Give our swimmers a break, Kieren

By Ben Pobjie / Expert

OK, Kieren Perkins, I get it. I see where you’re coming from when you call for Australian swimmers to focus on their sport rather than being “celebrity show ponies”. I do.

I get that our elite swimmers have gotten up to a bit of mischief from time to time. I know that they have not always respected time-honoured principles of etiquette and decorum.

I accept that on occasion, some of our fine, sleek superfish have perhaps had a drink too many, stayed out an hour too late, played the odd juvenile prank, taken a few more Stilnox than was strictly necessary, been just that bit more moronic than experts recommend.

I don’t dispute any of this, and I know that it’s possible that their busy idiocy-centric lifestyle may have negatively affected their performance and the performance of those in close proximity to them who have mental ages above thirteen.

And I accept that Kieren Perkins was a mighty champion of Australian sport, an athlete who changed the way we thought about hairless men holding their breath for extended periods, the man who came to show us just how inadequate Glen Housman really was.

I’m sure he knows what he’s talking about when on the subject of focusing on swimming performance – he did it, after all, for a terribly long time himself, and nobody has ever been more ideally suited to selling cereal.

But he’s neglecting one very important fact in his criticisms, a fact that really puts all the hotel shenanigans and curfew-breaking and sleeping-tablet-gorging into perspective and suggests that maybe, just maybe, we could cut these guys some freaking slack.

And that fact is this: swimming is really, really, really boring.

Unbelievably boring.

Inconceivably tedious.

Irredeemably dull.

And I don’t just mean for spectators. Of course we all know how deathly monotonous it is to watch competitive swimming: that’s why we never really do, except for every couple of years when a major event comes around and we grit our teeth and put it on out of a sort of grim, hopeless sense of patriotism.

But if it’s bad for us, imagine what it’s like for those poor bastards in the water.

Splashing away, flapping their way to the end of the pool, and then turning around and flapping to the other end, and then turning around again, and doing it about a hundred times every day while a nasty middle-aged troll in shorts yells at you from the side, and swallowing nasty chemical-y water, and having to do it all while wearing incredibly unflattering outfits and horrible tight caps that pinch your ears.

Think about the dreadful warping effect that must have on the psyche.

Unless you’ve spent a lifetime staring at that black line, breathing to the left and wondering why the hell they took up swimming as a child when they could have taken up football or hockey or some other sport that doesn’t hold training sessions at 5am, you can’t understand the soul-crushing boredom that is the swimmer’s lot.

Do you think they want to be out there, spinning their arms around and kicking their big surfboard feet and wriggling around underwater like special-needs dolphins?

Do you think they enjoy learning how to do tumble-turns? Do you think they consider goggles fashionable?

Of course they don’t. They’re not doing it for pleasure, they’re just doing it for us. They know that we derive a sense of pride and joy and vicious irrational nationalism when they touch the wall first, and they are slaves to duty.

Bred in the hothouse of professional government-funded sporting institutions, they know nothing but service to the greater good, and they slog away in that cold, unforgiving water for the reward only of doing their bit for the cause of proving which country is the best country.

And given that, isn’t it only fair that we let them “blow off a little steam” from time to time? Shouldn’t we be willing to excuse the odd late night or Stilnox binge as the youthful high spirits and natural hi-jinks of young people tethered to life of nightmarish surrealism with no chance of escape?

Can’t we allow them a bit of bad behaviour in the interests of making their torturous lives a little bearable, if only for a few hours at a time? After all, it’s not as if they’ve murdered anyone or set fire to any animals the way that footballers do pretty much every weekend with our blessing. All they want to do is have a bit of fun, in a small and really kind of pathetic way.

So enough with the condemnation, Kieren. It’s easy to tell people to “grow up and just swim”, but the fact is any reasonable person who followed that advice would attempt to drown themselves halfway through their first training session.

Is that the kind of blood you want on your hands?

They have no lives. Let them have their sleeping pills. It’s the least we can do for the poor sad fools.

The Crowd Says:




As long as I contribute to their salaries, they should take responsibility for their actions, grow up, perform or quit and get a real job


Mango Jack


You're probably right, Ben, swimming only suits a certain type of person. Or non-person. Robot, actually. Maybe the selection trials should be replaced with a simple questionnaire, along the lines of: Were you a school prefect? If no, did you wish you were a school prefect? Did you always hand up homework on time? Do you admire John Howard? Do you still call your friend's parents "Mr" or "Mrs"? Do you religiously watch Four Corners? Do you floss? The first 20 to answer yes to all of the above are in.




Great article, I had a great chuckle there reading it I agree about the whole Stilnox thing. It's competely draconian for the AOC to ban it when it isn't a PED and a legal drug



Roar Guru

Great piece! You really are one of the (ok 'the') funniest sports writer around (thats if comedy sport writing is a genre)


Pot Stirrer


You forget they are being piad by the taxpayers and if they want to get up to the shenanigans dont try and sell them selves as professional sport people and get normal jobs. Its ll well and good for them to take sponsors money to promote a product that wants to be synonymouis with a healthy image s long as they can be hypocrites behind closed doors? A Prof sprts person who takes recreational dugs woul not hesitate in taking a performance enhacing drug if he was convinced he would not becuaght. FFS they choose this career path its all or nothing specially when taxpayers are funding it.


millicent smuggle


Ahh, more Pobjie genius! Yeah it's a tough gig being a swimmer. Wouldn't do it for quids. All they end up with is disproportionate shoulders and those weird, Skeletor-like eye sockets caused from excessive goggle wearing. They also have to endure brazilian waxing and potential cameltoe/package humiliation in front of a global audience, not to mention the possibility of having unidentified snotty objects hanging off their noses in post-race TV interviews. The dumbest ones though are the ones who opt for the 800m events over the 50m events. Why would you try and go for gold in 16 laps when you can get it in 1? Silly bastards! And then, at the end of it all, they get to sell weight loss programs to schmucks on tele, or perfect the art of getting over-enthused about someone fashioning a lampshade out of a watermelon. If I were a swimmer, I'd be hitting the Stillnox too.



Roar Guru

Really liked the part about how swimming is really boring and the only reason we watch is for national pride


Fussball's AFL tracking spreadsheet


The problem is many of them ARE forced, generally by parents at a very young age. Swimmers peak in their late teens and lack the life experience to stand up to the bullies and tyrants that dominate the pool deck. For a 15 year old swimmer it is most definitely not a free country.


Christo the Daddyo


"Do you think they want to be out there?" Last time I checked Australia was a free country and nobody was forced to become an Olympic swimmer.


Fussball's AFL tracking spreadsheet


I'm a swimming survivor who managed to break out in my early teens, and I can confirm that every word of this article is 100% correct. I still get a little shiver of fear every time I pass an Olympic sized pool...




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