Bulldogs more than ready to meet the eye of the Storm

By Tim Prentice / Expert

The raging Storm, emanating from Melbourne, doesn’t have the 2012 NRL title to itself – far from it.

Minor premiers Canterbury showed their premiership mettle with a 32-8 triumph over South Sydney at ANZ Stadium, in a highly impressive tune-up for next Sunday’s decider.

After some early palpitations, Des Hasler’s Bulldogs hit their straps and proved way too classy for the Rabbitohs, posting an emphatic six tries to one win in front of a near-record crowd of 70,354.

Their win gives coach Hasler the unique chance of winning back-to-back-titles with different clubs, after he mentored Manly’s grand final triumph in 2011.

As much as the players, modest mentor Hasler will undoubtedly be one of the main stories of grand final week. He will earn a slice of rugby league history if the Bulldogs go all the way.

Next Sunday’s Big Dance – as everyone seems to be calling it these days – is going to be of epic proportions.

Melbourne have hardly missed a beat in their 2012 finals campaign with romps over Souths and Manly, while Canterbury looked systematic and slick in their wins against Manly and the Rabbits.

It is shaping as one heck of a game. The big names on both sides of the GF fence are all in outstanding form and, at this stage, there are no major injuries, nor possible suspensions, that may leave either camp short-staffed.

Souths looked fantastic for the majority of the first half but they have yet to learn how to play the big games without clocking off.

Michael Maguire’s charges had the Dogs back-pedalling big-time with an 8-4 lead midway through the first half, thanks to a burrowing, close-to-the-line try by hooker Isaac Luke and a couple of goals from star halfback Adam Reynolds.

Just when everyone thought an upset was brewing, Lady Luck intervened and gave Souths much more than a slap the face. Rabbitohs playmaker Reynolds, the Dally M Rookie of the Year, suffered a hamstring tear as he hared after a kick in the 26th minute.

He left the field and did not return for the rest of the game.

The Souths camp will forever wonder what might have been if he did come back. Sadly, his loss would not be covered by the red and greens and Canterbury sensed it.

In the three minutes leading up to half time, the Dogs posted tries by wingers Sam Perrett and Jonathan Wright, creating a match-winning shift in the scoreline and ultimately, the match momentum.

The Dogs trailed 8-4 in the 37th minute but went to the break ahead 16-8, sending proud Souths’ chins to their chests.

The second half began as a clinic by the Bulldogs and ended up as a celebration.

Souths tried valiantly to stem the blue and white tide but it was to no avail, as Perrett scored again with a freakish touchdown in the right hand corner in the 55th minute.

Spectacular tries followed by the tank-like Frank Pritchard and Greg Eastwood, setting the party into overdrive for the Bulldogs faithful.

Melbourne Storm players would have been watching from afar. They would certainly have shifted uneasily in their armchairs as the Canterbury machine roared into top gear.

For the Dogs, just about every player used by Hasler played a starring role. I thought mid-season centre gain Krishnan Inu was a standout and not far behind were half Kris Keating, lock Eastwood, prop James Graham and the two-try winger, Perrett.

Souths, with Hollywood stars Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman cheering them on, were dreaming of a fairytale finish to their exciting season with a grand final appearance, but the loss of halfback Reynolds was a body blow they could not counter.

Best for the Rabbits were Greg Inglis, Roy Asotasi and Luke, while man mountain Dave Taylor – in his last outing for the club before joining the Titans – was a major disappointment.

This guy has loads of ability but for mine, he looks like Tarzan and far too often plays like Jane. I sincerely hope he plays like a Titan when he moves to the Gold Coast. If not, he will be remembered as a Nearly Man and what a waste that would be.

Souths now have a taste of the big stuff and should be much better for the experience. Coach Michael Maguire has heaps of ability to work with in 2013 and his team should finish in the upper echelon again.

But back to the grand final. What a game in prospect!

So many superstars of the game will be shining – and colliding – in this one. Roll on Sunday night.

The Crowd Says:


Wally Wilcox


That's what I thought the mighty Eels, but my eyes are old now - but one of the other posters were insinuating he is a dogs/manly fan....


Matt F

Roar Guru

I would have thought his photo would give that away


Maroon Blood


Adam Reynolds breaking down certainly took the sting out the Bunnies and losing your halfback is a major blow to any team in a game BUT, was it the only reason the Dogs scored six tries to one? Add to that Josh Reynolds butchering a try by not passing to Barba on the inside and man mountain Kasiano getting in Barba's way when he was try bound and it could have easy been a total shellacking. Everyone seems to be saying that the Bulldogs win was not that good because of Reynolds going off but you could also say that the Storm were made to look better than they were by a Manly team that saved their worst performance of the season for the prelim final. Sure a team only plays as well as the opposition let you play but some of Manly's ineptitude was down right comical. Both teams had comprehensive prelim final victories and it is a struck match between them. Lets not forget who got the bickies in Mackay when last these two met. Doggies by 8


Wally Wilcox


Hey Steve, which team do you support?


Wally Wilcox


I agree with you there for once, oikee, the stormers should pull it off, but only just..... But I just had to laugh mirthfully and cough up my weetbix when I read one of your statements on the other thread - "... you don't see me making a numpty of myself".... hahaha.... that has to go down as the quote (or misquote) of the season on the Roar..... every time you say anything and come up with the qld siege mentality stuff you are making yourself look extactly that.... and then you bought up origin again.... but guess you have to have something to cling to up there... your one city wonder broncs haven't done anything in years and aren't likely to for a few more decades yet.... but if they had made the gf you would be praising the nrl and the refs.. as the best thing since smokin' joe kilroy..... :) On a lighter note, oikee, did you watch the intrust super cup gf yesterday? One of the best games I've seen in a while and almost faultless refereeing from both on-field and video refs.... find out who they were and make sure they officiate the nrl grand final.....




It's gonna be a while before the stink wears off for the Storm.




Bush/Jimbo/Soapit, We'll just have to agree to disagree here. There were other, better ways to handle this IMHO.




steve b, What MattRusty said - "they were cheats, not are cheats." The Storm have paid their dues. They are now no more cheats than any other team in the NRL. And I've already indicated I reckon Storm will prevail in a tight one.



Roar Pro

They were cheats Steve, not are cheats. Stick to the facts big mouth.




i agree. would have been a completely different game with reynolds there. what none of the commentators mentioned is it basically cost souths 2 of their most dangerous players. reynolds himself and then isaac luke had to move to half. he was killing them out of dummy half at the time so that also gave the bulldogs a massive break.




mate be fair though they were flying forward from everywhere from both sides and all missed. that eastwood one is not definitely forward though (if thats the one ur talking about). check where eastwood himself ends up when the ball is caught. thats the best way to check if the ball was sent backwards from the player (if he doesnt accelerate after passing which eastwood didnt seem to. they just normally get bumped after passing so you usually cant use the method.




this is not legislating retrospectively. the rules were in place. they have been removed from history. we might remember now they were a good team in those years but it has faded and will continue to as they will never again have it mentioned that they achieved anything in those years. no way will it be restored. theres 15 clubs and their fans that played those years who wont accept it, ever. nrl did the right thing. you'll never catch everyone but unless you want it to be a total joke you've got to come down hard on those that you do catch.



Roar Guru

I think Adam Reynolds going off made the Dogs look better then they were. Souths were on a roll, had the momentum, field position and were looking dangerous. Dave Taylor was even having a good dig. Then Reynolds got injured, they lost their structure, their kicking game, field position and all the momentum. Two late tries to the dogs at the end of the first half was the final nail in souths coffin. In the second half they defended poorly, had no structure and without Reynolds kicking game could not get any decent field position and apply pressure. To a team like the dogs, given free reign, they have the talent and the ability to put on points through their backs and dominate in the forwards. Did anyone notice Dave Taylor in the second half compared to when Reynolds was on the field? A shadow of what he was. Credit to the dogs, they played the game and won, but had Reynolds stayed on the field I am not sure they would have won, definately not as convincingly anyway. But compare this to Melbourne, and they were in a different class. Clinical in all aspects, suffocated Manly and kept pinning them in their own end set after set. Manly scored with pretty well their only two chances of the game. The Dogs will have to improve to beat this Melbourne side, who have been as clinical as it gets in their last two games.


mike from tari


The Bulldogs are once again emulating the entertainers of a couple of decades ago, that mob were renowned for getting away with forward passes, last night they got away with a few more, one led to a try and Inglis stopped the other one, Eastwood hits Luke in the face with his shoulder, no penalty, so much for the face being sacrosanct still they did outplay Souths once Reynolds was injured. David Taylor well he went to the Gold Coast when the Finals play off started.




That's a true comment. I was at the game and you felt they were going to score off that first set when they went 90 metres or so.....it didn't take much long after than anyway.




I think the Bulldogs deserve more credit than they are getting. The way they moved the ball in the first set of six...and then continued for the rest of the game. Absolutely amazing. Being English I watched an RU game last week between Saracens and Leicester. Top of the table clash, 40,000 croiwd, plenty of internationals...and the Doggies managed to moved the ball more in that first set than the union boys managed in the whole game (both teams).




What would you have had them done? If you don't remove the premierships, what is the disincentive for someone like Nathan Tinkler to go out and spend a few million over the cap, buy a premiership or two, safe in the knowledge that even if they are exposed, they will still keep the premierships, and cop the fine? And your assertion that 'you can’t legislate retrospectively' is completely irrelevant - retrospective legislation refers to implementing new laws that are applicable to actions in the past. The salary cap was obviously in place when the Storm broke it, and hence they are bound by it. It would only count as a retrospective ruling if the NRL introduced a salary cap in 2010, and then punished teams for not following it in 2009. Additionally, the Storm were breaking the cap when they were caught as well.


The Bush

Roar Guru

But the Storm were caught mid-season. They'd just being doing it more than a season. And who says you can't legislate retrospectively - the Government does it all the time, at both levels. It may not be ideal, but it happens all the time. I too reckon it was poorly handled though. It should have gone further, the guilty players and coach should have been punished in some manner. They all got off because, as you said, everyone knows they won in those years, whether officially or not.


steve b

Roar Guru

Not quite with you sheek are disagreeing or agreeing ??


steve b

Roar Guru

Meesta i only stick with the facts bloke ,,the puddle are cheats ,,the best cover up in rugby league ,,they got of light ,,you can deny the truth all want ..i do not follow the dogs just hope they bury the puddle..

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