State of Origin is hurting club football

By NF / Roar Guru

State of Origin is right around the corner. While Origin fever will hit Queensland very soon, I will not be one of those excited for it’s arrival.

As a North Queensland Cowboys supporter, it’s the one period of the year that we dread. I’m sure there fans who feel the same when they see their teams lose key players on representative duty for a large part of the middle of the season.

Mid-season is a important part of the year for any code, as it slowly sorts out the wheat from the chaff and provides a good indication who will be the top teams come finals time.

Around Origin time, both the quality of the games and the competitiveness of some teams are compromised. The representative period jeopardises many teams chances of making the top eight. Aside from losing players to Origin duty, players who play Origin also face a considerable injury risk.

A prime example is Johnathan Thurston’s injury in game three of Origin last year. As a result of the injury, the Cowboys lost some of their games at the tail end of the season and finished in seventh place.

Aside from the effect on club football, I must admit my interest in Origin is waning now that Queensland win so often. It’s still fiercely competitive, but interest is always higher when wins are traded back and forth.

With the first match less than two weeks away, I have realised that I just don’t care about it as much any more. I would prefer to see the Cowboys win a premiership than another Queensland Origin win.

The Crowd Says:




I can't believe they are actually broadcasting the origin game in Perth before midnight this year. About time. But there is really no interest at all in it over here. Have not seen or heard any reports in the media about it. As an ex NSW man, I still don't get why they would play a NSW vs Queensland game in Victoria . Who cares about marketing it to Melbourne. They will never embrace the game if the NRL tries to force it on them. The game should be let to grow more at a grass roots level.




"That’s not what I said at all and you know it. I said that going to an AFL match in Sydney had a much more family friendly environment and was safer than going to a rugby league game." my opinion is that is crap.



Roar Pro

Yewonk That's not what I said at all and you know it. I said that going to an AFL match in Sydney had a much more family friendly environment and was safer than going to a rugby league game. That is a huge difference to what you just said, that being league is unsafe to go too. As stated above, I made that comment on an AFL thread, not on this forum, if you don't like it then that's your problem, because it's my opinion and that's what this site is all about. Also if I was trolling, why on earth have a got all positive comments to my original statement about origin, which at best is always contraversial. No my friend, I think it is you who is the Troll and when someone gives a compelling argument you don't agree with, you pack your marbles up and go cry in the corner. Well boo hoo to you!


The Cattery

Roar Guru

Using Melbourne as an example is interesting. You have a growing fan base. You have Melburnians buying memberships and merchandise, and pumping money into the club, mainly because they want to see their club succeed. And in the middle of winter every season, half their players commit to something that has nothing to do with the club achieving success, that actually diminishes their chances of success, they put their club second to a concept that has nothing to do with Melburnians!! Why on Earth would you want to continue pumping your hard earned into such a club??




no you said that going to watch live rugby league in sydney is unsafe and that watching an afl game provides a safe environment for families. it was an unfounded, disgraceful comment to make. i dont belive you when you say you dont remember. i bet you that you have no interest in rugby league your just here to troll.




Sound's like you need a new wife!




We love it over here in the UK!


Australian Rules


It's a good point. Certainly for the AFL, Origin diminished once the Eagles and Crows were introduced into the national comp.


Captain Obvious


Excellent points Doubledutch. I'd argue that the concept behind State of Origin became redundant upon the Broncos' admission to the competition.




Origin should be on a dedicated saturday or sunday night so that it doesnt harm the regular season games. AND to ensure its always a sellout in Sydney, because it isnt always which is a crime! NRL games shouldnt be played in front of poor crowds, and thats exactly what happens to NRL games around Origin time. I mean how many fans are going to fork out the money for the ticket and effort on a wednesday night then do the same thing 2-3 days later?! Many wives wouldnt stand for this.


Queensland's Game is Rugby League


I'm a Cowboys fan. I get really worried when Origin comes around. It should be played after the grand final.


Queensland's Game is Rugby League


The commentary on Nine is so biased it's laughable. It's always "NSW this" and "NSW that". Another reason to give the rights to anyone other than Nine.




Interesting points double dutch, I think it could well be quicker as the concept has already worn thin. To keep it alive they could make it every two years like the ashes alternating between states. or introduce a third group maybe an island nations team spread the series out over the whole season to minimise the damage it does to the NRL comp over the origin period. Or reduce the NRL season which is already too long and play it out over three weeks a fortnight after the grand final.



Roar Pro

yewonk I'll have another bet, just with you though. When the NRL announces their next TV rights deal, it will also include the announcement (or not too long after) of the next two expansion teams. One in Brisbane and the other in Perth. Try reading my post in context again and maybe you will understand. As far as my previous comments, no idea, but I must have made an impression on you for you to remember that. If I remember correctly, I think I said something along those lines, but it was on the AFL forum, not this one so I don't know why you are getting so ruffled.




were you not the one who stated it is not safe to attend rugby league games because of violent fans as compared to afl fans and force dont play league they play penalty shoot outs so i dont know where these players from perth teams are coming from.



Roar Pro

I actually agree with the author on this one, but also can see the other side of the coin. As present, I do not see the NRL in it's current position where Origin is detrimental to it's cause. It needs Origin to market the game, why would it not, it's a brilliant show piece. However, as the NRL slowly grows the concept will start to where thin. Origin itself will gradually start to become more of a hinderance than help when it comes to growing the game. There are a number of reasons for this so I will briefly outline now. 1. Origin is between two states, QLD and NSW. As the NRL expands to other states, this will ultimately alienate the other states. Not only will it alienate them, but it could cause mass histeria when a Perth team has one of it's players out for the season from and ACL injury suffered in game where it's player is representing a state these people have no interest in. 2. Origin it self in many peoples eyes should NOT be the show piece. I disgree with many of the other people views that Origin is very markettable around the world because it is so good. Even if this were true and it did happen, 3 games is not going to cut it if it damages the actually competetion itself. You can not draw a conclusion that if you sell Origin world wide, this will equate to more people watching the NRL, especially when crowd numbers actually go down during Origin. This is flawed logic! I will have a bet with some people here as to when I believe Origin will start to flounder. In the next 7-10 years I believe we will start to see the first cracks in Origin. the reason for this is I believe the next TV rights deal will result in much larger pay checks for it's stars. This combined with an even greater TV deal in 5 years time will reallly bring the NRL into the 21 century, like many other great competitions around the world. The first hint of players not playing Origin because they have a saw finger is when Origin is dead. 7-10 years, this will start happening, because clubs will no longer be able to justify to stake holders why their 2 million athlete jsut got knocked out in a game their share holders have no interest in. As present it is fine, all clubs release players and all players love Origin. When some clubs start to put pressure on players, the playing field is no longer even. This will have a knock on effect, but it only takes one club to start doing it, ONE! 7-10 years, that's my bet on when the first club will do this. I'm betting it will be the Storm or one of the Perth based teams first, either way it will happen and that will be the end of Origin as we know it.




Its unfair that some teams get convenient byes (Storm, Broncos etc) on Origin week while teams like the Sharks and Panthers have to show up and play minus their best players. If we can have the ANZAC test on Saturday night, why not Origin? Channel 9 may say the ratings are better on a Wednesday night, but surely Saturdays would be better. Everyone can actually go out and make a night of it, and kids don't have to sit up late to see the game. I would be interested to see a poll on this.


The Barry

Roar Guru

well said...except for the toilet part.


Tony Archers Maroon Underwear


Dont forget the kids Oinkee with out origin they wouldn't learn the critical lessons of honor and pride in your state from blokes like speedboat Inglis and VB Smith, or get to smear them selves in diahretic chicken poo color and cheer on Glen Munsie as he regails us all, with the odds for a News Ltd salary rorters victory. However the real winners this year will be either Wheres Wally if he can make his way through the commentary with out stating the bleeding obvious. And the delightful little wine bars in the league heartland that is the Melbourne laneways (its about time rugby league put something back there)


Tony Archers Maroon Underwear


Think of the kids with out origin they wouldn't learn lessons of honor and pride in your state from blokes like speedboat Inglis and VB Smith, or get to smear them selves in diahretic chicken poo color and cheer on Glen Munsie as he regails us all with the odds for a News Ltd salary rorters victory. The real winners this year will be either Wheres Wally if he can make his way through the commentary with out stating the bleeding obvious or confusing the News Ltd rorters with the Broncos. Or maybe the big winner will be the delightful little wine bars in the league heartland that is the Melbourne laneways (its about time rugby league put something back there)

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