Lucas Neill signs for Sydney FC, shuns Heart

By The Roar / Editor

Socceroos captain Lucas Neill will return to the A-League with Sydney FC, after the Sky Blues tabled a last-ditch bid to lure the defender away from Melbourne Heart.

Neill, who met with Heart officials Scott Munn and John Didulica on Friday, will join the Sydney club immediately and could be in line to make his debut against Melbourne Heart at AAMI Park next Sunday.

It had been widely tipped that Neill would join John Aloisi’s side after the retirement of Vince Grella had freed up salary cap space.

Should he play next weekend, he is certain to receive a hostile reception from the red half of Melbourne.

Neill, who has played for Blackburn, West Ham, Everton and Galatasaray, had been without a club since being released by Al Wasl last month.

His signature will give a considerable boost to a Sydney FC outfit looking to build momentum as the A-League finals loom.

Alongside Alessandro Del Piero and Brett Emerton, Neill’s star power will help assist the Sky Blues as they struggle to maintain support following an inconsistent season combined with the success of crosstown rivals Western Sydney Wanderers.

The Crowd Says:




If we keep spending the cash then we should be atop the A-League next year undefeated. It's where we should be - we are the biggest city and we are THE team with winning history!!! It's like a birthright.....




least it will help bring the average age of the squad down signing a 34 year old....... Choppers FC always planning for the future!




He will be one of the biggest flops of the A-League. He was kicked out of two clubs and now comes back as a hero... We will be surpassed with the quality of the A-League, wright my words!




and everyone of those (WC06) squad, has find the A-league hard ....



Roar Guru

Johnno, Lucas Neill is playing as a guest stint and the FFA have chipped in for the bill.




Swampy, Good points about the balance of player in the A League,what we must also note our skipper has been punted by two mid west asian clubs in the past 16 months, how's he's form then? will he make it to Brazil ?. I wish him all the best but to be punted out there. Another great little coup for the F.F.A and H.A.L.




Smack on my hand for forgetting big dukes. He does live here and watch games. I guess I was referring to the guys that may have had something left to offer but were past getting a gig in a big league. Viduka happily called it a day and didn't go scrounging the last dollar out of some third rate league for money rather than play in the A League. Not that I rate him but wtf is David Carney doing with his career? -- Comment left via The Roar's iPhone app. Download it now [].


Jack Russell

Roar Guru

Assuming ADP and Emerton are the 2 marquees, I gather payments to players for 'guest' stints are outside the cap as well? What defines 'guest' player, given i'd be surprised if Neill didn't remain in Australia until his career ends. It's a good thing for the A-League, but the Heart would have benefitted more from Neill than a club already at full hype impact.


Jack Russell

Roar Guru

Double post.


Qantas supports Australian Football


Yes you could say that too... Once again I hope I'm wrong.




At the risk of sounding sour :) , especially after last nights result, BlingFC can have for all I care. Good to see that at $100k-$200k for a couple of games he's living up to his name Luca$h. Now to see how we turn Colosimo's propensity for calamity around.



Roar Rookie

It's a good thing for both club and player along with the aleague. Here's what I think about it:




Good to see Lucash back in Australia. We just need Harry and Culina back in the A-League, and hopefully one day, Timmy comes back to Australia to finish off his career.




One reason why the FA cp style and FFA cup style are back in Vogue Punter is this. In England for a while in the 90's suddenly the Euro champions league really took off, and everyone was focused on Europe, and looked at the FA cup as less meaningful. Why I think the FA cup and FFA cup have suddenly come massively back in vogue is the sheer money in football now, this has really brought the exciting element back. Teams like Man City,Man United, Chelsea, the gap between the have's and have not's has astronomically increased in the last 10 years even more than the 90's , and this is part of the lure of the FA cup now. The wage difference has never been greater, or the high tech facilities. Some of those embarrassing Arsenal and Chelsea failures this year, really cut to that theme of haves VS have not's, and the have not's competing. And a Sydney FC VS Cooma Tigers, really goes to the heart of this theme. I really hope the FFA cup evolves to also include the group champion of a region. Eg like a Northern NSW country champion eg a club in Lismore or coffees harbour, or a Bathurst as well. Really add the champion rural team from each zone intuit he FFA cup. The ratings will be unreal through the roof like in England. Love those Juventus story playing funny clubs in the middle of nowhere. The Europa cup brings out that real underdog status too at times,. Liverpool had to travel and play some obscure teams in Bulgaria in one europe cup qualifier tie. Loved it.




Even Bozza had a brieft stint in the A-league, and actually went well. I still can't believe no club signed Bozza after his stint with the Mariners, he still had it. Surely he could crack a top 3 keeping spot at an A-league club in 2008-10.




Punter it'd a deal mate. I find the whole FFA Cup concept so exciting , like in Europe your example, and the English FA cup legs. I am going to make an effort to get of the couch potato , and go to some of these obscure matches. Del Piero is clearly a man of the people, he handles the limelight well, . Wathcing him at Sydney FC he is a very grounded and hardworking man, relates well too the fans. A perfect temperament for the big stage. Watching Del Piero playing at Cooma Oval (i won't call it a stadium and forget calling it Stadia lol), crowd 2000 but packed in, would be a sight. We'll go too Cooma oval punter, or Devonport oval, a good night out, lock that in, look forwad to the beers mate.


MV Dave


Pretty much spot on Swampy. Good to see Lucas finally head Bresciano at Heart, Timmy Cahill at WSW and HK at CCM for next season (yes l know it won't happen but would be nice).




Yes Swampy, of the golden generation (WC06) squad, Vuduka, Kalac & Chippers have all retired without playing in A-League, though Kalac now coaching. Yes, Bresc, Cahill, Schwartzer & Wilshire have not played in the A-League, one left, yes big Josh Kennendy.




Johnno, love your passion!!! Actually when Del Piero signed, there was a story of Juve playing in Ireland, in a country town with a small Population & it was a wet & muddy field, cannot remember whether this was a friendly or a qualifying round Euro game. Like I said it was cold & wet & very muddy, after the game all the Juve players couldn't get in dressing room quick enough but Ale went & thank the crowd & shook most of their hands & this was when he was at the height of his career. He would be right at home at Cooma & I promise Johnno the day Cooma joins the A-League I will buy you a beer as we share the historical day together.




Other clubs are free to use the marquee and guest spots also, if they ever get tired of riding on Sydney's coat tails.

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