a token wikipedia search" This is your quote which to me is you arguing that the 2003 RWC final was not the highest watched, I don't think anyone is claiming it to be the most watched event, clearly everyone recognises it as 2nd. In any event if it was to be a Aus v NZ final at this years RWC you would expect that the record might be broken.




Ryan - perhaps before commenting you should start by reading the post from gurudoright. It was stated that the RWC 03 was the 2nd highest rating TV show between 2001 - 2009. It was not.




On ya Oiks.




I'm sorry but why 8.30 pm is too late? In europe games (no matter which sport) usually begin at 9pm, and that's not a problem. Can someone answer why games are shown earlier in australia ?


Dean - Surry Hills


Australia vs Ireland..........hmmmmmmm The Oz team can't even manage to beat Samoa who were ranked 10th in the world. I think I'll tape the Union and watch it later while I'm reading a book.




Ziggy, what part of 2nd don't you understand?


Peter VIC


Pehaps it will rate higher then anything, but then you will have to wait another four years before you achieve a rating above an average NRL game.


Peter VIC


Yeah but fox will rip league off even more, and relegate it to a second rate sport behind AFL, even though it smashes every other sport on pay TV.


Red BS


Yeah, I consider myself a diehard RL fan but wouldn't miss it for the world if Australia make the RWC final, even if it wasn't against the All Blacks.




The hubris of Rugby fans is staggering. The most watched TV sporting telecast in that time was the 2005 Hewitt v Safin Australian Open Final. Do some research beyond a token wikipedia search.




yep there's plenty that Rugby fans can teach Australia about phallic victories, private schoolboy thing and all that. if you mean pyrrhic, then that would imply RL winning TV ratings over RWC would come at some devastaing loss? bizzare



Roar Guru

The figure was apparently disappointing to those with an axe to grind.




I think it's a pretty good resolution.




No profile in Melbourne are you kidding - 388K for the Origin where two teams who meant nothing to most Melbournites. League is on the way UP - watch it go.




Will, A Wallabies vs All Blacks RWC Final would be epic in term of tv ratings. Probably the biggest in Australian sporting tv history


Will Sinclair


Wallabies v All Blacks RWC Final in prime time on a Sunday evening later this year will smash any record anyone cares to dig out. It will be absolutely massive.




The 2003 RWC Final was the 2nd highest watched tv programme between 2001-2009, only a Masterchef finale had a bigger audience. In 2003 the RWC had 6 of the 12 highest watched programmes that year with the NRL not having a single spot in the top 20 most watched programmes including the GF and Origin. To debate the 2007RWC would be a bit skewed as most games were played after midnight Australian Eastern Standard Time.




Totally agree, nine has held league back for far to long!



Roar Guru

I think NRL fans need to acquaint themselves with the term phallic victory

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