Time to toss Voss as Brisbane Lions coach

By DingoGray / Roar Guru

I’m a very proud long-term Lions supporter living in NSW.

Three years ago, I decided to show my absolute unwavering support by purchasing a membership. It was the only way I felt I could truly show my commitment to the Lions, by becoming a member in a period that the club was truly struggling.

Since becoming a member, I’ve seen signs that the club was getting back on track and felt things were in place for some really good progress in the next couple of years.

I went to the SCG last Sunday not expecting a win, however I was expecting my team to have a red-hot crack and really take to it to Swans.

Instead I got a dreadfully insipid first quarter and a realisation that all the gains made in the last two years are quickly disappearing.

It also brought me to the conclusion that Michael Voss is not the coach to take our current list to more finals appearances.

I certainly haven’t come to that conclusion lightly.

Voss is an absolute legend. A three-time premiership captain and a man who prided himself on hardness to the contest.

Unfortunately, this is the polar opposite to what we are seeing from the current Lions outfit.

In the last couple of years, Brisbane have shown a true weakness in their skill sets by regularly missing targets whether by hand or foot.

In saying this, the thing you could absolutely hang your hat on was the fact the Lions were ferocious at the ball and always giving their all in the contest.

Currently this is not the case and I now feel Voss has taken the list as far as he can.

This is not my only issue with the coach.

Not only are the players not seeming to be responding to his coaching philosophies, he’s made numerous questionable decisions during his time at the helm regarding recruitment and selections.

Obviously the Brendan Fevola debacle certainly hasn’t helped his cause, but I’ve been willing to let bygones be bygones with that.

I have more of an issue with later trading decisions and his treatment of young and upcoming players.

The main trade issue I have is Jordan Lisle.

Now I don’t have an issue with Lisle as a player. During his time at Hawthorn he showed some really good signs. Obviously his kicking requires work, but his ability to take a contested mark has shone through.

Voss made a play for Lisle and managed to get him to the club. But what’s he done with him since then?

He’s given him the occasional game, but there has never been a consistent run of games for Lisle, and he’s been left to play consistently week-in week-out in the NEAFL competition.

Brisbane are crying out for key positional players, especially in the forward line. Voss has made a trade for a player who may be what we require, yet doesn’t consistently give him a chance.

Then he plays our best defender in Daniel Merrett in the forwards as a temporary measure.

Surely giving Lisle games and sticking with him would of been better development of our list.

Another young guy whose development has been limited by Voss’s trading is Billy Longer.

Ben Hudson was convinced not to retire to come to Brisbane and help develop Brisbane’s ruck stocks. Early in the season, Matthew Leuenberger went down injured, presenting an opportunity for Longer to get some solid game time.

Instead, he only played a handful of games, while at times leaving Hudson to carry the ruck burden on his own at the instruction of the coach.

Other younger guys who haven’t come on as the Lions would have liked include Claye Beams, Ryan Lester, Sam Docherty and Patrick Karnezis, again all players who have been given small opportunities but not backed by the coaching group to be given a continued run.

Rather than give kids continued games, Voss continues to pick guys like Aaron Cornelius, Ash McGrath, Andrew Raines and James Polkinghorne, all honest footballers in their own right, however certainly not going be part of the nucleus that takes the club forward.

Voss has had his time at our wonderful club and been a fantastic servant, but it is clear his ability as a head coach is certainly not of the standard he was as a player for the club. I believe it has come time for the club to move in a new direction.

Whether that means Voss sees out his contract this year is a discussion to be had.

However, going forward there is no way Voss should be offered any further extensions to his current contract and the Lions should be doing everything in their power to find the best possible coach available.

Paul Roos should be their first port of call and number one priority!

The Crowd Says:


Bob Murphy


Michael Vossy did as much as possible with the young iist he had to work with. Well done Vossy we will truly miss your passion, special connection and love you have for the Brisbane Lions. The club will never be the same.


Bob Murphy


Went 2 Gabba 4 1st game without Vossy. Should b happy with win but only felt flat. The heart has gone from the Lions, those boys loved Vossy and they had that special connection that can not b replaced. Vossy deserves more credit as a coach and the team has not been too far away from playing finals. Quite an achievement with such a young list. How do u think the players feel with their beloved coach sacked with 3 games to go?? RUN WITH THE ROAR boys!!!!


Bob Murphy


Run towards the roar!! Vossy should have been able to take his bel




I disagree ssalvank. It's time for vossy to go, allong with anyone who has ties to the 3 peit or whatever you call it. I said weeks ago that i predicted they would loose 5 out of the next 6 games as i said on the 11th may. how accurate was i, but an absolute blind person could see that. So 3 more games to go to see if i'm right. forget about the past dam it. Forget that because you win one game that suddenly your in the hunt. Can see this arrogance in the players after a win. Why the heck didn't the board oust vossy 3 weeks ago is absolutely beyond me and all the people i talk to about it. Last night proved they are still relying on past players and have not developed the younger ones to stand on their own two legs. We will loose the next game against freo We will loose the game after that to geelong we will loose the game after that to hawthorn We will loose the game after that to the suns We may have a chance against north melbourne We may have a chance against melbourne So i predict we will loose the next 4 games because..................................they have not got what it takes!!!!!!!\ I wanted to go to the gabba this year along with a lot of other bribinites i know, and we all are going to hold off as they just aren't competitive. And to loose in your home ground is an insult to the very loyal fans. Loosing at a home ground = you aren't competitive. Please start from scratch lions as you need a massive shakeup to turn this debacle around.\ Bye vossy




Michael Voss coaching style contributes to 10% of result. 90% of result is by the playing team. They need to perform as if there is no tomorrow. Winning over Essendon was no luck..we won as a result of shear hard work and 110% commitment. That is what we need every game. Last year we won over West Coast..that was no luck either. we brag about 3 premierships back to back...that was no luck either...It all boils down to FIRE IN THE BELLY. Look at Browny and Blackie...absolute legends Lets take some lessons from our previous successes...3 premierships etc...we had a great team...who understood their roles and understood each other. each player knew what to do and what to expect of the other player. All good teams have it. we lack this understanding. Vossy needs to work on this one factor and that will solve most of our problems. Ability to know and understand what comes next and anticipate the moves..that is most of the game. we can bring in support like Paul Roos as a Director of coaching and build up Voss. A young Lion needs to be supported and shown the rope by another LION (could be Paul Roos or similar). Come on Vossy, I believe in you and your ability. you need to be yourself, Proud like a LION and ruthless like a LION. Players need to respect the LIONS Guernsey and play to WIN.




Another loss. Can't be consistent. Lets get our headspace right for 1 quarter cause thats all it takes........................NOT!!!!!! Vosssie has to go.




MikeM you are so spot on!! I have been a Ftzroy supporter and a Brisbane lIons supporter all my life. How great were the 3 premierships! The last 8 years have been a disaster. One looks at sides like Geelong and how they continue to dominate even after their so called A star seniors retire. But then again they have a Scott as their coach. An articulate intelligent communicator. A teacher. A motivator. A methodical thinker. Then we have Voss. The only thing he was good at was playing Football. The way he talks, walks and all the body language he possesses is one of an egotistical bloke that believes his own chat. He has destroyed the club I have loved all my life by his style of coaching. He has no idea how to develop the best of the talented kids we have. This system of playing 1 game, then sub and then back to reserves. Wow! Great learning for the kids. Mind you he only does that to several players and the ones that need that play week in week out! And perform at the pathetic low standard. Thats why we are a bottom 4 side. So don't be excited if we win 6-8 games this year. It will be Gold Coast,GWS , Melbourne and maybe a large scalp as well. Time for the board to have the balls to stop giving Voss this BUFFER that he gets! We need a clean sweep of coaches!!


The Tarje


MikeM You just summed up how I've felt for the last five years. I feel as though the club needs a serious clean out. As much as I loved our 3 peat it's been ten years people!




Firstly, after todays game it is definatley time for Mike V to go, not in 6 weeks but today. He is , and agree with others he is a living legend of the game. The young lions i believe are very capable of even being in the top 4, i think they are superb. But, the head space is all wrong. The only thing wrong with the lions at the moment is their mental approach to the game. I also believe that, Black, Brown,Ash mcgrath and Dan merritt have to go, not in 6 weeks but now. The reason i say this ( and again these guys are legends), their time has past. I believe the younger players are held back by them. Anyone with ties to the 3 peit have to go as this era has passed. We are in a totally new era. To move forward you have to make decisive decisions. I can make a prediction that the lions will loos 5 of the next 6 games, so why bloody wait. Sick of this we'll give another combination a go, sick of it. It is not only stupid but this shows to the younger players that there is no confidence in them.


The Tarje


Although the lions list is still the third youngest in the league.


The Tarje


It seems so obvious to everyone out there watching the games what the problems are yet the coaching staff don't seem to see it this way. All we constantly get fed is how talented this young group is and it's only a couple small things that need tweaking. Either the Lions are the best trainers in the world or our coaches wear blindfolds gameday.




I recall how Mick Malthouse recently said words to the effect that, it is the 'process' that is important not necessarily winning games. So I would say to Brisbane supporters, "don't worry, be happy".




As a passionate Lions supporter it breaks my heart to see the club i love go backwards every year. Reading Harry's comments I do agree with his views. I cant say I totally agree regarding the three R's ( like DingoGray) although I can see where he is coming from. How do young talented players like Polec or Karnezis who have enormous upswing and have so much poise and skill, do not get the right development and exposure? We will lose these kids to other clubs and they will become A grade players of the game as Kennedy did at the Swans. Voss and all the coaching staff definitely have to go. They have had their chance and the club has gone so far backward. We are an absolute basket case of a club now!!




Roar Guru

Bit tough on the R's there Harry, I assume you're speaking of Redden, Rich & Rockliff. I think particularly Redden has come on really well last 18 months. But completely agree with you're feel on personal connections. I do believe Black & Brown are in there last season, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if McGrath followed suit.




I would have to agree with the article completely. No one can question what Voss was as a player. A true champion of the game. However as a coach from a strategic planner and a sophisticated communicator just by his body language and mannerisms one feels he does not have what it takes to coach. When I look at young players with enormous talent such as Beams,Karnezis, polec and Docherty and are not given same opportunities as others well it makes you wonder if Voss and Co are selecting favourites. The 3 R's as heavily promoted and publicised and are at best B grade midfielders. They will never amount to a Jobe Watson, Pennedlebury or a josh Kennedy. Anyone who has some footy smarts can see that. The sad thing is players like Polec, Karnezis and Docherty will get fed up and leave and do what Josh Kennedy did to Hawthorn. That in itself will be very disappointing. So give these kids a real chance and time to retire McGrah, Black, Brown etc. But you need a coach who has the wisdom, strength and no personal connections with certain players top do this.




A big problem I think is that the difference between QAFL and AFL is greater than AFL and VFL particularly for the forwards. I would like to see a forward line of Berwick, Cornelius and Lisle given time to gel and adjust to the intensity of AFL, the younger guys need a run of games not just one full one followed by a sub rule then back to the twos. Let's face it Browny is very close to becoming a liability in the modern style of games where the ball comes very quickly out of defense.




Roar Guru

Certainly a point I was trying to make Garth. As for Cornelius my personal opinion is he's not up to the standard of AFL and we should be looking else where!




I don't see the point of getting an inexperienced person in the job as coach. If we can't get someone really good I would rather stick with Voss. Of course if we keep serving up insipid performance, that will change. I just want to enjoy my team having a red hot go.


Garth Jones

Roar Rookie

I'm sick and tired of seeing the team list each week and there being so many in's and out's. It must be extremely hard for fringe players coming into the side to get into the groove of the team, and for the existing players in the team to get used to the new faces, for the team to gel together. When a player joins a new team they usually take 3 or 4 games to really hit their straps but the coaching staff at the Lions just don't seem interested in giving them that chance. A good example is Cornelius. He plays in NEAFL and kills it then they put him into the top side and he only kicks 1 or 2 goals and they drop him. His workrate and concentration needs attention in the AFL level but at least give him 3 or more games in a row to get used to it, especially when you suddenly have to be wary of Brownie being the number 1 target running all over the place to try and get the ball.




Roar Guru

Docherty played against Melbourne. We had a pretty solid win again Melbourne, to be dropped to the 2's and be one the best on ground the next week. Brisbane were never going to beat Sydney. Why not play Docherty back to back. Don't pick him one week drop him the next. Voss did the same thing with Lester early in the year. Brought him in and was quite good for 1 game and then dropped him again. Young Ruckmen have been played by other clubs for more than 1-4 games in their 1st year. My point is I understand the fact you can't over load kids in their 1st year. But to pick them 1 week then drop them straight away. Bring them back how have many week later I don't see the purpose. Wouldn't be a better balance for say 1st year player, play 3-4 in a row then send them back? As for Lisle, I'd would much rather Lisle in our forward 50 than Cornelius. I'm not a fan!

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