Fabled 'Origin material' is a real thing

By Brendan / Roar Rookie

First of all, I have to eat my hat due to my last article. I said that the three ‘fill ins’, Josh Dugan, Nathan Merritt and Aaron Woods could fill the gap created by proven players such as Jarryd Hayne, Blake Ferguson and James Tamou.

As I said, I eat my hat.

But a big tip of that hat firstly to Queensland.

They beat NSW at their own game of out enthusing and created an identical result at halftime.

But I want to address the mystical ‘Origin material’ and what it actually is.

I’m going to focus on the NSW squad’s performances rather than Queensland because it is hard to criticise their individual performances in Game II.

Firstly, Nathan Merritt. After a very long wait and a well deserved shot at the greatest level of league, it seemed he was a rookie pulled from an under 18s squad and thrown into hell.

There was such talk of “he is not Origin material” and his debut performance showed that.

Compared to the likes of Blake Ferguson, who apart from one fumble on his first hit up, had a stellar performance.

I cannot see Merritt pulling on another Blues jersey unfortunately.

Secondly Aaron Woods. Although there was some decent hit ups and tackles, his lack of discipline in the top level and little to no impact against a raging Maroons team had me putting my arms up in the air.

The likes of Tamou or Tim Grant have the size and impact to get those extra few metres when needed.

Also, Grant and Tamou had absolutely impressive first games, particularly Tamou in a losing side.

This has me believing Woods has some maturing to do at NRL level before he sees another Blues selection.

Thirdly, although we saw some glimpses of something, Josh Dugan cannot rival the likes of Jarryd Hayne in the #1 jersey.

Dugan is an X-Factor, but Hayne is a much, much more bigger X and far more composed, involved and experienced than him.

But, then what is this ‘Origin Material’?

Opponents hate them and have reason too, because they are footballers.

They are hardened, fearless and rough around the edges.

How many times have you come across a really crazy person who you would prefer to have on your side than against?

That is an element of ‘Origin material’. The more an opponent hates them, the more they deserve a spot on your team.

The media are throwing around all this non-biff and clean the game up but isn’t that what 2.4 mil people tune in to watch?

Menacing, hard hitting, fired up mongrels going head to head for glory.

The replacements for NSW lacked that in Game II. Unfortunately, they were not ‘Origin material’.

Maybe not yet, but definitely not now. I do hope that in Game III they line-up 1-17 like they did in Game I and close the series and end the Juggernaut that is Queensland.

Remember Queensland, it is a draw. 1-1.

See you in Sydney.

The Crowd Says:


No Hype


The only reason Morris "manages" NOT BEAT Inglis defensively is due to the fact that he gets support from his inside/outside men. Inglis attracts more attention than the average player. However there's nothing average about Billy Slater who run's at the breakdown leads to certain tries because the cover defence slides to halt Ingli's progress, not to mention JT running a decoy created mainly by the BLUES to spotup on Inglis. Inglis is all hype because he creates more havoc on the field and it shows because every BLUES coach have adopted the same strategy to try to nullify his effectiveness. It takes a committed side to tackle the likes of Tamou/Gallen/Scott and its more than likely to take 3-4 tacklers to halt their progress, much like that way Inglis is treated and he's a center who carries 3-4 people in the lead up to a try. Inglis gets the respect from the likes of "Bellamy, Stuart and now Daley". Inglis creates more tries than any other Maroons player simply by taking to the field. That's why he's the leading try scorer in SOO Full Stop!




I agree with Peaches... Merritt was under instruction to jam up and in on Inglis. Daley shouldve had faith in Morris to contain G.I. and further instruction for Dugan to cut off Boyd while the inside men slide in cover. Anyway, come on, 1 time Inglis got past Moz to score aint too impressive considering the way everyone goes on about G.I. If the hype was true, Inglis would be given the ball from kick off and scoring under the posts. Hes a great player, hard to stop, but not unstoppable. As for Merritt, he should be given a chance for redemption. Lets not forget its a team sport... It wasnt the Qld Maroons vs NSW Merritt. If the score ws closer, if the forwards ran in support of eachother instead of one-out with no decoys, if the attack was straighter, if the kicking was better and built more pressure, if the line-speed was better...Aaargh!!! I know thats alot of "IF's", but the one thing thats certain is that people have to have a scape goat... And so, alas poor Merritt. Unless he changes his name to Pearce...




Except for the one time he beat Morris in game one 2013 where it lead to a try. Is that what you meant to say!




Inglis hasn't beaten Morris one-on-one in the last couple of years. Josh is doing a superb job and Daley should have entrusted him to do it again.




Woods played the first 20 when all the Blues did was tackle and the last 5 or 10. I suspect the sin-bins played with the subs made. And not one Blues forward you could say had a great game. Fifita and Merrin were good and they were probably better then any other Blues player. It was a very flat performance.



Roar Rookie

Bloody hell! Even QLD is mystified why we pick him, although obviously happy we do!


No Hype


Don't be to harsh on Merritt because he simply was doing what he as told to do and that's to help Morris post-up on Inglis. Boyd has scored 12 tries thanks to the BLUES wingers (all of them) who routinely try to come in to stop the most dangerous man on the field. To cover their defensive lapse against Inglis the BLUES wingers will leave their flank to execute a tackle on Inglis leaving their wing vulnerable. Dugan was out of place for most of the contest given that Hayne will drop back to cover his wingman. Although covered in war-paint to make him look hombre Dugan will avoid confronting Inglis or tackling Inglis because he's to proud to be seen bulldozed by Inglis.




Pearce is one of your biggest problems. You've tried every forward in NSW and every 5/8th in NSW, yet Pearce continues to get a gig. He is a myth.




Didn't Dugan play a game on the wing last year? I think he played competently. I'd vote for that combo: Hayne into fullback, and Dugan to right wing.



Roar Rookie

"Grant may have been a better selection than Woods but I wouldn’t discard him yet.". Well you would say that! Another 38m contribution from a starting prop in game 3 and you can start focusing on winning nine straight!


Sideline Comm.


It might be my maths, but I could swear that's 100 minutes, not 160. The Queenslanders didn't score for 40 minutes in the first game either remember. Saying that NSW have been the worst team on field for all 160 minutes of this years Origin series is just silly.




Yep. The blues didn't score for over 40 minutes in the first game, and 60 in the second. Good luck.


Sideline Comm.


I agree that Dugan was OK, not a real play-making fullback but he did his job. I just wonder if there was a couple of defensive movements that Hayne might have handled better. For instance the Thaiday try, and more significantly one by Boyd I think (I got too painful to remember everything) where Dugan had hands on them but the stronger body of Hayne might have been able to hold them up. I wonder how Dugan would go on the wing?


Sideline Comm.


Why would you HAVE to say that? Did you miss the first game?


One eyed maroon


I'd put Dugan in the "rather have him on my side" camp - I thought he was the only Blue to look dangerous with the ball in hand. Grant may have been a better selection than Woods but I wouldn't discard him yet. The experience of last night will do him the world of good. I'd look closely at hooker and halfback though.



Roar Pro

I agree with you on both the effort by the Maroons and the performance of Merrit. Like everyone, I really wanted him to have a great game but he made some horrible reads in defense and failed in his test against Inglis. No one had any impact against a staunch Qld defense so I'm not coming down too hard on Woods, though his place may be in question. Dugan on the other hand was one of our best. He made some errors, but he always does. He was solid under the high ball, one drop from memory, but he was taking a lot of them and had to cover for Merrit on numerous occasions. I think you'll see him retain his spot for Game III with Hayne to return to the wing.



Roar Pro

lol a draw. QLD is so much better it isn't funny. I would expect NSW to get belted by 20 plus points in game 3 just to rub it in.


Jay C


It is hardly a draw. you would have to say Queensland have been the better side on average over 160 minutes.


Knight Vision


I fail to see how anyone could of thought that Nathan Merritt would of been a success at Origin level, he is under 100 mtrs gained per game at NRL level and is a defensive liability. SOO momentum depends on good kick returns and Merritt doesnt come to the table with that ability.Sure he may cross the line and finish a backline move well but there is more to a players contribution than just that....What his selection does show is that players can be chosen on the back of media campaigns to have someone included. It is the only reason I can think of why he would be chosen. I'm no guru and certainly the coach has forgotten more than I will ever know but .....wow what a shocking selection he was. Certainly Uate made a blunder or 2 in the second game last year but he also is a weapon in attack and a winger who is a very special talent. When fit he is always at or near the top of average tackle busts , mtrs gained and tries scored every year and a 3 time Dally M winger of the year. I was amazed that he rarely even rated a mention when talking of a wing spot. He also has the advantage of being there done that. On that subject I would of also chosen Tim Grant over Woods purely on experience alone, as for Dugan I dont think there was any other choice other than to include him in the team.

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