Channel Nine shows its true colours

By bigdog2 / Roar Rookie

I’m sure everyone has seen the footage of the Bulldogs players at mad Monday celebrations. Like any other club in the NRL, it celebrated mad Monday with a bit of a “crazy” party, but Channel Nine has blown everything out of proportion.

And the Bulldogs do not need this considering it had a very successful season on and off the field in 2012.

It was a long and tough season, and the players have every right to tell a reporter to f-off if they are continually being annoyed while they are letting their hair down. They asked the Channel Nine reporters to leave them alone, but they didn’t. This could easily backfire on them. The club and game does not deserve this.

What really annoys me is that Channel Nine on Monday night could of easily picked something else to lead the news, such as Alan Jones and his remarks to the PM’s father; a plane missing with six people onboard; or even a news story on our troops in Afghanistan.

Instead they chose to lead the news coverage with Bulldogs players yelling out inappropriate comments to news reporters. The comments may not have been deserving, but Channel Nine brought them upon themselves. It’s absolutely absurd and disgraceful from the station who will be leading the rugby league coverage in the next few years.

Channel Nine got a helicopter over Belmore Sports Ground and a cameraman over the fence filming and obviously looking to cause trouble. Meanwhile, Channel Seven decided to do a very good story about the club’s successful season and an interview with Michael Ennis, while looking at the ‘funny’ side of the Bulldogs’s mad Monday celebrations.

The players have worked their backsides off all season and when they wanted to unwind and have a few drinks, the media are still at them. Channel Nine should and did get a mouthful, maybe not what they said but I understand the players’ disgust at the media.

Thank you, Channel Nine, for adding to the club’s bad image.

The Crowd Says:




TMF, thats the whole reason CH9 were there. To do nothing more than what they have done with all the other clubs. But the dogs cant handle thier drink with out wanting to cuase trouble which is the culture of thier hombase. You only have to watch the news for all the trouble that comes out of that area. Mate my head office is in bankstown and my girlfriend who comes from the gong was going to meet me after work when we first met and i was advised by my coworkers who live in the area that it is not safe for a woman to be in that area on her own and to tell her not to. Greenbergs changed nothing and is now going to be found out. FFS he cant even get his Staff or players to tell him who has dragged his club down the toilet.


Luke M


I don't condone what happened but mate, i agree with everything you said. I can almost picture one of the "reporters" on the phone telling the boss they have nothing yet. Then these comments are recorded and it's high fives all round, knowing that they wanted a small piece of controversy and instead recieved a quite large one.


Pot Stirrer


AR, take a tip. There is no point in debating this article with the idiots. They will beat you with thier experiaence. Especially Oikee. I have been looking at all the comments re this issue and there is only 5 or six fools who think its ok, The vast majority are as disgusted as the rest of society. Forget that this was said to a woman for a moment. I wonder what these fools would feel like if those comments were directed at them. As i said before if they were directed at my wife or duaghter i would take matters into my own hands. My son inlaw gets out of longbay next month for beating the crap out of a couple of idiots who were very disrespectful to my duaghter on a night out at thier local. I paid his legal bill becuase i support what he did and i would do it again.


Tim Coghlan

Roar Rookie

This is plain and simple payback by the media for The Canterbury dressing room being closed on Grand Final night. Whoever at Channel 9 is responsible for this is now a former journalist. They have now joined the ranks of tabloid papparazzi. Every other Mad Monday has film and photos of players entering in costumes and that is it. That is done and the media leaves. I have never known any other instance of the media hanging around all day outside a private Mad Monday event, flying helicopters/drones over the premisies to try and catch them out doing something. Amazing how Channel 9 treat their investment in Rugby League. No wonder they are going broke.



Roar Rookie

Why is it that ch9 appear to be at the head of reporting controversy in Rugby League? They are constantly at the video ref's, all over stories of players and management misbehaving on and off the field and now they are flying helicopters over Belmore to try and create a story. I am no media expert but, I would have though that high lighting these kinds of stories would detract from Rugby League and therefore reduce their ratings but, perhaps the controversy generates attention and increases ratings, does anyone with expeience in these matters know? and if so what do channel 9 hope to gain long term ? From what we see though channel 9 should get no favors from anyone and when they can not pay the $90m next year the NRL needs to create a law suite for that payment and look at their coverage and if that has any damaging effects on the game. Doesn't the NRL have anyone who can pick up the phone and tell channel 9 to settle down?



Roar Guru

Ch9 is putting in $475m over 5 years to be correct.


Australian Rules


...and you guys persist in blaming Ch.9. Talk about missing the point completely.



Roar Guru

Agreed, the actions of a few shouldnt tarnish the whole.




Trading whilst insolvent is a beach of the Corporations Act, and ASIC appears to be currently holding company directors accountable. Nine (its directors incl Gyngell) would have to be 100% sure they could service any future debt (ie the NRL deal) otherwise they could become personally liable. One only has to google "Nine" and "debt" to read just how exposed they are. Even today there's been plenty of brinkmanship on behalf of the directors, lenders and owners with big boy's Goldman Sachs reminding the directors of their impending liability. Watching events unfold is much more entertaining than Big Brother or Farmer wants a shag and I'm loving it.




Reporters at the best of times, male and female, are known for making themselves generally intrusive. When they are preparing a gutter journalism story they tend to get a bit more in your face, tends to rile people up. All stories have 2 sides, sadly 7 will only present one side. Hardly rigorous journalism.




I'm no financial expert, but how can 9 honour its offer of 1billion to league if its got no money and the network may go into receivership. Would the deal be off the table? Are other networks able to bid? Did they just make a big bid to knock the others out? Makes you wonder.


sean maguire


Channel Nine will still exist after this. It would defy believe if it is wound up because it is worth so much more as a going concern. This is about CVC trying to keep some equity when it's pretty obvious they won't be getting anything. I do agree with Boomshanka though. While the comments were disgusting I'd imagine someone from Nine has said something to provoke them. Nine and The Terror love to run down league, just look at Weidlers non stories and non scandals that are dressed up as something that will rock the league world.




oikee, I did not say that at all. Are you saying that woman should only go to stories about kitchen appliances (ones that are not too dangerous), cute pets (no rottis) or toddlers (well behaved), and that anything above mild monday or timid tuesday should be out of bounds?




interesting, i wonder what ten would off if nine went bankrupt.




Nine were only in the hunt due to the anti siphoning legislation which gives FTAs networks first dibs at our sport. They also enjoy protected status as there will only ever be three FTA national networks thanks also to some clever legislation. In the real world, Nine would have nothing to do with our sport and probably wouldn't exist. In fact, thanks to the internet we are able to be entertained elsewhere. Its just a shame our Government doesn't allow for our sport to sell directly to its punters. The only good thing about the NRL media deal is that Nine have had to pay upfront.




The woman as you keep saying should never been allowed to a mad monday celebration, now move on, your repeating garbage./



Roar Guru

turbo I have stated my piece on the matter,zero tolerance full stop on any player behaving in that manner. I also stated this year to date the players have behaved off field in the manner expected,and the last incident the day after G/F was really a oncer(not a particularly nice one to be honest).And it should be dealt with harshly end of story. ch9 were doing their job,end of story. It is pure and utter crap as you have suggested that none of them can sing the national anthem and none have self control.If you are going to generalise like that ,you can apply that to any sport in this country.I have heard and seen uncouth sportsmen in various sports. All you are doing is casting aspersions on the overwhelming majority of players, by saying in general terms " none of them ".Just one name Hindmarsh makes your description rather lame.Yes you stated it ruins the repuation of the majority,but I take issue with your generalisation. I think the allegations against the Dog's players is deplorable.Let's wait and see the outcome.One thing for sure anyone found guilty will not be rewarded, with an ambassadorship for the game in retirement.




You do realise that rugby league is keeping channel 9 afloat, without league nobody would be watching nine. Your back the front again and all over the shop. Why do you think AFL and the NRL will and are pusueing their own media personel. They will be doing their own deals soon enough, the tv stations will be their like begging dogs with water bowls trying to get them to sign. Glygell paid a billion because if he lost league the station is finished anyhow, they are hanging by a tread now. League will just move on if nine folds, rugby league will get its billion elsewhere. Channel 10 want some, Fox would be happy to take the lot as well.



Roar Guru

If any of the Bulldogs had a functioning prefrontal cortex (governs self control) they could have uttered something funny or witty. But since they have zero self control they uttered the most base filth they could think of. Oh yeah, great for the code! [Insert inane Paul Vautin head wobble here] NRL - pretty good sport, but its a pity its played by idiots :^/




Well it's mr negative himself turbodewed who is the most negative poster of rugby league despite being a 'fan' you constantly talk down the game all the time. Now what happen on Monday is inexcusable and ideally the players should just think before there actions it's not there difficult. 'but you wont catch me dead wearing my Raiders gear in public.' You ashamed to be a league fan by the sounds of it seems the supporters themselves are responsible for the constant negativity in our code. Do you agree turbo.

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