Leppitsch needs total commitment from Brisbane players

By Sean Lee / Expert

Whether it is due to home sickness, discontent, a perceived lack of opportunity or just a plain old dummy spit, new Brisbane coach Justin Leppitsch is better off without the likes of Jared Polec, Patrick Karnezis, Billy Longer, Sam Docherty and Elliot Yeo who have all expressed interest in finding new homes for the coming AFL season.

While this potential mass-exodus of players may seem damaging on the outside, it is perhaps the best possible thing that could happen if the club is to move forward in the aftermath of previous coach Michael Voss being sacked.

The last thing Leppitsch needs as he enters a new season are Voss sympathises undermining his every move or players who are less than 100 percent committed to the new regime.

Yes, the players mentioned make up a fair proportion of Brisbane’s recent top end recruiting (five of their higher picks from the last three years), and losing them will be a set back for the club, but honestly, if Leppitsch is to pull his team from its least successful era since its merger with Fitzroy in 1997 his players must be committed to the cause.

Discontent within a football club can spread like a cancer. If the players concerned can not fully back their new coach, whether they agreed with the sacking of Voss or not, then they are better off gone.

Just ask Nathan Buckley!

Leigh Matthews faced a similar scenario at the end of his first year of coaching Collingwood way back in 1986. Club captain Mark Williams was renegotiating his contract and playing hard ball.

The two-time Copeland trophy winner had also topped the club’s goal kicking and been an all Australian during his career with the Magpies, so he was no mug on the field.

Despite this Matthews took the hard line. If Williams was going to hold the club to ransom over contract details, then he could go elsewhere. Only those with full commitment, ready and willing to sacrifice all for the club, were welcome.

It was the beginning of an era that saw players like Tony Shaw, Gavin Brown, Darren Millane and Micky McGuane squeeze every last ounce of talent from their bodies in order to take their club to the top.

Their rein as black and white custodians culminated in the 1990 premiership.

Leppitsch could do no worse than adopt the Collingwood approach. It may prove painful in the short term, but the galvanising effect it would have on his young Lions outfit could be immeasurable later on.

While supporters and club backers want instant success, it is very rarely attainable. Leppitsch must be given time to develop his team. This is a hard fact to swallow, especially as the Voss era yielded so few results.

As promising as this season looked for Brisbane, Voss’ tenure at the club produced results that were mediocre at best.

From semi-finalist in 2009, the Lions slumped to 13th in 2010. This was followed by 15th, 13th and 12th this year.

These luck lustre performances also coincided with significant drops in both attendance figures and membership numbers which would have had alarm bells ringing in the Lions’ boardroom.

While crowds, and in particular membership, began to rise again this year, the death knell would have already been sounding for Voss.

Talk of Voss returning to the club in some capacity must also remain just that – talk. No new coach can be confident in his position if the eyes of the one he replaced are boring holes in the back of his head.

It is Leppitsch’s turn at the helm and he needs to be given the space and chance to develop his own ideas and shape the team as he sees fit.

To succeed he needs to be as uncompromising as he was as a player and he needs the full backing of his players. Those who are in two minds about playing under him or remaining in Brisbane should leave now and let him get on with the job of building a new team of mentally strong and committed players who will lead the way to the next great Lion era.

And as popular as Michael Voss was, especially among the supporters, it is time to move on and accept the fact that your board may have got this one right.

The Crowd Says:




I hope they haven't made a mistake in signing another club legend in Leppa.My way of thinking of signing former glory players into the club coaches can come back to bite if it doesn't work out right(eg...Vossy).I thought they might have brought in someone from outside of the club who if it doesn't work out can walk away and won't have the same repercussions that has happened with the Voss sacking.I hope everything works out for Leppa,but lo behold if it doesn't.



Roar Guru

No idea. But I'm absolutely certain Roos isn't the only factor.




So do you believe if we got Roos all this would be going on?



Roar Guru

I really don't know how you could come to that conclusion, Cody. I think the article lays out the issues pretty clearly and you're simplifying it based on your pre-conceived ideas.




This article still doesn't answer my question. It all sounds to me that people can't get over not getting Roos and having to settle for Leppa! Roos in the end just wanted to go home to Victoria and Matthews and his gang wouldn't have change this. Let's just hope the AFL sees the light and gives us our money back , I think we have payed our due for winning three in a row which would make us the same as the other non footy state teams, stop sooking over spilt milk and get behind Leppa and the players who want to play for us and start winning games. Watch members and crowds come back then! Go lions.



Roar Guru

Anyone with an interest in the Brisbane Lions should read Andrew Stafford's excellent article: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/trouble-in-the-lions-den-20131012-2vfau.html



Sean Lee


Fair call TomC.


The Tarje


I'm share the same view as some others on here in regards to Polec, Karnezis and at times Longer looking uninterested. Polec especially hasn't looked comfortable from day dot. Being injured a lot would not of helped either. Petty much everything that could of gone wrong in the last 5 years has gone wrong. From the board, to injuries,handling of vossy and the floods in south east QLD. Lets just all prey the only way is up now. I have a lingering feeling though this season could be a bad one. I hope i'm proven wrong! P.S if the talk of Staker wanting out is true. He would be a brave man walking back into the gabba with another team next year after all the help the club has provided over the last 3 years!




I'm just a member and don't know what go' s on behind closed doors at the club and I can't see what the board has done so wrong? If we got Roos would all this be going on!



Roar Guru

What makes you say that Cody?




It sounds like a lot of fans didn't like how the voss thing was handled but the main two blokes behind it are running the ticket to over throw the board! Do we want a new board or just Matthews back at the club at some level?



Roar Guru

Good post, Judy.



Roar Guru

Agreed. It's a really emotional time for us Brisbane fans, and sometimes it's hard to look at these things rationally, but hopefully most of us can at least talk about it constructively.



Roar Guru

Actually yes. The club absolutely needs players who don't want to be there. Simon Black apparently cried when he was drafted to the Lions. Chris Johnson repeatedly asked to be traded and was repeatedly fobbed off. Luke Power was regularly linked with moves back to Victoria. Generally, if you can get players through their first few years, the go home factor has less pull.



Roar Rookie

it appears the QLD academy will resolve the 'go home ' issues , but not in the short term. The Lions have locked away Jono Freedman, a 198 cm forward from the Sunshine Coast, and will probably draft 2 other QLDers, there is actually a wealth of QLD talent coming through, but even with that they will still need to draft southerners and westerners.



Sean Lee


Thanks for the well thought out and reasoned responses everyone. This is exactly what The Roar should be about, everyone having their opportunity to put forward and discuss their opinions. Cheers!



Sean Lee


Hi Judy, Surely the board sacking Voss was 'doing something'? Seriously though, you are right. Bad management can kill a football club. But how long can you let someone like Voss coach if the results aren't coming? Things need to settle now and everyone needs to get behind Leppitsch for the Lions to move forward. Keep following them Judy no matter what!



Sean Lee


Hi TomC. True, the players wanting to leave may not all be Voss sympathisers. There are probably a number of reasons why they want out as I stated in the first line of the article. With regards to Brisbane being better off without the players who want out, that is totally from a commitment point of view. Does the club really need players who don't want to be there? Sure, they may be professional down to their bootlaces but subconsciously it would be chipping away at their attitudes. Then what happens when the next trade period comes around? It all starts again, and if they have become integral to Brisbane's game plan then their departure will hurt even more. Let them go now and start building with players that want to hang around. Easier said than done, I know.



Sean Lee


Hi Lionheart. You raise some good points but I don't agree with all of them. Whether Voss was sacked or not re-signed amounts to the same thing - him not being there for 2014. Roos may have been cagey but the whispers were that he was never going to head north. Are the Lions really at an exciting level? I know they showed improvement but they still finished 12th. And with the players tipped to leave will that improvement continue into next year? Yes Voss may be professional but he is also a competitor of the highest order. Would he really be able to completely step aside and allow Leppitsch room to move if he didn't agree with the way he was doing things? Agree with you on getting Matthews involved. Thanks for your contribution.


My Voice


Well said. I couldn't agree more. I am so sick of the negativity. Let's get behind Leppa and hopefully a complete sweep of the board. Moving to Springfield sure won't help young ones wanting to stay.

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