Best commentators of all time

By Beardan / Roar Guru

There have been a few ‘best of’ articles floating about of late. They are usually entertaining and a cause for debate and opinion. Today I reveal the top five sports commentators of all time.

5. Kerry O’Keefe

For a commentator to make you laugh out loud when you are enjoying watching or listening to sport is a great asset. Kerry’s knowledge of cricket is good but add the humour and you end up with an enjoyable listening experience.

Some people criticise the laugh but they’re the ones who would boo Santa Claus. Great entertainment.

4. John Tapp

Australia has had many outstanding race callers – you can’t even compare Australia’s callers to the United States because the quality down under is far, far superior.

Bill Collins was before my time but Johnny Tapp was the voice of racing when I was growing up. Fantastic caller.

3. Bruce McAvaney

Bruce is a quality AFL commentator but he has and will always be known for his brilliant athletics commentary. Most people have a spike in interest in athletics at Olympics time and Bruce is able to fill the gaps and inform the watcher of all the relevant info they need to know brilliantly.

From start to finish he is of the highest quality whether it’s a sprint or longer distance. First class.

2. Martin Tyler

Another commentator who has been an absolute privilege to listen to. His knowledge of football is first class and can recall relevant information or statistics during a current match perfectly.

Makes watching a great sport even better.

1. Richie Benaud

Simply the best. Has a wonderful knowledge and feel for cricket and has been a joy to listen to for a number of decades now. His theory that ‘the Titanic sinking was a tragedy and a runout isn’t’ is right on the money.

The off white coat can only be worn by the great man. Has kept with the times and not fallen into the ‘it was better in my day’ trap that can happen with older commentators. Absolutely marvellous.

The Crowd Says:




dennie cometti, would have to be the most under rated commentators of all time very classy, never goes over the top with yelling and screaming & with great one liners, i dont know his name, but the guy that does the cycling, that guy can talk no stop all day, but with great knowledge. alot of people will disagree, but rex hunt was over the top, but never dull, he would frustrate you when your team is loosing, but still funny to listen to,




Roar Guru

Gordon bray came in at number 12. His major disadvantage was he commentates in a crap sport.




Roar Guru

You don't need to separate them at all. You just compare them and get on with things...




Roar Guru

Of course I like them, I'm not going to put the top 5 you like am I...




Roar Guru

Al michaels came in at number 48' just after Jesse 'the body' Ventura




Roar Guru

Big dazza was a legend. He gets some bonus points too when jack Gibson belted him when he innocently said 'Pearce off jack Gibbs on'




Actually, I think you have listed the ones you did because you were too lazy to do some research. Kerry O'keefe is mildly amusing at best with the exception of the rare genuinely funny comment. His humor is usually simplistic, which obviously appeals to you and his descriptions of play don't set the scene at all. How he could be on any "best commentators of all time" list is a bit ridiculous. Most radio commentators are great at painting a picture or setting a scene and use far more descriptive words than their tv counterparts also. If you can find any recordings of McGilvray or any of the commentators that I listed you will hear some of the best commentators of all time. If you are going to do any "best of all time" lists at least delve into the archives a bit and not just rattle off some names that you are familiar with. 1 out of 5



Roar Rookie

Richie had another one the day referring the to Vodaphone Live app as the Vodaphone Live A P P.


Matt Simpson

Roar Guru

I remember Brett Lee having an appeal turned down, and obviously mouthing the the F bomb on the reply. Richie says, "Obviously, Mr Lee agreed with that decision, because he said, 'Fair Enough'". Gotta agree with the top 5, maybe swap 1 and 2, however no one standing up for Dazza Eastlake?




I'll throw in one Aussie commentator who most Australians may not know. Jim McGrath the BBC's senior horse racing commentator. He has more than ably filled the shoes of his lengendary predecessor Sir Peter O'Sullevan who had held the post for fifty years.



Roar Rookie

Andrés_Cantor is famous for imitating Ángel Fernández' who's made that famous originally. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL! For cricket I love Bill Lawry Rugby this guy is my favorite commentator He's gonna have a go at Spencer! Get outta the road! Martin Tyler I so not think there is anyone better than him. He is such a great commentator. Oh yeah McLaren in rugby as well and F1 good old Murray Walker.



Roar Rookie

That is bot nice. Everyone got his own taste and preference. Can not get upset of people who do not like Classical music because most people like it.




Roar Guru

rabs came in at number 43 just after the South American guy who says 'goooooooooooooooooooooal'




Roar Guru

You have no clue dingo. Richie would make many people's list. The top 5 have Australians cause the country produces good commentators and also good jibberers like Laurie Daley, mark Taylor and yourself.




Roar Guru

1969 wasn't a great year for richie or Neil Armstrong who landed on the moon and fluffed his lines.




Roar Guru

Liggett was up there before he spent the last 5 years not being able to work out Armstrong was on the juice. He is meant to be cycling through and through, and had no idea. Gee up.




Roar Guru

Rex mossip and Mario French, you really have no idea Johnno.


B.A Sports


Yeah if your list is international (and it is because you included Tyler - who is very good) then you have to have Al Michaels in there - "Do you believe in Miracles"! The only thing the list has going for it (and is 5 really a list) is that you didn't include "Fozz" and "Rabs", lik eone or two have suggested. But i have to think you spent about 5 minutes on this one.




Wow...Kerry O'Keefe, but no Howard Cosell ("Down goes Frazier!")? Names like Peter Alliss, Murray Walker, John Madden, Al Michales...all missing. I think the name of this list needs to be changed to top 5 sports commentators 'you like'.




In a way I think you need two seperate categories for radio and tv commentators as they fulfil different roles. On radio the commentator has to paint a picture for the listener, while on tv the best commentators usually only seek to add to what we can see for ourselves. Alan Mcgilvray was a master of the former and Richie Benaud of the latter, so how do you compare them?

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