BROWNIE: Stuart picks an exciting team for Origin Game One

By Nathan Brown / Expert

I was impressed with the Blues team selected for Origin One next week. It reflects a realisation that NSW are going to have to score a lot of points to beat Queensland.

There’s been a lot of discussion around a few of the more contentious selections: notably, the recently demoted Michael Jennings in the centres and the out of form Jarryd Hayne on the wing.

But both are attacking machines, very dangerous with the ball. And Ricky knows that the match is not going to be won by the Blues 8-6 or 10-8.

There will be a lot of points scored. So he needs players with attacking instincts to do the job.

There’s a lot of pace in this Blues team. It’s exciting.

One of the things I most admire about Ricky is his willingness to go out on a limb and take a chance.

His decision to move Paul Gallen to the front row last series made everyone sit up. It was a Stuart masterstroke, and with his big calls this time around, let’s hope he’s done it again.

The other thing about Ricky is that he rewards loyalty.

Jennings performed well for him last year, and while Hayne, by his own admission, is not playing great, he’s a proven Origin player and should rise to the occasion.

Having worked with Phil Gould as his assistant for an Origin series, I know first hand the value Gus places on ‘Origin players,’ those guys who seem to lift in intensity whenever the occasion calls for it.

Certain types of people perform really well at Origin level, even though they may not be best player in their position in the NRL.

Greg Bird is one of them. He’s a great player, but when he pulls on that Blues jumper, he just grows another leg.

Ricky Stuart has spent many years playing under and working with Gould and has absorbed many of his theories around the game.

He recognises that the intensity and the attrition rate in State of Origin is significantly harder than it is in Test football.

What I think Rick has done is, firstly, work out a game plan on how to beat Queensland, and secondly pick the best team to execute it. Not the other way around.

There’s no point in picking a player in form in a certain position if he isn’t the right guy to do the job against the Maroons.

Ricky’s side is quick on the edges and will be able to shift the ball laterally from the halves, both of whom have played together – with success – at club level.

I’m not concerned about the perceived lack of size in the Blues pack. The critics were saying the same thing last series, and the boys came within a whisker of winning it.

The addition of Tony Williams, probably on the bench, resolves most of those worries anyway.

He’s a huge guy, and surprisingly agile. He gives the side that extra size to compete against the likes of Dave Taylor. In form, he’s almost unstoppable, and Ricky will have him running directly at the smaller Maroons defenders.

No wonder William’s been the most sought after player on the market this year, along with Cooper Cronk.

This NSW side should give supporters some hope and belief that they can go out and beat Queensland this time, something that hasn’t always been the case in previous State of Origin series’.

I’m going to go out on a limb and tip NSW to win.

Former Dragons coach and player Nathan Brown writes an exclusive weekly column for The Roar. Brown, who played 172 games for the Dragons and coached them for a further 142 games, is currently the head coach at the Huddersfield Giants in the UK Super League.

The Crowd Says:


The Link


Main concern with Ferris Buhrer is his lack of size. I fear another rag dolling may be on the cards.




Queensland have onnly two players out of form!? You cant be serious! Tell me exactly where have Boyd, Tate, Shillington, Hodges and old man Petero been this year? None of them have been even remotely dangerous. I love the double standards that come out around origin. When NSW picks Hayne and Jennings it's labelled desperate but when the Maroons do it it's called 'loyalty.' What a joke.


mike from tari


Sorry Brownie, if Stewart was pickiing point scorers then what happened to Natan Merritt, he is a man that can score points yet he has been ignored year after year.


The Barry

Roar Guru

I don't know PA. If Gallen, Farah and the backrow are playing the best part of 80 mins each then the big fellas would only have to play in 15-20 minute stints, I don't know that they'd be that stuffed. Queensland have a monster pack and there's no talk of them being rooted. The bigger danger is the Queensland big boppers rolling over the top of our pack in the back end of each half and making easy metres.


The Greatest Game Of All


Exactly, that would have been my forward pack, monsters down the middle and the fringes, with skill and endurance in the backrow. Creagh, Buhrer, Merrin have their chance to prove doubters wrong, as do TLL, Simms & Watmough in the next few weeks.


Patrick Angel

Roar Guru

Only problem is that Thurston and Slater would tear them up through the middle from the centre of the park when they get to the back end of their shifts.




Yep probably a year or two too early. But I have faith.


The Barry

Roar Guru

I don't doubt that he's got a bit of talent but has he, at this stage of his career and with the limited game time he gets, kicked down the door to demand Origin selection. I don't think so. There's probably 30 players that you could make a case for ahead of Buhrer. Good luck to him and good luck to Ricky - hopefully they've got a tactical masterstroke up their sleeves that makes the doubters look silly. Hope so.




Yeah this is a tough one. Buhrer has been picked on the back of our fascination with the utility (much like the Australian cricket teams love of the all-rounder after Freddy Flintoff tore us apart). Ricky wants to replicate what Kurt Gidley brings from the bench. Farah is an 80min player so unless he is having a shocker he will remain at hooker. Ricky might use Buhrer in 10min bursts either side of half-time to speed up the ruck as he does a good job out of dummy-half for Manly when Ballin is off the field. But as I say if Farah is going well then I don't think he will change the tempo. Buhrer also plays well on the left edge. He is to the left edge as what Glenn Stewart is to the right. His in and away in the dying minutes to put Matai into a gap was what won Manly the game against the Broncos. He is quick on his feet and constantly creates opportunities for his outside men. But will they use him in this role? Im not sure. Ricky obviously has something in mind. You have to remember that Buhrer only played 40mins in total in the finals series last year (3 games). But every role he was put in he did exceptionally well at. Some might argue that it is a waste of a bench spot. But the kid can cover everything thrown at him and he won't let anyone down.


The Barry

Roar Guru

As for size...I remember in the late 80s and early 90s Queensland were on a roll of series wins...four out of five series and a couple of 3-0's in there for good measure. Gus started his first stint as coach and went for a massive forward pack - Harragon and Sironen in the second row. Roberts and Lazarus in the front row. NSW belted Qld around and won the series...maybe 92 or 93. I think NSW had the opportunity to do that this year...Sims, Williams and TLL on the bench - big raw boned aggressive players + Tamou, Gallen and then three mobile backrowers made up of a combo of Stewart, Watmough, Lewis, Bird.


The Barry

Roar Guru

Some good points there Farmerj, particularly about the Qld backline. Hodges isn't in career best form by a long shot. Inglis hasn't played centre since round 2 - although he'll still be strong. Boyd is playing fullback and not in great nick although coming good and Tate has played centre all year. Slater is going through a quiet patch (by his standards) after his red hot start to the season. Thurston is running into great form and looks very slick at the moment. I think he'll be the danger man over Smith, Slater, Cronk, Inglis, etc. Is the NSW pack big enough to hold back the Queensland juggernaut of Scott, Petero, Myles, Thaiday, Shillington, Hanant, Gillett, Taylor ? I have my doubts but this will be the key to the game. If QLD are making easy yards up the middle in the latter end of each half they'll win regardless of how well we contain their backs. With Smith, Cronk, Slater and Thurston the QLD pack only needs to get them into the Blues 20 a couple of times each half for scoring opportunities.


The Barry

Roar Guru

In the 4 or 5 days since the Blues side was announced I'm yet to have anyone clearly define what role Jamie Buhrer will play ? Brownie like most people skipped right over Buhrer's selection. Maybe Sticky has pulled a masterstroke with this one ? Although I doubt big Mal is scratching his head too hard...probably just lining up all his big units to keep charging.




Hayne is exciting for NSW with the ball. Hayne is exciting for Qld when he's defending ;^) (because is out of position or poorly positioned too often) Thank Zeus NSW didnt put him at fullback!




I expect Tony Williams to dish out another cheap high shot on someone..AGAIN. Seriously this guy doesn't learn from his lessons. Watmough would have been a better choice because he ticks all the boxes plus he has had more game time over Williams except for size. But hey, what will size do if you are not 100% ready for the fast paced SOO? Can't wait for William's inclusion to backfire on Ricky. GO MAROONS! make it 7 in a row!!




Size is only not an issue if the little man is a better player than the big man. Unfortunately here for NSW, The Queensland big men are all actually quite good. Meninga has only 2 guys who are out of form and picked on reputation for the job they are asked to do. Boyd, who in the last 2 weeks has showed signs of regaining his spark and Petero, an Origin Champion, not for over one or 2 series, but over a decade of origin footyball. Stuart has big 'If''s' all over the paddock. And if he had picked a forward pack to stand up and own the middle of the park, he might well have been able to win 8-6 or 10-8. As we have seen with test football against the Kiwis, this queensland backline can be held down points wise if the other team has a physical mindset.




Good article Brownie. There is always going to be conjecture over players picked as unlike the QLDers we don't have absolute standouts. But I truly believe this team can trouble the Maroons. Leaving Hayne out would have played into their hands as they know how unpredictable he can be. On his day he can be the best in the world. And 2 Brad Fittler medals shows he can step up at Origin time. I saw Steve Renouf interviewed yesterday saying they would be wary of Jennings. He has a massive amount to prove and those types of players are very dangerous. One thing we know is Ricky will have them trained to the absolute minute when they run out on Wed night. He is a good coach and a great motivator. You can see what it means to him. I'm sure this passion will have rubbed off on the players.




I'm with you brownie, I don't believe in SOO that size is as big an issue as we are lead to believe.. In 2005 the tigers had one of the smallest packs in the game yet that didn't matter... Watching my nephew play last weekend the smallest player on his team was one of the only kids that could bring down what can only be described as a Tongan manchild.. Point being, all you need is heart and a serious desire to play out of you skin, which I believe has been lacking in the past. It's amazing what an underdog status can do, and 6 series losses in a row mind you, to finally become less complacent. I guess it's just a gut feeling, but I think the blues have finally had a gutful of losing.. -- Comment left via The Roar's iPhone app. Download The Roar's iPhone App in the App Store here.




Gidday Brownie, Stuart has taken a leaf out of Qld's book with his selections, especially of Jennings & Hayne - both underperforming at club level but with proven SOO records. SOO is about possessing a big match temperament & performing under intense pressure. It's an exciting match-up of selections, & I can't wait for kick-off.....

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