It's time to get tough Bill Harrigan

By David Lord / Expert

Come on Bill Harrigan, show some of your renowned clout. As boss of the NRL referees, Harrigan has been bashing his under-performing referees with a feather of late, which makes them an almost protected species.

That’s not the Bill Harrigan way.

In his stellar career from 1986 to 2003, he set records across the board – 392 NRL games, 10 grand finals, 21 Origins, and 24 internationals, never taking a backward step.

Harrigan was consistently the best referee-umpire I’ve ever seen in any sport anywhere in the world. There can be no greater compliment than that.

Sure he was human and made mistakes. But they were minimal, he earned the players’, and the fans’, respect.

That’s not the case anymore, with the exception of Tony Archer, and Shayne Hayne with 19 Origins between them.

Which begs the question: why weren’t they appointed to Origin 1 instead of Matt Cecchin and Ben Cummins, with only one Origin between them?

That was a recipe for disaster, and that’s what the players, and the fans, copped. Cecchin and Cummins weren’t up to speed and panicked.

Harrigan can take a fair amount of blame for that.

NSW captain Paul Gallen gave Cecchin a mouthful in Origin 1. NSW coach Ricky Stuart has had a fair bit to say in the aftermath, as well.

Referee Jason Robinson has copped two bursts – one from Rooster’s skipper Braith Anasta, the other from Bulldog Michael Ennis, the latter punctuated with the f-bomb for all to hear.

There’s no way either skipper would have taken on Harrigan, or Archer, in the same fashion.

Firstly, both referees would have been respected, and maybe their backgrounds had something to do with it.

Harrigan was in the Tactical Response Unit when he was on the police force before he became a full-time referee. Archer was a police prosecutor.

Coincidental? No way. Both are tough, no nonsense, hombres.

And that’s the key.

Captains can query any refereeing decision, that’s their given right. But it’s how they do it that has become the problem.

And referees must minimise their mistakes to earn respect.

It’s up to Harrigan, and his side-kick Stuart Raper, to improve the standard and much more should be made of match review chairman Greg McCallum’s vast experience of 282 NRL games, three grand finals, five Origins, and 14 Tests.

But the buck stops with Harrigan. He’s sitting in the big chair. He must demote those who aren’t up to scratch, just as players are dropped for poor form.

Keep bringing potentials into the firing line.

So somewhere in between, the captains and referees must lift their respective communication standards when there’s a confrontation, which will always be close to the surface. That’s human nature in the heat of the moment.

Make it work Bill Harrigan. You know the formula, you have been there, done that.

And rugby league will be a far better spectacle for it.

The Crowd Says:


Meesta Cool


Steve.. Criticisms?. some of the comments and articles over the last week have been nothing short of Character assassination. -- -- we keep this tirade up on our refs, soon NOBODY will want the job. -- gawd knows why they do it now!!. I had a theory that ex players would make better refs, -- there is one in the ranks now and weekly he to is being crucified. So, what is the answer?. Get rid of all refs, get rid of Harrigan, get rid of David Gallop, Let the coaches ref the game ??????... I don't know, do you??????




There has been much discussion about a handfull of decisions during Origin 1 , everyone has an opinion , everyone is an expert . During 22 years of refereeing and instructing referees I have never met a player or a spectator who was competent in their knowledge of the contents of the Australian Rugby League Rule Book , and yet all and sundry are expressing opinions that , it would seem , they expect all to take as gospel , bloody ludicrous . On NRL on FOX tonight we had Paul Kent and Matty Johns suggesting that STATE of Origin matches should be controlled differently to NRL matches , I cannot help feeling that they were joking , they had to be , but no I think they weren't . What exactly do they want to change . I cannot recall a more rediculous call in my life , grow up the pair of you . Fox stated , when they were advertising the fact that Matty Johns was going to be a part of their NRL coverage , that he had the sharpest and best rugby league brain in the business , if this is a sample of it then they have got it terribly wrong , or is it just a cheap attempt to create controversy and so attract more viewers . If it is there are much more credible means of doing the job . Sure some referees have made mistakes , and some would say that this is inevitable , I disagree , however that is a subject for another day and another time , please every one back in their boxes , calm down and have a good think about what it is you have to say before you say it , and as far as players arguing on field with referees , this is not on . You want officials to make correct judgments and then , because someone disagrees with a decision made the feel they have the right to berate in an outrageous manner , the decision maker , and in doing so doing their best to rattle that person to a point where it may affect his decision making ability during the match . Sure ask the reason for a decision , but when given an answer accept it in a manner that shows respect for the official . Should you and your club still feel the official was wrong , go through the correct channels after the match is over . There is much we all have to learn about taking this great game forward to the heights that it deserves and one of them is to pull together .


steve b


Meesta cool opinions very and your views are in the minority ,, the referring of late has been shocking and the refs need to accountable and its time for a big overhaul sooner than later.. THE POOR REFS oh please ! they should be called the untouchables. They are their to do a job which they chose , and along with that job comes criticism.If we make mistakes in our jobs we get hauled over the coals these guys should be no different,,, their not a bloody protected species ,,, or are they,,, so maybe you should pay more attention and concentrate on the games a bit more so you can be better informed before writing ....




With 2 refs 2 touch judges and a video ref spectators are entitled to a mistake free game as one ref or touchy would cover the mistakes of others. Un fortunately this is not happening and this is why coaches are speaking out. However, the only person that is entitled to speak to the refs are the captains and all other players need to be marched 10 for the first of fence and be given 10 for he second. I think people are forgetting that refs at the top level get paid very well and spectators get frustrated that at the end of the game we get access to the players and coaches through a media conference but nothing from the refs. I've been looking for an article hat says that the decision not to award a penalty at the end of the parra game was a mistake but I can't find anything. If refs want or need respect th




Harrigan will get tough and bring back Hayne for SOO2. The game and TV need Hayne



Roar Guru

I think that the system needs an overhaul and refs need to earn and demand more respect from the players and coaches - over time their authority has been eroded partly I think by their apparent desire to "get along" with players and coaches - even the way they address players on the field (by first names and even nick-names in the case of "Joey"). They almost appear to be apologetic to players and politely ask them to obey the rules - I would love to see the return of refs being confident in their calls, call players by their number or position and demand that the players address them politely and respectfully such as in other sports. The refs now are a bit like the parents who want to be "friends" with their kids rather than just being their parents - ever noticed these "friendly parents" always have the most out of control kids?



Roar Guru

I think that the system needs an overhaul and refs need to earn and demand more respect from the players and coaches - over time their authority has been eroded partly I think by their apparent desire to "get along" with players and coaches - even the way they address players on the field (by first names and even nick-names in the case of "Joey"). They almost appear to be apologetic to players and politely ask them to obey the rules - I would love to see the return of refs being confident in their calls, call players by their number or position and demand that the players address them politely an respectfully such as in rugby union. The refs now are a bit like the parents who want to be "friends" with their kids rather than just being their parents and sometimes be looked on as the bad guy - ever noticed these "friendly parents" always have the most out of control kids?




David, What formula do you speak of? Do you mean this formula (second para) for SOOs? It was a close game but Stuart is still bleating about the penalties that werent called as Qld could do as well if it chose eg pulling back of maroons player chasing a kick. Which formula is right??


Meesta Cool


David. this article is nothing but another armchair critic jumping on the bandwagon and inciting supporters to scream even more at officials.. It is time that people realise that our game is fast paced, no mortal will go for 80 minutes without making SEVERAL mistakes, whilst the laws of the game also have 'grey areas' were the decision made may be justified by one set of supporters whilst condemned by the others. The poor refs are trying their best to give us fair games that are run to the rules, they are no worse or better than referees have been since the start of time. If some of you critics would get out there on a field with the kids and ref a game -- maybe you would appreciate what these guys do for our sport.. They can't win! and articles such as this load of drivel (And several more over the last week) do not help one little bit.. Has for Bill Harrigan being 'Superref, I remember him making a few WOWSERS in his day and I also remember journo articles about him .. just like the drivel above!. Can you concentrate on writing decent informative articles rather than criticising someone for their dedication to our sport!.




This may seem the wrong response but I would turn the ref microphones OFF , every decision is questioned, some "politely" some not , every Captain is always trying to gain an advatage in both codes (maybe more in rugby where the referees LOVE penalties so much) This is transferred onto the kids ...Kids talk back every week .. either that or start using the yellow card for referee abuse tho thats extreme... I prefer that they explain a decsion to the crowd after it is made ala the NFL .... I also think calling the league players by their names is so wrong ... they should still cal by the number on their back...Finally they also need to make the rules more clear .. if you are making a ruling berased on the players intent .. boy that is tough and nigh on impossible when you are doing that from the videao replay booth




Shungmao you are 100% correct with your comments re attacking Ref's verbally and the very poor image this portraits to kids. The constant drilling of Referees is a disease amongst all sporting codes in our modern sporting world. Not sure If you have reffed any codes of Rugby, however by the sound of your comments you have witnessed first hand the absolute rubbish that Refs put up with on a weekly basis even coming from Kids! It has become acceptable to express your opinion at Refs regardless of your capacity to comment. I have reffed plenty of both Junior and Senior Rugby and most, if not at least 90% of the questions or comments made to Refs are from players or spectators that have absolutely no idea of the rules. This behaviour starts at the top of the game and dribbles all the way to the Kids, fix it at the top and you will fix it all the way to the Kids. I dare the Refs at the next Origin game to give anybody that so much as opens their mouth if they are not the Captain 10mins in the bin. Then send the Captain as well if he keeps mouthing off as Gallon has done over the past few Origins.




Agree with all you wrote But to be honest all your doing is fixing the sypmton, not the cause. I understand repect to officials is a must but coming from the skippers side it must be so frustrating and i think the reason for the frustration is there is no clarity of any rulling and definatley no conistency this is getting worse and worse and would not be a factor if the refs were performing well ....they are paid well for what they do i think most would fail a performence evaluation




Agree with your sentiments but what is the alternative? Our referee cupboards are bare ..... Bare I mean the current crop are the best we have. I also went to watch my nephew play on the weekend (U9) in the SSJRLFC and kids as young as 9 are giving referees verbals! If we continue to allow players (non captains) to continuously challenge and question every refereeing decision well I'm sorry to say the standard and lack of respect will only get worse .... -- Comment left via The Roar's iPhone app. Download The Roar's iPhone App in the App Store here.




David, Agree Harrigan needs to make the Referees accountable for their decisions and take the relevant actions, but where I'm confused is what the the base expectation of a referee? It's it a mistake free game, can they make 2 mistakes, can they make 3 small errors and big one per game etc. what is the standard? What I will say is the standard of accountability refs have in league makes union look embarrassing . Secondly, players that are not captain need to shut their mouths or be marched 10, every ref decision in league now results in them getting a verbal barrage fron that player. Captains need to be warned and manage their players or themselves face ramifications, the skippers need to be leaders on both sides of the scoreboards. Finally the rub off effect, I went and watched my nephew play 2 weeks in a row for a U12 team in The BJRL, and it was like watching a team of NRL mini me's . All the referee stuff I've referred to in this blog was being mirrored by these kids to the letter and in some instances to the word, I couldn't help think at the time, this our next generation of Rugby league players before us.

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