James and company must be seen and not Hird

By Dan Lonergan / Expert

It’s a case of deja vu this weekend for the Essendon Football Club. They are getting ready for another game of footy, this time at the start of a new season and yet the supplements and poor governance issue is still hanging around.

The club have been determined since James Hird received his suspension and his controversial 12-month payment as part of that penalty to move on until he returns as coach and try and have a good season on the field.

However, team Hird, James and wife Tania refuse to let the matter die and ensure it remains in the public sphere.

Last night, Tania appeared on 7:30 on ABC TV and continued to accuse outgoing AFL CEO Andrew Demetriou of tipping off Essendon about ASADA conducting an investigation into allegations the club was using banned substances and supplements on their players in 2011 and 2012.

Why can’t they move on? James Hird will be paid for his suspension, which at the time raised many eyebrows. But it seems to be all about trying to keep what’s left of his once squeaky clean image intact.

As we all know, Hird was portrayed as Essendon’s favourite son, the golden child and the saviour when appointed coach for the 2011 season. As has been discussed many times, that seemed to weigh on his mind. He felt compelled to succeed as a senior coach just as he did when he was a player. He felt he needed to adopt a ‘whatever it takes’ attitude.

Last night’s interview by Tania Hird means the Bombers are in damage control again as they prepare for a big game to begin 2014 under interim coach Mark Thompson. I wonder how he felt when he heard Tania had aired more on this controversial story which continues to plague and damage the Dons.

Andrew Demetriou is on his farewell tour of the AFL until the end of the season, so other than trying to clear their name and feel better about themselves, what did Tania Hird have to gain by consenting to this chat with 7.30?

She might have thought that it might force the AFL’s hand and make Demetriou resign immediately. In media interviews today, especially one on ABC Radio, he has steadfastly denied he tipped off then Essendon president, David Evans, about this investigation.

I know it’s easier said than done, but the Hirds have to find a way to move on from this. The Essendon players, more than any group involved in this, have suffered enough. They deserve a fresh start to try and win some football matches without having these distractions.

At the end of the day, you can only perform with backs against the wall for so long. Essendon and James Hird know that from last year.

If Hirdy loves the club like he says he does, let Bomber and the boys get on with trying to win games of footy.

The Crowd Says:


The High Shot

Roar Pro





For a start, Hird had top shelf lawyers looking after him, defending his indefensible actions, and the Essendon Football Club were backing him up as well as paying his bills. Second, the AFL IS the 18 clubs and they too have a right to defend the competition against rogues elements who would destroy it. Thirdly Hird could have had his day in court but CHOSE not to. Finally, what the hell did you expect Demetriou to do when dealing with allegations of drug cheating and reckless disregard for player safety? Be gentle with little Jimmy? If what has happened to Hird is all that happens he will have gotten off ridiculously lightly, and that would be the true injustice. I sure hope ASADA hits him and his club with everything in the book.


Christo the Daddyo


Why feel sorry for the players? Assuming the Board has any spine at all, the club will cut all ties with Hird and they can get on with the rest of the season unencumbered by this debacle. Going off the first game, they'll do just fine this season.




My understanding of WHS rules are as follows. Primary responsibility lies at the feet of the employing authority. Therefore when the AFL allegedly warned Hird and essendon they assumed a major degree of responsibility. Questions that the A F L need to answer include 1. Was the directive to essendon in writing - whose name is on the alleged warning as it is their responsibility to follow through. Did they? 2. The directive should gave been addressed to the essendon football manager - the essendon board has responsibility to ensure that the warning is acted upon. What steps did the Board take? 3. Did the essendon board then establish a protocol to monitor the issue? Why not? Hird has been shafted because he is basically a middle manager in this area. The ultimate responsibility fir WHS in the industry lies with the AFL and then the Essendon board. This is common nature in all industries. Hird has no responsibility as his immediate employers did not direct him to take such actions . This us a simple matter of industrial law - not quite sure why it has not been investigated. Oops sorry the AFL conduct the inquiry - very hard to find yourself guilty




I thank Tanya Hird for helping Essendon supporters to finally see clearly.




So why are they still igniting the fire? Either they are so bitter about the way hird has been treated, or they absolutely do not believe he has done anything wrong, or they are looking for a payout and he is not going to return to coaching. Very very sad that he cannot accept that whatever happened did happen on his watch as head of football at efc. No one is bigger than the institution so I think he has made the decision for the board. Feel very sorry for the players.


Tony Tea


What's French for faux pas?



Roar Guru

Good article Dan, containing good advice for the Hirds. I hope they hear it. More - I hope they take it.


Col in paradise


Lost all respect for Hird..he has to go...Head coach and says he knows nothing..yje Sgt Shultz defence....your in charge of the programme you should know and be responsible...if you didnt know your negligent and should go as well....same with Directors and poiitcians..show some repsonsibility.....or you shouldnt have the role..if he loves the club he should give the money back = they have suffered enough for his porgramme and or stupidity....and yes at least now they have a great caoch not some wannabe ex player...yep a good one in his day but doesnt mean he will be a good coach.....to busy looking in the mirror and thinking he is hot...




That's one hell of a mixed metaphor, TT! Think what a mess whitewash under the carpet would make. It'd make the whole Essendon saga and Hird squeaky clean by contrast. But, given that the metaphor is so mixed, I don't think anyone will emerge squeaky clean. Maybe if Mrs H keeps her mouth shut? Wonder why she chose this moment to 'up the ante'? Heaven help us if there's one week in the footy season that is Hird-less. Maybe the next comment will be in French.



Roar Guru

In a 25-minute question and answer segment, Dank also asserted: ■ He and Essendon had complete records of what every player had been administered in the 2012-13 supplements program. ^Makes one wonder why Essendon didn't provide said documentation and have steadfastly stuck to their 'we don't know' stand. Someone is clearly a liar. Is it Dank? Is it Hird? Is it Essendon? Is it the AFL? I reckon one can answer yes to all those. Keep in mind just because one or two lies it doesn't mean thats a get out of jail free card like Hird's paid for spin doctors have been attempting to smoke screen the public with for weeks.




Jonjax serious questions have been raised. What drugs were taken who took the drugs which players took which drugs, which essendon officials knew which players where taking which drugs. The answer to all those questions is "don't know" that is why essendon is in this mess. Hird should be thankful he has a job not be out in the media shifting blame and creating smoke screens.




I didn't watch all of the game, but I did not notice one 'Standby Hird' banner .




Ridiculous thing is, if he gets sacked today or this week, it won't be because of the drugs - he was rewarded handsomely for that - but because his wife spoke to the media. IMO, one of these things is a sackable offence and one of these things isn't.




TT - a tip off was doing them a FAVOUR wasn't' it??? I don't understand the constant blustering from the Hird camp on that point. IF Demetriou suggested they were the club that was under investigation and rang to give prior warning then the appropriate response is surely "Thanks for the heads up say can we borrow your shredder". HIrd took the "offer too good to refuse" complete with $$$ galore and gardening leave in France, and can write a juicy tell all book one day with the copious notes compiled by his wife. When he's finished at the club. I personally think Demetriou's copped a massive shafting thanks to the monster Essendon created.






Jack Smith

Roar Guru

That was always my thinking. My father an Essendon supporter, doesn't want him back. I wonder if he shares the same view as others?




Agree. If Essendon don't get rid of him the issue will linger for years. He was in charge when his players were drugged and he appears to have been involved with it. How he is still around is beyond any rational thought.


George the diver


As a Rugby/League supporter I see these articles and rue the trial by media mentality.The Blackest day in Australian sport hasn't really produced anything of substance,it only blackend individual characters.The systemic doping has proven only that there are grey areas within drug approval process.Hirdy and Ben Cousins have been fed to the media lions to appease the AFLs conscience.




What is the problem with a 'whatever it takes' attitude? I don't get the inference that the phrase means taking illegal supplements to enhance one's performance. Perhaps I am naive, but I would think it means things like: whatever extra training is required, no sex the night before a big match, no junk food and/or no alcohol.

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