Let's get the Wallabies motivated

By David Lord / Expert

There’s still no James O’Connor, but this is more like a Wallaby squad. Pat McCabe’s back in the mix after a foot injury, so too Ben Tapuai, with Caderyn Neville, Dom Shipperley, and Nick Cummins welcome additions to the 31-strong squad to meet the Boks in Perth next Saturday.

The 22 will be named on Tuesday.

O’Connor may yet front in the Rugby Championship, but it won’t be until the last two games in South Africa and Argentina – the hell trip of the tournament.

After two dismal internationals against the All Blacks, the Wallabies are looking at the 21 names on the injured list, longing for some of them to be available for selection.

It might be a game too early for McCabe against the Boks, but he should be in the starting lineup the following Saturday against the Pumas at Skilled Park.

The Wallabies desperately need his straight running and devastating defence in the midfield.

Tapuai will be well-short on match fitness, but beggars can’t be choosers when it comes to available talent. He will play club rugby this weekend as will Neville, Radike Samo, Saia Fainga’a, Mike Harris, and Rob Simmons.

Prop James Slipper is also in the squad.

Last night he won the coveted Pilecki Medal for the most outstanding Queensland Red of the season with a record score of 272 points awarded by his peers.

The previous record was 263 when Will Genia won last year.

It was Slipper and daylight with Scott Higginbotham second in the voting with 226, Liam Gill on 202, and Jake Schatz’s 168.

Which begs the question: why isn’t Slipper an automatic frontline selection instead of a benchman? Peers are the best judges of rugby talent.

The same could be said for Neville, Shipperley, and Cummins. All three must make their Wallaby debuts sooner than later despite what Wallaby centre legend Tim Horan believes.

On “The Rugby Show” during the week, Horan said Test rugby was a lot harder than Super Rugby and therefore the national selectors had to be careful picking debutants.

That negative attitude from a former positive playing centre is one of the major problems with Australian rugby at the moment. No one will ever know if a fringe Wallaby contender would ever make the big time if he isn’t given a crack at it.

Neville is the perfect case in point.

At 23 standing 202cm and tipping the scales at 120kgs with great hands, he’s also blessed with astonishing speed for such a big unit.

Nathan Sharpe, Kane Douglas, and Rob Simmons can’t match him.

Pairing Neville with lock Sitaleki Timani (203cm and 120kgs) would give the Wallabies some long overdue physical clout in the engine room, lineout, and general play.

Shipperley (21) and Cummins (24) are two backs who know where the white line is.

Winger Shipperley has had the easier road of the two at the end of a quality Reds backline, but he makes the most of every opportunity.

Cummins has fired at centre or wing in a very ordinary Force backline, and would relish the chance in gold company to show his undoubted wares.

So the suggested lineup to meet the Boks with Quade Cooper and Scott Higginbotham on shape up or ship out notice, and Pat McCabe at inside centre against the Pumas:

(1) Benn Robinson.
(2) Stephen Moore.
(3) James Slipper.
(4) Sitaleki Timani.
(5) Caderyn Neville.
(6) Liam Gill.
(7) Michael Hooper.
(8) Scott Higginbotham.
(9) Will Genia.
(10) Quade Cooper.
(11) Digby Ioane.
(12) Berrick Barnes.
(13) Nick Cummins.
(14) Dom Shipperley.
(15) Adam Ashley-Cooper.

(16) Ben Alexander.
(17) Tatafu Polota-Nau.
(18) Nathan Sharpe.
(19) Radike Samo.
(20) Nick Phipps.
(21) Ben Tapuai.
(22) Kurtley Beale.

So no Drew Mitchell (injured), Rob Horne, Anthony Fainga’a, Saia Fainga’a, or David Dennis from Eden Park.

Let’s get this Wallaby train to leave the station and become motivated.

The Crowd Says:




I have just watched the test against S.Af. There was good defense but just no spark or "hardness" in attack. A lot of kicking, fine if it works, but it didn't. Although they won it is not a thing to get too worked up about. With players like O'connor and McCabe to come back I think we are playing Adam A-Cooper out of place on the wing. I would like to see him pair McCabe in the centres and I would prefer O'Connor to be groomed for full back, he has the potential from that part of the field to be any where, which is what his brief should be. I would leave Ioanne on one wing - all he needs is space and someone to give him a decent ball - O'Connor from fullback or A A C from the centre could do this. On the other wing? Well not only Drew Mitchel but where are all the others we have had at wing over the last 3 years - this was a spot where we had plenty of good men. So the backline changes are NOT that great that need to be made, but they do need to be made. In the forwards I noticed tonight that there really is NO aggressive running forward like Rocky Elsom used to be, just no IN YOUR FACE men. A couple of that sort would be great. OK just my dumb thoughts. Thanks for letting me waffle.




Lorry - agree, we all fo plenty of things we regret and would rather forget when we are that age. One night, understandable. But to let himself get into that sort of shape - that shows something more than the odd wild night out. Clearly overweight for even a normal 24 year old. When the guy is a professional athlete being paid many hundreds of thousands of dollars - it is unacceptable. Didn't just happen on one night obviously - the guy didn't have the self-discipline or guidance to keep himself in shape. I read in today's paper he went up to Brisbane to train with Quade, Digby and Tapui last week - good. He is taking steps to improve and of course I hope he's getting back to his brilliant best. But to repeat - a gross failure by Beale, his coaches and the Wallabies that it happened in the first place.




he's huge and can run like a hare. Ex league player before Manly RFC



Roar Guru

you have a lot of good points that I agree with lorry. One thing with Beale, he was paid to get better and be fit for rugby. Don't see him returning the money. On Australia's rules, I'd like to share a short story a friend from overseas told me about Brisbane. He was having a beer whilst waiting for someone. Other guy arrives and offers to shout a drink. Bartender says can't buy two drinks at once cause both people have to finish drink. So my friend downs the last of his beer (about 1/3 left). Now bartender says can't serve him a drink because he skulled his beer. Is this common place in Oz these days? Those of us who have travelled find it a funny story (unless their sole travels were to a 'dry' country). also agree that most aggressive bouncers seem to gravitate to Oz




"Lets get the Wallabies motivated". Remove Deans.




I think we should all lay off beale a little bit. In regards to having a drink, maybe some.of you forget what you did on weekends at 24 years old. Also, did you watch the Howzat series? God, those guys drank excessively, not beale. And about the bouncer incident, let's remember that the police, pub owners and aggressive bouncers are ridiculously strict in Australia, so who knows what the real story is? I've lived in and travelled to a number of countries where people drink hard and young people sometimes get aggressive. However, Australia is.the only place where I've seen a bouncer punch someone in the face... So.lets just wait and see- innocent unless proven guilty, ok?



Roar Guru

some good points Harry. He was paid to recover, not drink and get in bar fights (regardless how serious he was provoked). Then not fit and questions marks about his head-space. Real shame as Beale when fit - like a Dagg, now he's just a dag




This is about the only place I can find but can't resist posting this. FFS! Here is coach Deans on Beale ..."I know he is working hard off the field at getting into the right shape. The mind tends to follow the body. If the body's not in great shape, it's very difficult for the mind to be on the case. He is working hard on that." Subject, the bleeding obvious and it was obvious to anyone 2 weeks ago. i just find that amazing in that Beale turns up to play the key test of the year blatantly overweight and out of condition. It s not as if it was the start of a season or he had been somewhere else - he had spent the previous month in camp for 3 of those weeks. I mean really, what the hell did they do in these camps and why wasn't Beale told to lose weight or he wouldn't be picked? You could excuse him being rusty in that comeback test against Wales but then to do nothing for a month except clearly booze and eat? A woeful failure by both the player and "coaching group". All highly paid professionals who all deserve to have their salary docked.


Rugby Diehard


"Who votes for player of the year and put him second should be named and shamed." this has been pointed out a number of times but it is the players who vote for player of the year at QLD. I do tend to agree though he shirks the real backrowers or moreover forwards duty. If you are not winning ball cleanly you can't do the glory stuff.




Higgers desn't cut it at international level in any position. I don't even rate him at the Reds. I just don't see him doing the back rower's role. Put him on the wing if he doesn't want the breakdown job. The fact he has so many international caps is depressing. Who votes for player of the year and put him second should be named and shamed.




front row still a debacle. I can't see Slipper improving it. I saw Neville make a run on the weekend. He can motor for a big bloke




Higgers has not cut it at 8 for tests. Stop picking players out of position, Mowen at 8, Higgers at 6 where he belongs, and Gill to bench. Beale shouldn't be a country mile of the Wallabies, his head and his body are unfit. And when fit he either starts, or is gonski from squad. Cooper and Barnes did not work together. Barnes is really not up to Teat 12, his mind is clouded after the Waratahs season, and possibly all those concussions. He is not committing to contact, kicks. Timani and Neville would have to be the least experienced professional players ever picked in tandem at lock. Neville in first year of S15, Timani still struggling to get a start at third club. Neville has 7 S15 caps, Timani 39 (many off the bench).




I almost completely disagree with persevering with Beale. Yes class is permanent, form is temporary, but the guy is not fit in the head or the body. His and the wallabies best interests are served getting him as far away as possible, get fit, get his thoughts back together.




Neville at 8 sounds like a plan worth developing at S15 level next season




Exactly!! At least I'm not the only one saying it now. Swift kick up the date, nobody has a god given right to selection. perform of perish.




My point was that you seem to think getting the ball to Digby is the answer to our problems in attack, and that the Genia would be quicker if he had Cooper outside him....sorry but in my opinion Genia is just out of form at the moment, having Cooper there would make little difference to his current form. Cooper is also a liability in defense. By the way McCabe may not e the best inside centre we have ever produced, but you do him a great disservice saying that he has never won us a game. Don't you remember his defensive effort in the WC quarter final, with a busted shoulder? Centers are not only about fancy footwork and offloads, defense is a big part of their work too.


Rugby Diehard


After watching that the Wallabies need 15 honey badgers! Classic!




Some classic commentary, hillarious!




Honey badger? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg


Rugby Diehard


I agree - give me a team full of blokes who are willing to go every minute for 100% and play out of their comfort zone (playing out of comfort zone includes to not kick the F*$%*$%* thing away outside your own 22) with arguably a bit less talent than some of the half-hearted looking play the Wallabies have been producing for too long now. Its why the backline has to include the like of Cooper, Cummins, Shipperley, Mccabe, AAC, Beale (as long as someone tells him the chip kick worked in the Under 14s but not since) and the forward pack has to include some hard men.......Id rather a bloke like Mccabe who clearly has less skills then an in the pocket Northern Hemisphere style player like Barnes who is highly unlikely to win an important match at international level.

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