Good ol' Sydney FC bounce back

By Zee / Roar Guru

Being a Sydney FC supporter, this A-League season has been one of the toughest so far.

But last night, in a rare moment for a Sky Blue, we turned the books around after a hard fought victory against Kevin Muscat’s lads.

The game changed for the better when Marc Warren was sent off, surprisingly improving things for Sydney FC.

Even though they went through a period of their usual self destruction, they didn’t lay done and enjoy the scenery, they fought, and they deserved all three points that were handed down to them.

You know when Sydney FC have won a match, because the bitters are out in force, with continuous references to the referees performance or something about Alessandro Del Piero not staying on his feet.

However, the fact of the matter is, we beat the supposed “best club in the country”.

Derby wins are much, much more sweeter when you are going through a barren run.

This barren run has thrown the future of Frank Farina into the air, but if this club is ever going to go forward than stability is what we need.

I see the problem up with board rather than Franky, he can only go on what he is, and this Sydney team isn’t a bad one.

This morning we woke up to the news that we signed a new striker in Ranko Despotovic, I haven’t seen much of this boy, but another striker will hopefully ease the reliance on ADP.

And if we learnt anything, we play and perform better without Marc Warren, so if Farina never plays this lad again, I will get right behind his managerial cause.

We don’t expect miracles from Sydney this season, even though I predicted a top four finish, but as long as they keep fighting and not give in as easily as they usually do then this club can begin building positive bridges.

The Crowd Says:




yeah, 1-2 points too generous with most of those ratings, but well played SFC. Gutsy win




I agree with Fuss here. Not sure why anyone would say that Victory need a front man. I'd say their problems lie at the back, if there are any problems




Superb. Apart from giving away a stupid penalty which in effect lost his team the game, and elbowed someone off the ball, leading to a red card and subsequent suspension for 2 games (in his first game for the club). Hmm


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

So much alleged passion for SydFC, yet so much anger towards Farina & individual players this time last week. And, where were all those SydFc fans on Saturday night? MVFC v NIX attracted 5k more fans than bothered to turn up for SydFC v MVFC.


keyless sky blues fan


Sydney till I die! Sydney Cove We are here For Sydneys' one true football team And where you go We follow you Sydney FC, our boys in Blue!


Australian Rules


Realfootball, I wouldn't take Fuss' online treatment personally. He's probably spent most of today rubbishing other soccer fans on 442...arguing with everybody that the TV ratings are double what they actually are, providing tables to match his pre-determined conclusions. Who kows? It's a bit sad and a lot insecure, but don't worry, it's not you.


Justin Thighm

Roar Guru

Great win by the Sky Blues, the great Sydney FC. We've turned the corner and heading full steam ahead to golden toilet seat number three. Good players coming back from injury and Despotovic, Serbian international striker set to play in a couple of weeks when he joins us from Urawa Red Diamonds. Heart have got no chance on Friday, SFC will thrash them and cement Johnny's jesters in bottom spot on the ladder, while ADP's army marches into the top 4. Sydney FC till I die.


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

@AWOL Not sure if you were watching HAL last season? Last year MVFC scored 48 goals - the equal highest with CCM. A bloke called Marco Rojas scored 16 of those & he played the same role last season as Troisi this season. MVFC's system is designed to create multiple goal opportunities - mainly for the front 2, who rotate across: Troisi, Kosta, Archie ... plus Pain, Nabbout. I'm intrigued, give me an example of a striker that another HAL club has in its squad that MVFC should enviously covet?




Because five of them are from a winger cum attacking mid who's having a rich vein of form. When he inevitably loses that form, who scores the goals?



Roar Guru

Maybe next week Sydney will score a real goal.


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

@RF You're quick to jump in & chastise me for "playing the man", yet your above response doesn't attempt to point out the errors in my reasoning...rather it's just a personal attack. But, I'm a grown man & don't feel affronted by your abrasiveness. So, can you please outline the technical deficiencies you've observed in Pablo's football over 270' that you've watched him? I've outlined why I think he's superb.


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

Ok, I apologise for my abrasive answer - as The Wolf said in Pulp Fiction: "I think fast, I talk fast" & I realise I came across as a tad curt. So, now, "pretty please... with sugar on top" can you please explain your reasoning that leads to your expert football analysis that a team that has scored 8 goals in 4 games & has a player who is the top scorer in the competition ... "badly need a genuine front man in their 11″?




Fussball, not to belabour the point - I respect your enthusiasm, but if I want a dispassionate, balanced view of anything to do with football, you are the last poster I look to. I wonder again if you can possibly be as abrasive and unpleasant in real life as your on the net. You never discuss. You just bang away showing respect for only those you designate as "experts", and to those you tug the forelock in a manner that is an afront to dignity.




"A class above any defender I've seen in 8 year in the HAL". If I didn't already know you have absolutely no sense of humour I would assume you are being sarcastic. You are a very odd person. Deeply myopic; a student of the game who at the same time actually appears to understand it very little.


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

"MV badly need a genuine front man in their 11" Huh?? MVFC currently has the HAL's highest scorere - James Troisis with 5 goals in 5 games! Sometimes I wonder if people actually watch the game, or just read post-match reports?


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

"Maybe time will tell." Why do people use that inane phrase? Is there ever a scenario where the passing of time will not help us get a clearer picture of the future? Having watched every minute of Contreras's time in the HAL, I think he is simply superb - a class above any defender I've seen in 8 years of HAL - his vision, his touch, his tackling (99% of the time!), his reading the play, his forays to assist the attack. Yes, his challenge was clumsy; but I've seen the best defenders in the world playing for Bayern, Chelsea, Barca, RM, etc. etc. make clumsy challenges that gave away a penalty. Ridiculous to assess a player based on 1 mistake.


Keyless sky blues fan


Sydney is sky blue. Our first piece of silverware in a while too :p




Roar Guru

Cliche's are undderated. It isnt a love letter about the big blue.. Its a bloody relief piece




Roar Guru

Haha Only thing that can help Sydney is divine intervention




The challenge by Contreras to gift the pen was something I would have expected from Tupor-Stanley or Jedinak. This bloke is supposed to be a whole lot better than that. Maybe time will tell.

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